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Chu Yan’s appearance did not attract anyone’s attention.

In the last round, the genius battle, Chu Yan only passed the basic spirit array assessment, so ranked bottom.

Moreover, everyone believes that the last few players should be Martial Soul unsuitable for combat.

Therefore, no one is optimistic about Chu Yan.

Step by step, Chu Yan smiled lightly, and glanced across the black jade platform, Martial Soul, the owner of the land, and gently took the head.

These unowned Martial Soul cannot be burned with Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire, which is a waste!

Therefore, if you use Vermilion Bird Martial Soul yourself, True Qi consumes too much, which is not cost-effective!

“Which Martial Soul should I use !?”

Chu Yan hesitated a little and kept meditating after standing in shape.

Vermilion Bird Martial Soul, although the speed of killing is fast, it can be solved directly by a fire sea, but it is too expensive.

White Tiger Martial Soul does not have group attack skills. Although it becomes a true body, with nearly 800 tiger tigers, it can shoot up to 100 in one palm, but it is too slow.

Azure Dragon Martial Soul is not very good at fighting. It is almost the same as White Tiger Martial Soul. Although invincible fleshy body is invincible, but let Fleshy body fight without speed, it will not be fast.

Qilin Martial Soul has a group of attacking soul skills, but Chu Yan just communicated with Qilin Martial Soul Divine Consciousness and was directly rejected by Qilin Martial Soul.

As the Supreme Martial Soul, Qilin Martial Soul disdains such a massacre of the Martial Soul.

“It seems that you can only use Black Tortoise Martial Soul!”

Chu Yan shook the head, with a wry smile, full of thought, Qilin Martial Soul turned himself down.

However, don’t say Qilin Martial Soul, even if you are, in the face of this Martial Soul battle, you can’t take any interest.

If it is not a good reward, I really do not intend to shoot.

“Hello boy, don’t dilly-dallying, waste Laozi’s time!”

Just when Chu Yan just made up his mind, behind him, a coldly shouted.

Chu Yan looked startled, turned his head to look, and found that the speaker was the first Ninth Prince!

“Wasting time !?” Chu Yan’s face suddenly froze.

“Good! Time wasting! Hurry up and make you look good! Hmph!”

Ninth Prince, full of arrogance, chin high, looked at Chu Yan with his nostrils, and at the same time, he also sprayed a disdainful coldly snorted.

At this time, Ninth Prince, who is ranked first, is anxious to receive rewards!

When I thought of my Martial Soul’s chance to advance to the soul of war, I was very excited.

You must know that his Martial Soul is different from others. If Martial Soul advances to the soul of war, his war chariot Martial Soul will instantly become a flying Spirit Treasure, and it is still the kind of flying Spirit Treasure with a strong defense. .

As a result, his strength has increased more than ten times!

War Soul, compared to Martial Soul, as different as heaven and earth!

“Yes, Ninth Prince is right!”

“Boy, you are wasting everyone’s time. Just you, Martial Soul, what garbage can you use, lose it quickly!”

“That’s right! Boy, I bet you can’t even kill the 3 unowned Martial Souls, saying you are wasting time, it really is!”

“Yes! Hurry up, it’s not too shameful!”


Everyone heard Ninth Prince’s opening, and they all echoed together, urging and laughing at Chu Yan.

“That kid, I will give you 10 Caijing, you just give up! Hehe …”

Around Ninth Prince, Hualong, who also had an anxious look, also said mocked with a smile.

“Ten colored crystals !? Let me give up !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes gradually narrowed, looking towards Hualong, a flash of coldness flashed.

“Good! I estimate that your Martial Soul is worth 10 Caijing! As for you? One piece is worthless, ha ha ha ha …”

Hualong’s loud laughter caused the audience to laugh, all genius, looked towards Chu Yan, all with a look of contempt and ridicule.

However, at this moment, among the genius laughing in the audience, a silhouette slowly walked out and moved towards the right.

This person is the absolute sword!

Striding out and walking to the group of geniuses, separated by 1000 steps, Kongxuan stopped his body. After standing firm, the genius who looked towards there seemed to be watching idiots.

Others do not know, the empty Xuan who played with Chu Yan, naturally clear, this Chu Yan, not simple!

“Okay! In that case, do you dare to bet with me !?”

Seeing Kong Xuan’s expression, Chu Yan looked towards those geniuses who were laughing endlessly, suddenly sneaked, with both eyes flashing a bit of evil, looked towards Hualong and Ninth Prince, opened the mouth and said.


“What do you want to bet on ?!”

Hualong and Ninth Prince, their faces started, looked towards Chu Yan, said.

“Just beg us who killed the unaccompanied Martial Soul! Now, the three of us call out Martial Soul together and shoot at the same time! Whoever killed the Martial Soul and who won!”

Chu Yan smiled all over, looked towards Ninth Prince and Hualong, with a smile on his face!

“Hmph! It’s up to you, what qualifications are there to fight against me!”

“Good! Ninth Prince and I are the first and 2nd place, why do you!”

Hualong and Ninth Prince looked at each other and looked towards Chu Yan, then they chuckled …

“Bet, a bottle of Grade 6 Golden Pill!”

Chu Yan seemed to have expected that the words of the two had just landed, and Chu Yan immediately turned over and pulled out 2 bottles of Tianxuan Jinye Dan.

With a big wave of your hand, throw the gray robe Deacon in the distance!

Reach out, take the jade bottle in your hand, gray robe Deacon opens the jade bottle, pour out a 6-golden golden medicine pill, and immediately startled!

It really is Grade 6 Golden Pill!

gray robe Deacon looked up suddenly, and looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, all in amazement.

this child, not simple ah!

Grade 6 Golden Pill is extremely precious. Even if it is in the 100-Ba Sect in the Azure Dragon World domain, there is no merit, it is impossible to get the Grade 6 Golden Pill reward!

“Good! It’s Grade 6 Golden Pill, a total of 3!”

Gray robe Deacon, covered the jade bottle, took it in his hand, looked towards Hualong and Ninth Prince, and announced.

For him, this kind of gambling is absolutely supported!

Between genius, the more fighting, the more you can discover the strength and innate talent of genius!

“Okay! I bet you!”

“Count me! Luck very good, ha ha ha!”

Hualong and Ninth Prince heard the gray robe Deacon’s words, and they immediately looked happy and agreed directly.

Immediately, the 2 people also took out a lot of Caijing and Spirit Treasure and threw it to gray robe Deacon.

Gray robe Deacon, after verifying all the bets, announce the establishment of a betting game!

“God, is this guy stupid !?”

“That’s it, Grade 6 Golden Pill is just giving it away !?”

“It’s a waste of ah! 2 bottles of ah! This is worth at least 5 60,000 Caijing ah!”

“It’s crazy. Who can’t gamble with, and the first and second bets are estimated to be crazy!”

“I’m impulsive, impulsive is the devil!”

“However, I always feel that this kid has a bit of wickedness, will there be any cards !?”


Among the crowd, all kinds of arguments sounded, full of genius, and looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, which became complicated, there was ridicule, ridicule, and doubt, as well as various kinds waiting to watch the drama …

“3 people left to start the Martial Soul gambling battle!”

gray robe old man, shouted loudly, Ninth Prince and Hualong all smiled and walked out together, standing by Chu Yan 10000 steps!

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