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Ten tall light doors lined up on the Martial Arts Stage.

Above the first light gate, there is a huge golden number, from one to ten.

“Everyone, according to the number of the qualification order held, No. 1 to 10000 enter No. 1 light gate, 10000 zero No. 1 to 2 10000 enter the second light gate, and so on!”

“Anyone who does not press the number and enters the wrong door will be disqualified!”

The lean old man, who was in charge, suddenly appeared again, floating high above the sky, announcing loudly.

“Each light gate, corresponding to the small World, out of 10000 people, only the last 100 people can live to enter the next round! The time limit is 3 days. If the time is exceeded, all the people will play one-on-one battle and decide The last 100 places! “

“Now, everyone looks at their order number and begins to enter!”

Lean old man, with a big wave of his hand, all ten light doors burst open with a bang, all light door channels are fully opened!

“Haha, very good, finally started!”

“Hope my group, there is no seed-level genius!”

“This round, of the 9 Supreme Sect, will definitely not come to see it, it must be propped up to 2nd round ah!”

“Top 100! Hmph! My goal is top 10!”


As a large number of Zong Tian talented young people turned into ten crowds of people and walked towards the light gates to which they belonged, all kinds of arguments also sounded.

Some people are full of anticipation, some people are extremely confident …

Chu Yan walked in the crowd, holding his own decree, glanced at the number 900 88, moved towards the first light gate and walked.

Step into the light door and the scene changes!

When Chu Yan’s feet landed and looked up, the noisy Martial Arts Stage completely disappeared!

In front of me, there is a continuous mountain range, and myself, on the top of a tall mountain peak, as far as I can see, boundless world, taking in the entire scene!

“Random transmission !?”

Chu Yan’s face started, looking at the vast earth with his eyes, he could not help but chuckled

“Oh, didn’t expect, this time so good luck, and sent to such a wide-sighted location!”

At the next moment, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness spread out, moved towards 4 sides 8 and went away.

Based on Chu Yan’s current Divine Consciousness strength, if it is only to confirm the human trace, you can explore the range of nearly 1000 miles!

Divine Consciousness sweeps, and soon, Chu Yan discovered that there are 3 silhouettes in the northeast direction, about 900 miles away from himself!

“More than 10000 people, within 1000 miles, there are only 4 people! This small World, the area is not small ah!”

Chu Yan was just about to leave and headed northeast. Suddenly, the command in his hand gave a slight shock and a Divine Consciousness sound transmission sounded.

“Everyone pays attention!”

“This little World has already laid out Heaven and Earth Great Array, everyone’s body in this little World is all Avatar! So, any slaughter, will not hurt your true body!”

“And the goal of the 1st round genius battle you participated in was the slaughter!”

“The longer you live, the more you kill! Then your ranked will be higher!”

“Also, there are no rules, no matter whether it is a single fight or an extra one, it is allowed. There are no restrictions! The maximum amount of simulated combat!”

“Start now!”

Divine Consciousness sound transmission is over, Chu Yan’s face is stunned, and his body is dull!

Not only Chu Yan, among the ten light gates, nearly 100,000 genius, all stunned!

No rules! ? Play casually! ?

If that meets the Sect, there are many people in a small world, and they gather together again, that is not equal to the existence of invincible! ?

Everyone, immediately, all thought of the same problem!

Hurry up and find Zong Tian!

Only immediately, find the same sect disciple and gather together, so the chance of survival is naturally greater!

next moment, countless 1000 miles of news, in ten small worlds, almost full of sky!

Everyone is starting to find same sect, or friends!

At the same time, Chu Yan has already risen into the sky, like a long rainbow, and moved towards the northeast and flew away.

Find same sect! ?

This is not Chu Yan’s style!

Chu Yan is still used to walking alone, one man one sword, Heaven and Earth wandering, isn’t it happy!

The distance of 9 100 li, for Chu Yan, is just a few breaths!

By the time Chu Yan dived down from the air and landed steadily, several attacks had blasted from all four directions!


“kill him!”

“He’s only one!”


4 5 loud screams sounded, 4 5 people waved Spirit Armament, Qi Chu shot Chu Yan!

“Quite fast !?”

Seeing all around, 5 attacks blasted, Chu Yan reached out and pressed his back, grinning!


At the next breath, the sword whisper roared to the sky, and the shiny sword light, like mercury leaked to the ground, slashed, and 5 attacks exploded at the same time.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Whether it is blade light, spear glow, or palm seal, fist strength, under Chu Yan this sword, all shattered!

“You … go die for me!”

A young man wearing a green robe saw Chu Yan’s sword, slashing all five people’s attacks, and suddenly his face was crazy, like a beast, waving a golden long blade, moved towards Chu Yan’s back, he had to split Down.

As Sect’s genius Martial Artist, the sudden appearance of the black robe boy gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

Therefore, among the 5 people present, even if they were divided into 2 Sects, they were instantly in agreement. First, kill this single black robe Martial Artist.

The knife in the hands of the green robe is obviously the speed of cultivation!

The sword comes out like electricity, which implies the thunder of 10,000 li!

One shot, fast as lightning, as fast as a lightning, naked eye is almost indistinguishable, but it has reached within ten steps behind Chu Yan!

“Hmph! Courting death!”

Chu Yan coldly snorted, backhanded with a sword!


The sword light disappeared, as if fuse together with the void, when the sword came out, it was invisible!

“What ?! What … Sword Dao !?”

Green robe young man, when he saw this sword stabbing, his eyes almost burst out of shock, and he just wanted to close the knife to dodge, but the oncoming sword light, just a flash, had already crossed across his neck.


There was a sound of blood splattering, and a head with horrified eyes flew up!


At the end of the day, the green robe young people, the large group of lights illuminate, the headless corpse and the flying head, and at the same time emit a faint light, suddenly flashed, and disappeared on the spot!

Immediately afterwards, on the Martial Arts Stage at the departure place, near the ten light gates, a silhouette of a green robe youth appeared!

Face full of astonished expression, dumbstruck, the pupil shrinks to the tip of the needle, the whole body trembles, and the mouth is constantly muttering

“Quick … fast! Very fast sword!”

Appeared in the small World battlefield, less than ten breaths in total, was killed by Chu Yan!

Green robe young man, the whole Sea of ​​Consciousness is in chaos, completely ignorant!

On the other side, the small World battlefield …

After Chu Yan’s sword kills the green robe youth, there is no stagnation. Clear Sky Sword’s soldiers turn around and draw to another red robe youth!

“There are 4 more!”

His eyes were like ice, and Chu Yan’s figure flashed out.

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