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Slaughter, release instantly!

It’s not just Chu Yan here, ten small worlds, every corner, all kinds of battles and slaughters, staged at the same time!

At every breath, there are a large number of blasts, exploding the genius lost by each and everyone, out of the small World battlefield, and returning to the huge Martial Arts Stage.

At this time on the Martial Arts Stage, a tall crystal pillar stands before each light door!

On the top of the crystal pillar is the corresponding genius name and ranked in every small world!

“Look! In No. 6 Little World, that guy is really strong!”

“It seems to be Pang Wufeng! Why is his sword so big !? It looks like a door!”

“No. 9! No. 9 Little World, Su Qing of Flying Immortal Sect, rushed to the 98th name! Ranked in the top 100!”

“Yi! No. 1 Little World, the one named Chu Yan, ranked up so fast!”


All the eliminated genius, as well as the Elder Deacon of each Sect, all gathered in front of these ten crystal pillars, staring at each ranked change.

“Chu Yan! No. 700 5 15!”

At the beginning, Hu Elder, the Devil Capital, still flashed in front of the ten crystal pillars, looking at the rank of each name Tianmo ’s discipline.

However, in less than 5 minutes of time, as a large number of disciplines were eliminated, he had completely stopped in front of No. 1 crystal pillar.

Looking at Chu Yan’s name, from the beginning of the 8th more than 1000, every few breaths, it will quickly jump and roll up.

Hu Elder’s original dark face became more and more ruddy!

“That newcomer to Sword Peak! It turned out … so strong !?”

With a startled look on his face, Hu Elder couldn’t believe his eyes.

You know, even Chu Yan ’s current rank of 755, although only within 1000, has never appeared on the stage of the fairy demon flying in the heavens and demons.

In the last ten genius battles, the best result of the Demon City is 100th 7 15!

Of course, without exception, no one advances to the 2nd round!

Therefore, the Sect level of Tianmodu has always been 4 Star!

But now, Hu Elder’s original Green Ancient constant heart suddenly became hot!

“En !? Ouyang absolutely !?”

Suddenly, Hu Elder’s eyes flickered, and he saw a person’s name, which quickly surpassed Chu Yan and quickly turned up!

At the same time, the No. 1 Little World battlefield on the other side …

A young man with an extremely tall and burly silver robe holding a bright silver iron bar, holding a stick horizontally, pointing the three genius in front of him, with a square face and a vertical eyebrow, aura, and a sharp edge, like a humanoid Spirit Armament!

“My name is Ouyang absolutely! Remember!”

The voice without a tone of voice sounded, and the silver iron in his hand suddenly rounded and pulled out!

Boom … Rumble!

Under the power of terror, the stick swept across the sky, rubbing the air, and made a thunderous sound, as if this stick, even the void was completely broken!

A stick broke through, the stick passed, and the three geniuses in front of him had no resistance at all.

Weng! weng! weng!

3 regiments of light illuminate, the three genius swept by the club, and at the same time illuminate the teleportation light, disappearing in front of the eyes instantly.

A stick of instant kill 3 people!

If the other party is just ordinary Martial Artist, maybe this is nothing!

However, these three people are all the same cultivation base as this Ouyang, and they are also the genius disciple of each Sect!

But in front of him, he didn’t even have the power to fight back, so he was killed by one stroke!

Such battle strength is so horrible!

On the other side, a battle just over 10,000 li away from here!

The 8 genius who stood just in place just now lost 7 people. Only one person stood in the same place, his eyes full of fiery!

This person is Chu Yan!

“Good! 7 people, a little challenge!”

Just after the first battle, the 7 genius, headed by one person, holding a gold spear, is a genius of the complihended Yin-Yang way.

The spear front refers to the dual power of Yin-Yang, superimposed on each other and doubled in strength!

Play 3 moves with Chu Yan and be invincible!

After Chu Yan used Kaitian Sword Art, he killed it!

Meeting a person who would be worth using “Kaitian Sword Art” made Chu Yan gradually excited.

“En !?”

Just as Chu Yan was about to leave, all of a sudden, three silhouettes flew over the sky in the distance, falling straight in front of him.

“Yi! ?? Senior Brother He !?”

A purple robe young man who just landed on the ground, holding a spirit axe, with a look of surprise on his face, glanced over all around and seemed to be looking for who!

“Are you talking about a person who uses gold spear !? The chest is embroidered with the words” 4 elephants “!?”

Chu Yan replied with a chuckle.

The three people in front of them, wearing the robe, and the gold spear genius who had just been killed, were obviously a Sect.

“You … you killed Senior Brother He !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s answer, the three people’s faces changed at the same time, staring into Chu Yan’s eyes, full of consternation.

“Good! Are you guys … sent to your door !?”

Hearing this, Chu Yan grinned, Clear Sky Sword trembles gently in his hand, and raised his hand to swing it!


Containing the light and shadow of the endless Sword Intent, like a wipe the electric shock, flashed.

This sword looks bland, it seems that simply did not go all out, but above the sword shadow, the vast Sword Intent was directly suppressed by the three people in front of it, so that the other party could not even resist the power of resistance. To.

When the rays of light flash, 3 people disappear!

“This … this is too strong !?”

On a mountain peak in the distance, a few silhouettes are watching the battle from afar, and in the eyes of several people, all are terrified!

Originally, they were preparing for the black attack genius of sneak attack!

However, at a glance, all their hairs stood upright!

Fortunately, no first shot!

Otherwise, just a few of them were sent away by the light of teleportation!

Chu Yan in the distance, but a big wave, Clear Sky Sword crossed the void, clang, attributed to the scabbard!

Chu Yan moved towards the mountain peak in the distance glanced, grinned, and flew out!

“Mother! He … he came here!”


“Quick! Run quickly …”


Almost at the same time, I saw the black robed youth, moved towards here, 7 or 8 genius on the mountain peak, and his face was green, so he turned around and urged the movement art, 4 to escape!

They know very well that no one of them, or even 7 people teamed up, is probably not the opponent of this black robe genius!


Chu Yan body flashed, landed firmly on the mountain peak, looked up towards the horizon, a few silhouettes that escaped faster than the rabbit, and smiled and smiled the head.

These guys, run too fast!

These people are very smart and have escaped into 7 different directions!

Chu Yan was too lazy to pursue one by one, so he gave up the idea of ​​killing them!

A glance, looked towards the distant earth, looking for the next target!

For Chu Yan now, after his comprehended Jian Gang, there are really not many Martial Artists of the same rank who can let him go all out!

In this small World, unless there are more than 3 people, he has no desire to even have a sword!

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