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When walking down the battle stage, all eyes of the audience followed Chu Yan.

At the scene of several 10000 people, there was a dead silence. In addition to the heavy breathing, a little noise was heard.

Moreover, everyone’s actions are surprisingly consistent!

A few 10000 eyes, staring at Chu Yan on the battle stage, all kinds of complex expressions appeared on everyone’s face.

There is consternation, confusion, shock, and more panic, but the most expression is awe!

Not bad!

Just awe!

Martial Artist World, strength is respected!

Just after the first battle, Chu Yan showed the battle strength, which was enough to beat most of the genius present, and it was even a shock!

Fei Long, which was stipulated by the 9 Supreme Sect, even the strongest card “Bing Tower 9 Change” was displayed. What happened?

Facing Chu Yan’s sword, simply can be said to be impossible to withstand a single blow!


too strong!

This kind of power is beyond the imagination of all genius present!

simply is not the height they can reach, which makes them feel awe of powerhouse.

“This black robe sword demon! Sword Dao cultivation base really strong!”

“Dao of Sword! It seems to be a sword repair specializing in Dao of Sword, but it’s not very similar!”

“Too terrifying! The sword just now seems to surpass all the sword moves I’ve ever seen! What is it !?”

“That’s Jian Gang! The result of Dao of Sword cultivation to Great Accomplishment Realm!”

“What !? Great Accomplishment Realm !? How is this possible !?”

“God ah! On this stage of the Fairy Demon Flyer, there was a genius who brought a cultivation to the Great Accomplishment !?”


After a lot of discussion, Chu Yan clamoured after returning to the crowd.

Among them, some genius who also cultivate Sword Dao recognized the sword that Chu Yan just had, it was … Jiangang!

This time, the audience was shocked and uproar!

You know, the geniuses present are all Martial Artists, cultivation Martial Dao, descendants of the Great Sect in Azure Dragon World, but it is only 100 years, and the longest is not more than 300 years!

Such a short cultivation years, can understand some kind of Heavenly Dao, has been commendable!

And some kind of Heavenly Dao, cultivation to Small Accomplishment Realm, can be regarded as the name of genius!

Therefore, among the 10000 genius on the scene, most of the genius have just touched the threshold of Heavenly Dao. Only a small part of genius, cultivation has reached Small Accomplishment Realm.

But this Chu Yan in front of him turned Sword Dao cultivation into Great Accomplishment Realm! ?

Although at the beginning, because Chu Yan was born in a 4 Star Sect, everyone is not optimistic about him.

But now, after Chu Yan broke out his strong strength, there were several 10000 people in the audience, and no one dared to underestimate him.

Soon, Chu Yan, who was indifferent, returned to the same place.

“Chu Yan, didn’t expect, you actually cultivated Jiangang !?”

Kong Xuan stared at Chu Yan with a face that wanted to eat people.

This is also the absolute sword Xuanxuan, the first time to show the look of lost self-control.

Since Chu Yan first met Kong Xuan, he has been a steady and mature look, as if nothing could surprise him.

But now, he looked at Chu Yan’s eyes full of surprise, his pupils trembling.

“Jian Gang, is that weird?” Chu Yan looked towards Kong Xuan, replied with a chuckle.


Jian Gang … just! ?

Hearing Chu Yan’s answer, Kong Xuan only felt black in front of him. An uncontrollable rebellion in Qi Sea suddenly rushed up, almost letting him spit out old blood!

You know, although he also preprehended three kinds of Heavenly Dao, but he majored in swordsmanship.

Like Sword Dao, there are also knives in knives!

Of course, it is also necessary to cultivate the Dao Dao to the Great Accomplishment Realm to make it possible to exhibit Dao Gang!

However, even if it is Sect Number One Genius, it is even more famous. It is regarded as renowned among the countless genius in the Azure Dragon World domain!

However, cultivation knife path 100 30 years, Kong Xuan is even the hair of Daogang, did not touch it!

Even for nearly 30 years, Kong Xuan painstakingly cultivated and groped in life and death slaughter, but it seemed that the Great Accomplishment Realm, for him, was completely illusory, far away and far away from him.

Therefore, Daogang is in the mind of Kongxuan, but it is the goal of Supreme!

But now, in this mouth of Chu Yan, it is just …

In the next moment, Kong Xuan looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, a root of blood continued to emerge, and his eyes instantly became blood red.

“If possible, I really want to hack you to death!”

Kong Xuan spit out a muffled voice on his chest for a long time, and said to Chu Yan.

“Oh, there is a chance …”

Chu Yan heard Kong Xuan’s words, but he didn’t take it seriously, nodded said with a smile, and then turned his head towards the towards the battle stage and began to pay attention to the next battle.

On the battle stage in the distance, the battle of the next group of genius has already begun.

Battle after battle continued, and in the second round of the critical 3rd round, every genius tried his best without any reservation.

The battle became more intense, but the casualties were not as great as in the first game.

After a few games, it was finally Xuanxuan’s turn to play again.

At this time, his opponent is also a sword repair. Two people stand on the battle stage. The powerful swords collide with each other. The void on the entire battle stage is cut by a scattered Blade Qi into a crack.

When the war broke out, Kong Xuan and his opponent met at the same time.

To Chu Yan’s surprise, in this time’s battle, Kong Xuan didn’t even play, so he directly used his stunt and cut it!

Completely different from the previous style, Kong Xuan one blade after another, constantly fighting with opponents!

The 2 men battled nearly 100 moves, which turned out to be an evenly matched situation.

However, Chu Yan has long seen that the strength of Kong Xuan is obviously stronger than his opponent.

It’s just that why Kong Xuan hasn’t shown his unique skill, and he has been fighting against the opponent, but let Chu Yan give up some thoughts and observations.

Finally, by the 150th move, Kong Xuan finally used his unique skill, and his opponent split off the battle stage in one move and won!

When Kong Xuan returned to Chu Yan, he saw Chu Yan looking at himself with a smirk, Kong Xuan suddenly raised his eyebrows, opened the mouth and said

“Why, see it !?”

“Oh, not everyone is suitable for becoming your grinding blade stone. Are you wasting time?” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“Hmph! If it doesn’t work, I’ll find ten. If ten doesn’t work, I’ll find 100! Sooner or later, one day, I can also cultivate the sword!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, with a hint of laughter, Kong Xuan suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth, dissatisfied lightly snorted.

In his heart, this Chu Yan, simply is a full man who doesn’t know that the hungry man is hungry.

Any genius of cultivation Martial Dao knows in his heart that those who like Blade and Sword Cultivator like Chu Yan and Kong Xuan want to improve Sword Dao and Sword Cultivation base, the best way is to actually fight!

Moreover, it is the kind of truly evenly matched, life and death edge battle, it is possible to break through and stand up and improve the sword!

Therefore, Kong Xuan had just met a sword repairer like him on the battle stage, and tried to use his opponent as an object to hone his sword.

As a result, he played for a long time, because the opponent’s strength was too poor, and there was no slight benefit to his knife path!

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