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“It’s already close to the depths of World Heritage!”

Out of Heaven’s Line, Chu Yan raised his eyes and looked around, observing the situation of all around.

Their speed is absolutely very fast, but, after so long, except for these corpses, there are no discoveries at all in the core remains of the World.

“Brother Chu, are we going in the wrong direction !?”

Chang Tianhe swallowed Golden Pill, restored True Qi, and said at the same time.

Just now, Chu Yan handed him nearly 20 bottles of Golden Pill as Chang Tianhe for a lifetime of Loose Cultivator. I have seen so many Golden Pills, and he is still full of excitement.

“No! Certainly right, this is the direction!”

Chu Yan shook the head, the tone is very certain, I do n’t know why, after entering this world of relics, he has a mysterious feeling in his heart, has been guiding himself, moved towards this direction.

Therefore, Chu Yan decided that this direction did not consider changing the route at all.

Seeing Chu Yan’s firm attitude, Chang Tianhe no longer spoke much.

Immediately, the two set off again, moved towards Heaven’s Line deeper, and rushed all the way.

After another one hour, finally, 2 people rushed out of Heaven’s Line and came to a huge mountain peak.

“En!? There is a palace on that mountain!”

As soon as I reached the foot of the mountain, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept through and found a ruined palace above Spirit Peak, unknown for how long, which was hidden between a mountain forest. Although the naked eye could not be seen, Divine Consciousness explored One clear 2 Chu.

“In this palace …”

Standing beside Chu Yan, Chang Tianhe was brows slightly wrinkle, feeling above the mountain peak, aura that made him palpitate was scattered everywhere.

He came from Loose Cultivator and walked around Secret Realm and Danger Land all year round, so he was particularly sensitive to dangerous aura.

This is also an important basis for him to survive for several hundred years.

The aura above the mountain peak merged with the void, bringing a cold feeling and making his scalp tingling.

Unlike Chu Yan who has flame body protection, Chang Tianhe is somewhat discouraged.

“In this way, you wait for me near here, I will go and see!”

Chu Yan naturally saw Chang Tianhe’s expression and groaned slightly, opened the mouth and said.

“it is good!”

Gently nodded, Changtianhe relaxed.

If Chu Yan asked him to come together, of course he would not refuse, but that kind of uneasiness made him extremely nervous.

“Something, send me a message!”

Chu Yan threw Chang Tianhe a piece of his own message, Jade Talisman, and then stood up and moved towards the ruined palace halfway up the mountain.

Just after entering the mountain, one after another with the wind of the cold aura, instantly became stronger!

The wanton mountain breeze roared with a strong Heavenly Dao aura, dispersing the void.

The closer to the palace, the more powerful this aura is!

“Oh, it looks like the right place!”

Facing this strange mountain peak natural phenomenon, Chu Yan urged the Vermilion Bird flame outside the body to disperse all mountain breezes and continue to move forward.

However, Chu Yan can clearly sense that the strength of Seal on his body is getting stronger and stronger, and the pressure is also increasing.

“Heavenly Dao of this relic World is self-contained and completely different from the outside world Heavenly Dao!”

As Chu Yan moved forward, he felt the pressure of Heaven and Earth all around.

“Maybe, this piece of World, is really left by a Saint Martial Emperor, then all Heavenly Dao here are created by this Saint Martial Emperor !?”

“The road to Martial Dao, how mysterious, how can you achieve Heavenly Dao by yourself at this level of realm! Only used by yourself ….. um !? Wait, by Heavenly Dao by yourself !? Only by used !?

Suddenly, the consciousness of a in Sea of ​​Consciousness is as if the meteor is over the sky, suddenly shining …

“My own way !?”

At the beginning, Demon Sword Martial Emperor reminded himself that if he wanted breakthrough to Realm of Martial Emperor, he didn’t rely on cultivation base and True Qi, he had to create his own way.

“Heavenly Dao is self-made !?”

Now, in a strange mysterious Heavenly Dao, Chu Yan has a new understanding.

“My own way, why can’t it be Heavenly Dao !?”

Boom … Rumble!

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, a consciousness had just formed. Suddenly, above Heaven and Earth, a thunderous thunder burst, suddenly sounded, and Chu Yan suddenly woke up from clear comprehension.

“Fuck! God!”

A trace of clear comprehension was originally a chance combination, but when I was just caught in clear comprehension, I was awakened by a thunderstorm. Obviously, my thoughts and direction of understanding angered Heavenly Dao.

If you are not in this relic World, isolated from the outside world Heavenly Dao, just your own clear comprehension, I am afraid that it will directly lead to Heavenly Tribulation.

How can Heavenly Dao of aloof and remote allow mortal to blaspheme!

“Hmph! Broken god, you wait, sooner or later Laozi will create a stronger way of self than you!”

Clear comprehension was interrupted, and Chu Yan was speechless as well, fingering the sky, scolding a few times, and could only move on.

However, Chu Yan is also very clear that his own cultivation base is only Martial Sovereign Realm, and there is no breakthrough to Martial Emperor Realm. It is not yet time to achieve this step.

However, in the midst of it, Chu Yan seemed to find a trace of his future direction of Martial Dao.

Along the way …

The ruined palace hidden in the forest in the middle of the mountain looks not far away, but the closer it gets, the farther and farther away.

Chu Yan urged True Qi throughout the body to raise the speed to the extreme. The whole person, like a black rainbow, flew between the forests, and it was getting closer and closer to the palace.


After a few breaths, Chu Yan’s body fell in front of the palace gate and looked up.

This palace looks extremely ordinary, and there is nothing special, but the years that can be experienced are too long and extremely ruined, and even the palace gate no longer exists!

Standing in front of the palace, through the gate, Chu Yan clearly saw that in the dark palace, a golden demon Soul Crystal was suspended in midair!

“Golden’s demon Soul Crystal !?”

Seeing this demon Soul Crystal, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly burst into light. Obviously, this demon Soul Crystal is probably the highest-ranked one that Chu Yan encountered in this relic world.


Without hesitation, Chu Yan rushed directly into the palace and moved towards the demon Soul Crystal.

However, Chu Yan is naturally aware that the more good things, the greater the danger. Perhaps there is a powerful danger hidden nearby, waiting for his appearance.

Just like Monster Beast, which hunts in the dark, Supreme Treasure must have a strong guard.

Sure enough, when Chu Yan walked 100 steps before the golden demon Soul Crystal, deep inside the dark palace, a humanoid skeleton stepped out of the darkness!

This is a whole body bone, all golden skeletons, holding a black big knife, in the hollow eyes, 2 groups of Golden Flame are beating, giving a feeling of eerie terror.

“Gold … Golden Corpse !?”

The moment the golden skeleton appeared, Chu Yan glanced at it, and suddenly the complexion changed.

According to legend, invincible gold corpses, which are ten times more powerful than silver corpses, will appear here.

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