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Facing the golden corpse, Chu Yan’s heart suddenly sank.

What is the golden corpse, the presence of cream of the crop, the strength equivalent to Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse.

Moreover, the golden corpse yin puppet in front of him, is a humanoid yin puppet, simply not the demon corpses that Chu Yan encountered before in this relic world.

The humanoid yin puppet, although damaged and turned into a golden corpse, is able to use the martial skill during his lifetime. Its strength is even stronger than the battle strength before the loss.

Because, that golden skeleton also represents invincible golden body, invincible defense!

Martial Artist of the same rank may not be able to break its defense at all, so let alone defeat it.

The golden corpse hand pressed the black sword. Although there was no trace of flesh on his face, Chu Yan could feel from the flickering eyes only that this guy seemed interested in himself!

“This is trouble!”

Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart, with a staring face.

Although his cultivation base was restored to half-step Martial Sovereign Realm, there is no problem with the Monster Beast, but now, in the face of a golden corpse, Chu Yan is sweating a lot!

The honor of Martial Emperor, even if his cultivation base is not sealed, it can’t deal with it, not to mention this, the same level of invincible, battle strength even exceeds the golden corpse of Martial Emperor!

If you haven’t sealed your cultivation base, put in all your strength and use the hole cards, maybe you can still put together a fight!

But now, only half a step of Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base, and this opposite golden corpse, nearly 2 Heaven and Earth Realm cultivation base, simply without any chance.


Not waiting for Chu Yan to think about countermeasures, the big hand of the golden corpse on the opposite side waved a large piece of black qi tumbling, a black python condensed into an entity, and moved towards Chu Yan.


The python that is nearly zhang long, the black tail is re-pumped, the void bursts, and Chu Yan is pumped directly …

Without any resistance, Chu Yan was directly pumped out of the palace gate and rolled to the ground.

Fortunately, the golden corpse just blasted Chu Yan out of the palace, not at all chased down, and sat directly in front of the suspended golden demon Soul Crystal, as if to start cultivation.

“Fuck! This is too strong!”

Chu Yan looked at the golden corpse in the palace, his eyes flashed slightly, and he had no way to start.

The strength of the opponent is too strong!

“No! This golden demon Soul Crystal must get it!”

Needless to know, even if it is in the ruins of this side of the world, this golden demon Soul Crystal, not to mention unique and unmatched, I am afraid that the number will never be right.

Everyone who enters the World of Relics, the cultivation base is all sealed. It is the top priority to get the remains and Supreme Treasure here, and to quickly restore their own cultivation base.

Therefore, Chu Yan recognizes this golden demon Soul Crystal, which is extremely important to himself!

“Restore to Martial Sovereign Realm first!”

Slightly pondering, Chu Yan did not dare to waste a minute of time, rose up from the ground, moved towards the palace all around the forest and rushed away.

In the forest, there are still a lot of ordinary corpses, all of which are Martial Sovereign Realm strengths, as long as you kill enough, you want to restore to Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base first, it should not be difficult!

Chu Yan, who had made up his mind, held a long sword and rushed into the forest. The sword light was swaying, and there was no enemy at all!

Even the kind of demon corpse that is the first to encounter is comparable to Martial Sovereign Realm, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

In less than breath breaths, Chu Yan killed nearly 100 corpses in the forest, among them purple demon Soul Crystal, found nearly ten!

“It should be enough!”

With all the demon Soul Crystal in hand, Chu Yan is ready to refining, but seeing the environment of all around, it is immediately frowned.

“Dragon Race guard, come out for me!”

With a light drink, 8 different rays of light shone around Chu Yan, just like the 8 emperor corpses that had been cultivation in the Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness tower.

Although it was refining by Azure Dragon Martial Soul and became a Dragon Race defender, their strength has been increasing, and it is more powerful than before.

In particular, they are different from ordinary puppets. Every bone on them is a keel!

“Protective Law!”

Chu Yan, who called out the Dragon Race guard, immediately sat cross-legged with a command, started the cultivation technique, and began to refining the demon Soul Crystal.

8 Dragon Race defenders, full of dragons breathing, standing in Chu Yan all around, guarding 8 directions, resisting those corpses that want to rush to kill.

hundred breaths time, passing very fast!

When Chu Yan leapt from the ground, the powerful aura on his body rushed to the 4 sides like a wave of air 8.

The monsters who were still fighting with the 8 Dragon Race guards felt this aura, and they were so frightened that they lost one’s head out of fear and turned to escape!

“Ha ha ha, Martial Sovereign Realm!”

Chu Yan clenched his fists in both hands, feeling the long-lost force surging within the body, and he burst out laughing.

“Go! Go back and find it!”

Excited, Chu Yan took eight Dragon Race guards, turned around, and moved towards the ruined palace not far away.

Now, my own cultivation base has been restored to Martial Sovereign Realm, and battle strength has been improved by at least 3 times compared to just now.

More importantly, after reaching Martial Sovereign Realm, some of your own cards can be used unaffected. Perhaps, you can let go with the golden corpse!

At this moment, when Chu Yan rushed towards the ruined palace again, at the foot of the mountain …

shua! shua! shua!

The silhouette of the blockbuster flashes, and six Martial Artists appear suddenly.

These six people, wearing the same robes, had a bloody blue dragon tattooed on their chests, which is the discipline to which the Heavenly Dragon sect belongs.

As the first person, the body’s back of a tiger and waist of a bear, holding an iron hammer, the whole body of aura is as strong as a tide.

“Here, monster qi really strong! Somewhat weird!”

The twin-hammer youth’s eyes were shining, and their eyes looked towards mountain peak, and the pupil light shivered and fell on the palace hidden in the forest.

“Yi! There is a palace !? Is it the ruins !?”

Hearing the words of the young double hammer, the five same sect disciple all around, and the complexion changed at the same time, turned their heads together and looked.

“Really ah! There really is a palace!”

“Haha, 7 Senior Brother, very good luck, congratulations to 7 Senior Brother, you will get Saint Martial Emperor inheritance!”

“That is, the 7 Senior Brother is so powerful that this Saint Martial Emperor inheritance is only worthy of 7 Senior Brother!”

“Didn’t expect, 7 Senior Brother Divine Vision alone, so quickly … yi! Someone over there!”


A group of people were shooting flattery wildly, and suddenly, a silhouette rushed out of the nearby woods and fell in front of several people.

Come here, naturally waiting for Chang Tianhe of Chu Yan!

“En! Golden Pill !?”

When Chang Tianhe appeared, he held a bottle of Golden Pill in his hand, and suddenly fell into the eyes of several people in the Heavenly Dragon sect. The double-hammer young man was cred out in surprise, and a smile appeared on his face.

This relic World, seal everyone’s cultivation base, several 100,000 Martial Artists entered into it, all kinds of battles endlessly.

Therefore, the consumption of medicine pill is extremely huge, and this high level of Golden Pill is even more precious.

“Boy! You are the Sect, come and announce your name!”

There was a chill in the eyes of the young double hammer, but, out of caution, he asked.

After all, there are some Sects that they can’t afford. If not necessary, a bottle of Golden Pill can still be given up.

But if it is a small Sect of rateless, then the result, naturally, need not say much.

“No Sect, no Faction, Loose Cultivator!”

Although Chang Tianhe had joined Ling Yun Pavilion with Chu Yan, he remembered that Ling Shuangtian once said that they would not be allowed to self-violently identify themselves in this relic world.

“Loose Cultivator! Haha, that’s easy to do! Leave everything on your body and you can go!”

Hearing Chang Tianhe’s answer, the young man with double hammers suddenly looked upset and ordered directly.

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