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Chapter 1476

No. 1 Little World Battlefield …

The battle between Chu Yan and Leng Yue is extremely fierce. The black shadow of Jiao and the shadow of golden dragon attack each other, and the situation is evenly matched.

“What !? It’s impossible!”

The cold moon that has been completely crazy, the purple skirt is flying, the aura of the whole body is like a tide, one whip is followed by one whip, and it is constantly drawn to Chu Yan who is surrounded by the Golden Dragon.

However, as if it is an Inextinguishable Golden Body, it is impossible to penetrate!

“My Tengjiao Whip, with Destruction Dao’s Spirit Mark formation, plus my Destruction Dao has realized that Small Accomplishment Realm, can’t even break his defense !?”

Leng Yue’s heart and face were all surprised.

Chu Yan fists like a fly, blasting out a path of 10000 vigorous dragon spirit, continually blasting the black jelly shadow into powder, his eyes fiery.

“This cold moon is more than 5 times stronger than the genius we encountered before!”

“Didn’t expect, her Destruction Dao, can actually be integrated with Divine Weapon, almost reaching the realm of the soldiers and soldiers!”

“If you don’t have Jiangang, if you want to defeat her, it’s a little troublesome!”

Chu Yan’s eyes flashed slightly, his heart pondered, and he was constantly watching Lengyue’s attack …

Heavenly Dao realized that it almost became a brick to step into the Martial Emperor Realm cultivation base!

This is something that every quasi-imperialist Martial Artist knows in his heart.

However, it is one thing to be clear, but it is another to do it.

Of the 100 quasi-imperial powerhouses, there are 99 of them. During the breakthrough Martial Emperor Realm, they were stuck on the bottleneck understood by Heavenly Dao.

The cold moon in front of her is obviously not in this category. Her Destruction Dao has reached Small Accomplishment Realm!

Therefore, in the future, this woman, breakthrough quasi-imperial order cultivation base, straight up to Martial Emperor Realm, is almost iron and nail, and it is a stable thing.

“Unfortunately, 10000 Dragon Power, only repaired 1st Layer, and Dao of Life, I have not yet realized!”

While fighting, Chu Yan kept summarizing his way of Martial Dao cultivation.


At this moment, in the far sky, a silver streamer flew out, and in an instant, it fell outside the battle circle of 2 people!

“En !?”


Chu Yan and Leng Yue froze at the same time, at the same time they closed their hands and flashed back. After standing firm, a wary looked towards the person who suddenly ran out.

“Good! Moon Goddess and black robe sword demon! You are not bad!”

Silver robe silhouette, with a thick voice, the whole body imposing manner was suddenly released, blending with the void of all around, and turning into pieces of aura, moving towards 2 people.

This person, wearing a silver leather armor, has eyes like a star, a tiger’s eyebrows lying on his back, his face cold and proud, looked towards Chu Yan and Leng Yue.

Stepping out step by step, the imposing manner of the whole body kept rising, the void around all around, trembling with his footsteps.

Finally, the silver armored young man came to a suitable position and formed a triangular orientation with Chu Yan and Leng Yue before stopping.

“My name is mysterious!”

In a word, the imposing manner on the silver armored young man suddenly fell, all restrained, and never saw the slightest trace, as if the person in front of him was an ordinary person who was not Martial Cultivation!

“Xuanxuan !?”

“God, Kongxuan is also here !?”

“Ranked the 9th Xuanxuan!”


Hearing the words of Yinjia Youth, the genius who watched the battle everywhere in the distance above the sky, above the mountain peak, in the clouds, all changed their faces!

Even Lengyue, who is next to Yinjia youth, is also a complexion sank, beautiful eyes tighten!

Except Chu Yan, looking at each other, his face is indifferent and casual!

On this two-day small World battlefield, with a large number of genius being eliminated, each and everyone powerhouse stood out as if it were Legendary, resounding through this small World battlefield.

Among them, each and everyone just heard the name that made Divine Soul tremble, and everyone remembered it!

Among them, including this “empty mystery”, ranked No. 1 Little World’s 9th place genius!

From entering the battlefield of this small World, this empty mysterious man walked around alone. Unlike other people, he only killed the powerhouse!

Anyone who has entered the top 100 will become his goal!

Moreover, what scares everyone most is that this empty mystery, each of the top 100 opponents encountered, has only one trick!

A knife!

Instant kill!

Never make a second pass!

You know, his opponents are among the top 100, not comparable to those ordinary genius!

In this case, Kong Xuan is still like chopping melons and vegetables, killing each other with just one knife …

Such strength, ranked top 10, and even the possibility of impacting the top 3!

“Xuanxuan !? Do you want to fight?”

Chu Yan pupil light swept away, looked towards the other party, felt the strength of the other party, the blood in his heart could not help boiling, directly opened the mouth and said.

“Black robe Demon Sword, are you crazy !?”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s words, Lengyue lovable body trembled, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Chu Yan, full of consternation …

Challenge to Genius ranked 9th, what is the difference between suicide and suicide! ?

Moreover, according to Lengyue’s news, this empty mystery in front of him is very likely to have the strength to impact the top 3!

“Black robe Sword Demon, Moon Goddess, you guys … together!”

Kong Xuan glanced at Chu Yan and Leng Yue, opened the mouth and said.

“En !? Come on together” Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle….

“Sorry, I don’t have this habit! To fight, one-on-one! Or, you two can fight against me!” Chu Yan sneered, opened the mouth and said.

“Oh! Ha ha ha, yes! You Interesting …”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Kong Xuan first started his face, and then laughed heartily, as if he had encountered something interesting!

The cold moon on the side is completely ignorant at this time!

She looked at Chu Yan and Kong Xuan again, only to feel that she met 2 lunatics today!

A strong terrifying lunatic, an arrogant madman …

However, she also saw that this empty mysteriously came to the door deliberately, a battle is inevitable!

“Luo Yuetian Jiao!”

Suddenly, Leng Yue’s beautiful eyes flashed, aura broke out all over her body, she suddenly shot, and the black whip moved towards the sky …


Seeing that Lengyue suddenly shot and wanted to seize the opportunity, Kong Xuan was indifferent, completely indifferent, a big hand turned over, a battle blade appeared, and a wave was a cut.

This blade is chopped out, and in the sky directly evolves a sea of ​​swords near thousand zhang, as if there are 10000 blade lights appearing in an instant, connecting them into a vast ocean, slashing towards the cold moon.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan suddenly looked awful …

This vault is really strong enough!

In this blade, there are three kinds of Heavenly Dao, including speed, destruction, and water travel!

This guy actually preprehended 3 types of Heavenly Dao, and all 3 types of Heavenly Dao are all Small Accomplishment Realm or above. The might is strong and can only be described as horror.

A knife acting in the sea, moved towards cold moon swept away!

Like a sky full of blade light, fiercely covers the other side, above heaven under earth, there is no trace of life at all!

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