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The sword glow of black collided with the golden sword, and suddenly the whole sword tower shuddered!

However, the power of this sword is simply not enough to make the sword tower collapse, just a little stagnation, the sword tower rushes forward again, and the might is more prosperous!

Moreover, it seems to be stimulated by this sword. When the golden tower rushes forward, the two-handed sword on the top of the tower shoots out directly, leaving the golden tower and chopping on the 2nd sword glow of Chu Yan.

With a loud noise, the golden sword and sword glow collapsed at the same time!

In the distance, the golden tower that Rumble crushed, the front-end tower body, has evolved into an incomparably huge golden blade.

At the same time, the second half of the tower is continuously stretched, and the entire golden tower has completely evolved into a huge golden long-handled sword!

This golden giant sword is long zhang long, wide zhang wide, and the width reaches nearly ten zhang.

Anyone who sees this golden giant sword will be shocked by the complexion greatly changed, especially the might on the golden blade, which obviously contains the invincible power of invincibility.

“Let’s live together! What a Dao of Water Element.”

Chu Yan pupil light is trembling, the war is raging, and the fire is vigorous …

didn’t expect, this Fei Long, actually cultivated the way of soldiers to such a degree, such a might, obviously has exceeded Small Accomplishment Realm!

Moreover, three kinds of Heavenly Dao blend, perfect and without blemish!

bang! Boom … Rumble!

The last sword collided with the golden sword, and the entire battle stage was shaking madly …


On the other side, on the horizon, inside the 9 Supreme Palace …

“Xue Nishang, did you know it for a long time !? This Fei Long, cultivation has changed from Tower 9 !?”

Jade stone Martial Emperor looked at Fei Long in the crystal screen, his eyes were red, and his eyes were full of blood.

That look is like seeing a peerless beauty who feels itchy and unbearable …

So genius, let them Qingtianzong take the lead, this makes the Jade Emperor Martial Emperor, very depressed …

“No, when my sect went to the recruitment, this Fei Long, being cultivated in a Danger Land, seems to be breaking through! Unexpectedly, in more than a year, it really broke!”

Xue Nishang’s eyes were also full of terrified look. Looking at Fei Long, there was a hint of regret in her heart.

As long as he knew that his cultivation of soldiers had reached the state of “Bingta 9 change”, he should be recruited with an Inner Sect disciple quota. Maybe it has become the disciples of their Qingtian Sect.

But now, Fei Long just promises to give priority to Qingtianzong, and the choice is still in the hands of his opponent. This child may not necessarily join Qingtianzong.

Error ah!

Absolute mistake!

Now, Fei Long has revealed his biggest cards and strength on the Life and Death Battle stage. Other several Sect will definitely compete for …

“Bing Tower 9 changes! This Fei Long seems to be able to evolve 3 changes! Not bad! Not bad!”

“This Fei Long, very strong ah! Ha ha ha… ..”

“There is no suspense anymore, that Chu Yan is estimated to be defeated!”


In a burst of discussion, several giants quietly turned their heads, looking towards Ling Shuangtian above the Golden Dragon seat.

Although Chu Yan is the genius that Ling Shuangtian is fond of, it is only the superior Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base, even the quasi-imperial rank. !

However, the eyes of the giants fell on Ling Shuangtian, but they were all started together.

I saw Ling Shuangtian, looking at the scene in the crystal curtain with a light face. The smile on the original face seemed to be more intense.

what’s the situation! ?

Ling Shuangtian doesn’t seem to worry at all! ?

He didn’t worry, genius, which he liked, was directly killed by this move “Bing Tower 9 changed”! ?

Is it …


On the other side, Martial Arts Stage, above Life and Death Battle …

Chu Yan saw his 3 moves “Kaitian Sword Art” destroyed by the opponent’s tower, and the pupil light suddenly turned on!

“What a great recruiting tower! It seems that it’s time to use the cards!”

Between the words, Chu Yan, a path of Sword Qi, kept condensing …

The sword meaning of layers of blooming, like a blooming fairy lotus, but a piece of Sword Intent, all condensed into substance, with 7-color sword light, overlapping with the previous layer of Sword Intent, quickly blending …

“En !? Boy, are you finally going to shoot !?”

9 In the Supreme Palace, Ling Shuangtian saw this scene, and immediately looked at an emperor, said with a smile in his heart.

The next moment, pieces of Sword Qi fairy lotus, constantly exploded and turned into a Sword Qi storm like a wave, moved towards the opposite pylon, fiercely crashed.

“What !? Jian Gang !?”

9 In the Supreme Palace, Ling Shuangtian’s whole body was shaken, the smile on his face instantly solidified, and he looked at the scene in the crystal screen dullly, and Sea of ​​Consciousness buzzed.

On the Martial Arts Stage, the Sword Intent storm that swept the entire battle stage, not at all swept wildly, but quickly converged and re-condensed into a path of shining strange light … Jian Gang!


No. a Jiangang, cut on the tower, burst a loud noise, and the whole tower body exploded countless cracks!


2nd Jian Gang, a broken air strike, follow closely from behind, a gleam of strange light fell, the pylon fiercely shivered and collapsed instantly!

Boom … Rumble!

The fragments of the tower body exploded in the sky, 4 scattered, making the whole void collapse …

3rd Dao Jiangang, passing by, smashed all the tower fragments into powder, and cut straight to the far Fei Long.

“Wh … what !?”

Seeing his own tower completely dismantled, it was stirred up by Jiangang into powder, Fei Long’s complexion greatly changed, and the whole body shook with shock …


Jian Gang broke through all the fragments and still came with a powerful sword power …

Suddenly, Fei Long’s face and eyes were full of splendid sword shadow. Soul flies away and scatters, his liver and gallbladder split.

“No … impossible !?”

I even used the biggest hole card, but, in the blink of an eye, I let Chu Yan crush into crushed powder, and the terrible killing had already been cut in front of me.

“break for me !”

With a red face and bloody eyes, Fei Long, almost crazy, with a golden sword in his hands and a block in the open, facing the broken sword Gang!


Jian Gang was chopped on the golden big chopping, and immediately exploded. Under the mighty sword power, Fei Long ’s body seemed to fall in the wind, flew up, hovered and fell outside the battle stage …

pu chi!

A big mouth, a big mouth of blood spurting out, above the body, a path of huge wounds, constantly cracking.

This is a sign of the destruction of the defense and the collapse of the fleshy body!

Explain that the Fei Long at this time, not only the body protection True Qi, but also the Fleshy body defense, was completely broken, defeated!


Slammed heavily on the defensive boundary wall of the battle stage, bounced back, rolled to the ground, and spit out several large mouths of blood, Fei Long coma instantly.

“This battle, Fei Long lost, Chu Yan won!”

Seeing that Fei Long fainted, and already fighting again, gray robe Deacon glanced at Chu Yan with an excited face, and seemed to be afraid that he would catch up and cut Fei Long a few more times.

So, gray robe Deacon quickly announced the result …

The words fell to the ground, the audience was dead, everyone was as petrified and dull on the spot!

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