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As if the sky dome was falling, under the horrifying gaze of everyone in the audience, nearly 100 li, like a city’s Black Tortoise Martial Soul, crashed down from the sky.

Boom … Rumble!

The sky shook, and the people who were still on the black jade platform at this time only felt heaven falls and earth rends, within their eyes, the sky and the earth were all shaking wildly.

This scene is like heaven falls and earth rends, sun and moon destroy!

The huge monster-like Black Tortoise Martial Soul covers almost 80% of the black jade platform, completely smashing it down, and everything is turned into powder.

The area calculated by Chu Yan is similar, except for the edge of the black jade platform, where the crowd is located, there are 10000 soul towers, and other places are all hit.

This time Mount Tai pressed the top, and on the black jade platform, nearly 100,000 wandering Martial Soul, all killed!

“Black Tortoise Martial Soul, come back!”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness is like electricity, Black Tortoise Martial Soul turns into a black light, shoots Chu Yan’s brow, and returns to Sea of ​​Consciousness.

With the disappearance of the Black Tortoise Martial Soul, the petrified people in the field looked at a glance, only to feel the moment before them became empty.

Just now, the densely packed Martial Soul and the power of Martial Soul gathered in the sky disappeared instantly!

There is nothing left!

Including Ninth Prince and Hualong’s two-headed ape and Tianlu war chariot, no scum was left.

A mountain breeze blew over, bringing up a thin black ash on the Black Jade Square, and fluttering in front of everyone.

On the whole black jade platform, there was silence!

“Ah …! My Martial Soul …”

Suddenly, a mournful scream sounded through the sky of Black Jade Square.

Ninth Prince’s face was twisted, his eyes were all bloodshot, and the lunatics generally rushed to the Black Jade Square, tragic howling, heaven shaking earth shattering.

“This … how is this possible !?”

Hualong stood on the spot, his whole body trembling like a pendulum, his eyes, empty and indifferent, as if the soul was flying away from the body, walking corpse, his pale white paper face, full of fright.

hiss! hiss! hiss! hiss……

With the wailing of Ninth Prince, breaking the silence of the scene, a puff of cold air sounded like a tide.

Including gray robe Deacon, his face twitched and he was air-conditioned!

In a pair of eyes, the trembling pupil is full of fear!

Terrifying !

Too terrifying!

With just one blow, nearly 10000 Martial Souls in the 100,000 Soul Tower are bombed!

The entire fairy demon flying platform appeared for the first time in nearly 500,000 years, with such a horrible result.

Turning his head slowly, looking towards Chu Yan not far away, gray robe Deacon’s face was unbelievable.


Absolute monster!

Not only gray robe Deacon, all genius in the audience at this time, all turned around, simultaneously shua shua looked towards Chu Yan.

At this moment, Chu Yan looked like a terrifying existence than God in their eyes.

You have to know that in the nearly 100 Martial Soul battles, whether it is Ninth Prince ’s invincible war chariot Martial Soul or Hualong ’s Martial Soul, it only kills 1000 or more than 300 unowned Martial Soul.

However, in front of this black robe sword demon Martial Soul, just one blow, it killed 100,000 unowned Martial Soul!

This … This is too terrifying!

“I just won the gambling battle, right?” Chu Yan looked towards gray robe Deacon, smiled gently and asked.

“I … I announced that the black robe sword demon kill ten … 100,000 Martial Soul, the owner, win!”

Gray robe Deacon heard Chu Yan’s words, woke up suddenly, with a still full of horror, announced loudly.

At the same time, the big hand waved and threw the bet in his hand to Chu Yan.

As soon as he raised his hand, he took 2 pieces of colorful crystals, and Divine Consciousness swept through them. The nodded that was immediately satisfied, without any effort, Chu Yan received several 10000 colored crystals.

This gambling battle is quite cost-effective!

“This Martial Soul battle, Chu Yan first, Ninth Prince second, Hualong 2rd! Distribute rewards!”

gray robe Deacon both hands forming seals, a hand seal shot to the 10000 soul tower in the distance, suddenly, 10000 soul tower rays of light masterpiece, 3 golden light spots, flying directly from the distance, shot to Chu Yan and Ninth Prince 3 people.

These three golden lights are just before the Martial Soul battle. Gray robe Deacon said that it can improve the Martial Soul Star Rank, and also make the full-scale Martial Soul have a 3 / 1th chance to promote the reward of the war soul.

With a big call, the golden light was snatched in front of him, and Chu Yan pondered.

1 / 10,000th chance, advance to the soul of war! ?

This is too … low!

Without thinking for a long time, Chu Yan shook the head, or improve Black Tortoise Martial Soul!

At the very least, it will also allow Black Tortoise Martial Soul to steadily improve its level. As for the promotion of the soul of war, Chu Yan believes that there should be many opportunities in this Azure Dragon World domain.

There is always a higher probability than 1 / 10,000th!

Soon, the golden light flooded into the Sea of ​​Consciousness and merged with the Black Tortoise Martial Soul. The powerful Heaven and Earth Spirit Power and Martial Soul exploded on the Black Tortoise Martial Soul.

A large black cloud surging, completely covering the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky, beneath the bursts of black light, Black Tortoise Martial Soul roared from 8 Star Martial Soul to 9 Star Martial Soul.

At this point, Black Tortoise Martial Soul is one step away from Full Star!

After merging rewards, Chu Yan converged True Qi, aura settled, slowly looked up, looked towards all around.

In the middle of the black jade platform in the distance, Ninth Prince and Hualong also resurrected their Martial Soul with the help of gray robe Deacon mobilizing 10000 soul towers.

It’s just that because Chu Yan killed 100,000 unowned Martial Soul in one breath, resulting in 10000 soul towers, strength great injury.

Therefore, although Ninth Prince and Hualong ’s Martial Soul are intact, Martial Soul ’s power is extremely weak, and Martial Soul is almost reduced to illusory shadow.

2 people wild ambition, both chose Martial Soul to advance!

As a result, naturally, don’t think about it, there is only a 1 / 10,000th chance, plus the Martial Soul of the two of them, so weak that it is simply impossible to advance.

With the golden light of 2 people Martial Soul disappearing quickly, Ninth Prince and Hualong’s complexion turned into a blue.

After the war, I didn’t get any benefits, but also made my Martial Soul weak.

This result naturally cannot satisfy them!

Suddenly, 2 eyes of resentment turned around and looked towards Chu Yan with a smile on his face.

However, when the 3 line of sight first came into contact, Ninth Prince and Hualong suddenly fluttered their pupils and quickly withdrew their eyes.

As soon as they see Chu Yan, they will remember the horror scene just now!

That scene destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, turning over the room, killing 100,000 unowned Martial Soul pictures, like a shadow, forever frozen in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of 2 people.

Moreover, not only Ninth Prince and Hualong, but also the audience of 100 Lingzhen powerhouses, looked towards Chu Yan.

This Chu Yan, black robe sword demon!

There is such a terrible Martial Soul, which can never be borne by himself!

“Everyone, please follow me back to the pilot station. After Nine Heavens, the 3rd round of genius battle begins!”

Gray robe Deacon glanced at Chu Yan, his pupils were trembling slightly, his whole body was irritated, he fell to the ground, his figure rose to the sky, and he returned to the fairy demon flying platform along the same path.

A crowd of genius, flying together, follow closely from behind.

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