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Hualong and Ninth Prince looked at Chu Yan and laughed!

Immediately afterwards, a big wave of black light and a golden light waved at the same time, flashing at the same time, appearing on the black jade platform.

Two-headed demon ape, full body armor, holding 4 handle Sovereign Rank spirit spear, domineering Chongyun, murderous aura like tide!

Tianlu treasure car, golden light Cancan, like a mobile fortress, the body is thick like a city wall, no stronghold one cannot overcome!

“Hehe, kid, many thanks your Golden Pill!”

Hualong looked towards Chu Yan, sneering again and again, followed by True Qi urged, the two-headed ape in front of him rushed out, killed the unowned Martial Soul group, and once again grabbed the foul wind and bloody rain!

“Fight me, boy, you are too tender!”

Ninth Prince’s disdainful coldly snorted, golden True Qi flat push with both hands, straight into the Tianlu treasure car in front, immediately on the body of the golden treasure, the golden light masterpiece, accompanied by the loud noise of rumble, 4 wheels simultaneously move move forward .

This golden treasure car, regardless of everything, travels in a straight line. Any Martial Soul that hits the treasure car, whether it is the beast Martial Soul or the plant Martial Soul, is all broken and crushed into crushed into fine powder.

From time to time, there are many Martial Souls without the master, and the Tianlu treasure car will rush there, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood all the way!

Suddenly, on the black jade platform, in the endless Martial Soul ocean, the 2 regiments are full of blood and rain, and the battlefield opens at the same time.

This slaughter makes the genius in the distance look dumbfounded!

didn’t expect, these two Martial Souls played at the same time, and might be even more terrifying than when they were alone!

When they looked towards Chu Yan, they were all started together.

“Yi!? Why doesn’t he move !?”

“Haha, it’s probably a fool! I’m not afraid of being strange when I see this scene!”

“That’s right, these 2 statues are Martial Soul, Slaughter speed, too terrifying!”

“Lost! No suspense at all!”

“It is estimated to have given up”


Everyone looked at Chu Yan, standing still, opening their mouths and laughing at said with a smile.

In their view, this game of gambling has no meaning at all, and the result cannot be more clear!

In the distance, Chu Yan stood on the black jade platform, gazing across the 2 battlefields in the distance, watching the two-headed ape, dancing spear shadow, and constantly killing a masterless Martial Soul.

On the other side, apart from 10,000 zhang, the Tianlu treasure car is more like a bulldozer. Every time you charge, there are dozens of unowned Martial Souls, which become the dead souls under the wheel.

“Well … it should be almost enough!”

Chu Yan nodded, probably estimated the position and distance, a smile on his face gradually appeared.

“Black Tortoise Martial Soul, come out for me!”

shouted loudly, like thunderclap, resounding throughout the audience …

Immediately after the sky above Chu Yan’s head, a large black spirit cloud gathered quickly …

Over the entire black jade platform, the infinite void began to tremble madly, as if the entire sky dome was trembling!

“I rely on! What happened !?”

Suddenly there was a mutation, everyone in the audience, including Ninth Prince and Hualong, looked upright and looked up …

However, with just a glance, Hualong’s Ninth Prince’s face instantly solidified …

“That….what is that!?”

I saw that above the sky, a large piece of void completely shattered, and a large dark cloud-like shadow appeared slowly above the sky.

Accompanied by the gust of wind and the power of Martial Soul that filled the whole Heaven and Earth, the dark shadows of the rich Heaven and Earth Might finally appeared.

This is a huge silhouette that is twice as large as a city, completely covering the entire sky, suspended above the sky, a pair of dragon eyes, as if the sun and moon meet, while exuding gold and silver two colors ….

The terrible pupil light, cast into one gold one silver 2 pupil light, like the eyes of God, overlooking Mortal World from the sky …

Black Tortoise, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World!

Now Black Tortoise Martial Soul has been promoted to 8 Star Soul Level, although it is among 5 Divine Soul Martial Soul, the only one without Full Star.

However, the power of Black Tortoise Martial Soul is by no means weaker than the other 4 Martial Souls.

Boom … Rumble!

Above the sky dome, like a giant Great City, a silhouette of nearly 100 li in length and width, slowly falling!

Black Tortoise moved, a huge body rubbed against the void, and a sound of 10000 thunders sounded, blasting in everyone’s heart, and all of them were so scared that their faces turned green and their faces were horrified.

“Lying trough! This fuck … what Martial Soul !?”

“My mother! This … This is like a mountain range, you can’t see the margin at a glance!”

“Too terrifying! Martial Soul is not much smaller than the sky!”

“I’m leaning on it. I haven’t seen it yet. Isn’t he too big?”

“Not good! It … it’s about to fall down !?”


Next moment, I saw Black Tortoise Martial Soul falling from the sky, moved towards the Black Jade Square, all Martial Artists who were so scared that they were so flies away and scatters, they were so startled that the cold hairs of the whole body exploded, all their faces twitched and turned Will run away!

What a joke!

The volume of Martial Soul, the fuck is bigger than the Black Jade Square. If it is smashed, let alone the Black Jade Square, like Spirit Peak below, it is estimated that it will collapse.

“I … oh my god, this … how is this possible !?”

Hualong stared at the top of his head, like Black Tortoise under the sky dome. His eyes were stunned. He was full of bloodshot eyes. The rustling sound in Sea of ​​Consciousness was completely ignorant!

“This … what is this Martial Soul !? impossible! No … impossible!”

Ninth Prince’s body was stiff, his face twitched, his mouth wide open, and he could almost plug a Monster Beast. His pupils were trembling violently, and his froze stiffness was completely stupid!

Boom … Rumble!

With the Black Tortoise Martial Soul, the rate of descent is getting faster and faster. A violent extreme wind sweeps across the audience. Some flight-like Martial Souls are suddenly blown by the sky, blowing 4 scattered tossed, moved towards He fell outside Heiyu Square.

“Not good! Two-headed ape, come back!”

“Tianlu treasure car, come back!”

Seeing the black “sky” fall down, the original dull Ninth Prince and Hualong, the whole body shuddered suddenly, looked down, his Martial Soul, still rushing in the unowned Martial Soul, suddenly his face was green. Qiqi summon said.

“Hmph! Want to escape !?”

In the distance, Chu Yan stood up, heard the voices of Hualong and Ninth Prince, summon Martial Soul, suddenly coldly snorted, looking up towards the Black Tortoise Martial Soul in the sky, in the same eyes, the same gold and silver two colors, flashing Endlessly …

Originally, Chu Yan bet against them, originally to destroy their Martial Soul!

Now, at the crucial moment, how could it be possible for them to escape!


Within this Black Jade Square, any Martial Soul is lost, will not be damaged, and will only return to the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Martial Artist.

“Black Tortoise, speed me up!”

With a stern drink, Chu Yan’s eyes burst into light …


Receiving Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness order, above the sky, Black Tortoise Martial Soul erupted instantaneously, nearly 100 li’s body shuddered suddenly, and his speed increased dramatically.

Along with rumble’s 10000 thunder cloud sounds, like a black city’s Black Tortoise Martial Soul, fiercely fell and smashed heavily on the Black Jade Square!

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