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Holding Jiao Whip, Leng Yue’s body, after walking through 100 steps, the speed has been increased to the extreme!

Purple’s long skirt looks like electricity. From a distance, it really looks like a wiping purple moon, across the air, stunning.


The Jiao whip swayed them, the person was not there yet, but the long whip in his hand was like a black electricity, fiercely pumped towards Chu Yan.

Purple flying skirt, black like a whip of electricity, all attacked Chu Yan standing upright, killing intent like tide, shot very ruthless!

Weng weng weng!

Jiao whip pulled through the void, like a shank fast knife cut through, the entire void was completely pumped out, splitting a long void crack, making a buzzing sound.

“Good! Has several points of momentum!”

Seeing Jiao whip pulled down, Chu Yan slightly nodded, his eyes bright.

Martial Artists who use long whips are not many, but as everyone knows, long whips sword …

This cold month, it seems that I want to take advantage of my Spirit Armament, so I specifically found myself using long sword.

However, it must be said that the strength of this cold moon is by no means comparable to those ordinary genius that Chu Yan met before.

As the saying goes, as soon as the expert makes a shot, he will know whether there is!

The whip in front of me uses dark energy. If Chu Yan resists with Spirit Armament, she will be entangled in the sword body by her and fall into a troublesome situation.

“10000 Dragon Power!”

Suddenly, Chu Yan’s eyes were bright, the golden light appeared all over his body, and his hand was punched out….


The loud dragon sound, shocked Heaven and Earth, a golden dragon shadow, roaring sky, screaming out …

Azure Dragon Martial Soul, Life Source Martial Soul technology!

For Azure Dragon Martial Soul, devouring the soul of the dragon dice, after advancing to Full Star, Chu Yan is very satisfied with the Life Source Martial Soul technology provided to Chu Yan.

Although at present, only the 1st Layer has been cultivated, but the might is stronger than any set of Fist Art that Chu Yan has seen!

bang bang Bang!

The Golden Dragon’s 5 claws waved, and a long whip like moved towards black Flood Dragon was pulled out. The two collided wildly, bursting out a series of gas explosions.

shua! shua!

The sky was full of shock, such as thick waves, Chu Yan and Lengyue were both complexion changed at the same time, and they all receded!

When the golden and black waves disperse, both of them have quit more than 2 steps, facing each other far away, and their faces are all surprised.

What surprised Leng Yue in his heart was that this black robe was not only a Sword Dao expert, but Fist Art was so powerful!

Chu Yan was surprised that the female whip whip is obviously not ordinary, otherwise impossible can resist, his own this fist!

“Is it Divine Weapon !?”

Chu Yan runs Qilin’s pupil, brows slightly wrinkle, and looks up towards the black whip in Lengyue’s hands …

However, the pupil of Qilin can’t see through the 100 Spirit Marks on the black whip, and naturally cannot know the other party’s Spirit Armament rank.

“It should be Divine Weapon above Rank 3!”

Chu Yan’s eyes flashed slightly, secretly said in one’s heart, didn’t expect, in this Azure Dragon World domain, the first time he met other genius, he met the same order Martial Artist holding Divine Weapon.

“No wonder! The heavenly materials earthly treasures and cultivation resources in the Azure Dragon World domain far surpass Vast Heaven Continent. It would be strange if no Divine Weapon was born!”

After a little deep pondering, Chu Yan suddenly realized that for a time, his heart became more interested in this cold month!

“Black robe sword demon, you are strong!”

Lengyue stood more than 1000 steps away, beautiful eyes flickered frequently, gently opened the mouth and said.

“In these 2 days, you are one of the strongest I met! However, I will not keep my hands next!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile

“Keep your hands !? Ha ha, the girl doesn’t have to be polite! Despite the shot …”

Just that punch, Chu Yan used less than 30% of his strength, and it was only the power of pure Fleshy body. The thirty two inner cores in Qi Sea were stagnant and no trace was used.

The cold moon in front of me is also the first genius that Chu Yan has encountered. So Chu Yan wants to take a good look at the genius in the Azure Dragon World domain.

Therefore, if it is said to keep hands, Chu Yan is not even using 10% of his strength.

After all, the other party is a woman, and she doesn’t have any hatred for her. Competing in competition, Chu Yan certainly won’t go up and die!

“Come on!”

“Get it!”

next moment, Chu Yan and Lengyue, almost opened the mouth and said.

shua! shua!

One black and one purple, two silhouettes rushed towards each other, black whip shadow and golden palm glow burst into burst …

The frontal collision of this time, the cold moon holding the Jiao Whip, and indeed, between shots, might increased a few points.

After each whip was drawn, it turned into a dozen black jiaoying shadows, flipped between disk selections, and constantly changed the direction of attack, attacking from various unexpected angles of Chu Yan.

Chu Yan stepped quickly, one punch after another, at a moderate pace, each punch was a golden dragon shadow, coiled around the body, all the black jiaoying around, all shattered and broken …

For a time, 2 people were stalemate!

It turned out that the woods with a radius of 10 li, the battle started less than ten breaths time, all raze to the ground!

The blasting sound of the explosion, rumble rumors of 100 li, 4 sides all directions Those other Peak genius who are looking for opponents, are absorbed by this battle, and continue to fly to watch the battle!

However, these people are too far away, and dare not get close …

“Yi!? It is Moon Goddess and black robe sword demon!”

“Haha, they actually hit 2! Very good …”

“These two people are powerhouses within 100 people. I don’t know who is better!”

“Within 100 people, enough to pass the 1st round sea election, what a fight ah !?”

“Genius and genius, interesting!”


4 The genius in all directions, the more you gather, the longer it takes, there are dozens of people!

In the voices of various discussions, dozens of eyes, looked towards the battle in the distance, each thinking about it!

And at this time, outside the small World battlefield …

On the huge Martial Arts Stage, some people have received news that the rumors that the Goddess and the black robe are fighting are scattered.

For a time, many people moved towards No. 1 crystal pillar, gathered together …

“Look !! Ranked 74 month Goddess and ranked 68 black robe sword demon, hit!”

“These two people should be definitely 2nd round …”

“Look at their record, they are really strong ah! Absolutely Peak genius!”

“Unfortunately, I can’t see the battle, I can only wait for their ranked to change!”


On the Martial Arts Stage, in front of each crystal gate crystal pillar, as long as there are 100 strong genius fighting, it will attract a lot of people’s attention.

And Elder Hu, the Devil, brought a group of Disciples that were eliminated, all gathered in front of No. 1 crystal pillar, all with a terrified look.

Before this, no one would have thought that Chu Yan… could reach the top 100!

You know, in all the same-level disciplines in the Demon City, participating in the Fairy Demon Flying Platform, the best result, but more then 100!

Now, Chu Yan has broken the record, becoming the first disciplinary of the top 1000 in nearly 100 years!

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