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A terrifying battle broke out in the foggy sea of ​​swamp!

Just like when Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe broke through this swampy sea of ​​fog at the beginning, the invisible corpses in the thick fog with 5 fingers that could not be seen invisible seemed to smell the flesh and flesh and rushed out.

In an instant, those Martial Artists who broke into the sea of ​​fog found that in all directions on four sides, there was a black pressure, all of which came from a variety of monsters.

“I rely on! Is this a corpse nest !?”

“God, why are there so many corpses, and golden corpses, this is over!”

“Quick! Everyone is in formation, block! Block!”

“Looking over there, it seems there is an altar!”

“Yi! Really, on the altar, there seems to be a Transmission Passage!”

“Does it lead to the core of the World of Ruins !? ha ha ha, sent!”


Several 1000 Martial Artists, while resisting the tide of all around demon corpses, while a path of fiery eyes, all swept to the golden altar in the depths of the foggy sea.

“Hurry up and inform Sect everyone, come all!”

“Quick messaging!”


The next moment, a few thousand channels and 1000 miles of communication, shot from the foggy sea, shuttling through the void, moved towards the whole world in all directions, and passed on.

In less than breath breaths, the whole world remains boiling!

A large number of Martial Artists, as if crossing a violent wind, moved towards a swamp and a foggy sea, gathered insanely.

The emergence of the core World Passage makes everyone very excited!

You know, this is the remains of Saint Martial Emperor!

As long as you can step into the core and get the same Supreme Treasure or inheritance, it means that there is a trace of hope to achieve the Saint Realm of Martial Emperor.

As a result, a large number of Martial Artists poured into the swampy sea of ​​mist, and with the endless tide of corpses, life and death great war unfolded.

In less than an hour, the entire World Heritage site, nearly 2 100,000 Martial Artists, gathered here.

Such a terrifying number of Martial Artists seems to have inspired the murderous intentions of all the corpses in the misty sea.

Under the command of the golden corpse, the tide-like tide of corpses, like an army, and 2 100,000 human Martial Artists, turned Wuhai Marsh into a battlefield.

Bloody, slaughter, death, continue to stage!

At every breath, a lot of Martial Artist is damaged, and more monsters are dismembered!

This terrifying battle took 2 hours. As long as the monsters in the foggy sea were finally exhausted, no more appeared.

Throughout the sea of ​​fog, corpses everywhere across the field, bloody sea!

2 100,000 human Martial Artists have lost more than 30000 people, especially some Loose Cultivator and small forces Martial Artists, ten of them do not exist.

Among those demon corpses, the Martial Venerable Realm of the ordinary demon is okay, and the battle strength is average, but the golden corpses have extremely terrifying strength. Almost every attack can take away the life of a large Martial Artist.

Deep in the sea of ​​fog, above the golden altar …


Chang Tianhe slowly eyes opened, turned to look towards Chu Yan, said with a smile

“The 9th floor is over, it’s all over!”

This golden altar has a total of 9-Layer steps. From the moment he and Chu Yan step on the 1st Layer step, they will be transported to the next layer every one hour.

In this way, after 4 hours, they finally stood at the top of the golden altar. In front of them, it was Transmission Passage….

“Unfortunately, the time is too short!”

Hearing Chang Tianhe ’s words, Chu Yan also gently opened the eyes, smiled bitterly, and shook the head.

One hour time, 9 kinds of Heavenly Dao, apart from Dao of Slaughter and Dao of Sword, their own improvement is very big, like the way of power and speed, they are almost able to break through.

This time limit made Chu Yan speechless and disappointed.

“En!? Someone is coming!”

Divine Consciousness, 100 li, the Martial Artist tide, moving towards golden altar flew …

“So many people! It seems that the news of this altar, the entire world remains understood!”

Chang Tianhe looked into Chu Yan’s eyes. Soon, his Divine Consciousness also found the crowd of Martial Artists flowing like a tide.

“However, this Transmission Passage has not been activated yet!”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, said slightly to Chang Tianhe

“Go, let’s go down and look at the situation first!”

In a word, Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe stepped down from the golden altar and dived into a shrub forest outside moved towards 10 li.

Now, a large number of Martial Artists are gathered here. If you let them find out that the two of you will arrive here first, I am afraid that they will become a target.

The most important thing is that the Space-Time channel has not been opened yet, and it takes time to wait.

Therefore, Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe, after leaving a dozen or more li, also began to turn around, pretending to be just like the others, just as they had just arrived.

However, when they had just left the golden altar and were less than 5 miles out of it, the golden altar behind them suddenly shuddered.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The golden altar, which was originally close to thehundred zhang, suddenly rose from the ground, like a towering tree, constantly rising in height.

At the same time, the shape of the entire altar is constantly changing!

Boom … Rumble!

The ground within a radius of 100 li, the mountain shook, the golden altar broke out of the earth, and evolved continuously, gradually becoming a golden great hall.

In an instant, 10000 golden lights rose into the sky, dyeing the whole sky into a golden one.

This is a majestic great hall bathed in golden light. It has a huge volume and a mountain range in front of it. It is like a Heavenly Palace under various haze.

From the appearance, it is very similar to the Heavenly Palace group seen outside of the previous World.

The Space-Time channel, which was originally on the top of the altar, also turned into a golden corridor, and fell in front of the Golden Palace.

The occurrence of this scene made the 100,000 Martial Artists who had just arrived, as well as Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe who had turned around, stunned.

Heavenly Palace remains!

Finally born!

“Look at the Transmission Passage, it should be the entrance to this group of relic palaces!”

Chang Tianhe’s face showed a touch of excitement, his face flushed, and he said.

“Good! However, this Transmission Passage has not been activated yet!”

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness has been locked in the corridor, and his face is also excited.

The two discussed in a whisper, and moved towards the golden palace. They merged with other Martial Artist crowds, and moved towards the palace gate.

At this time, nearly 2 100,000 Martial Artist, divided into several forces, has begun to seize a favorable position in front of the palace gate.

Regardless of the strong sect, such as Heavenly Dragon Sect, Hades Dragon Sect, and Blaze Sect, all are excited.

“Palace Heavenly Palace! This is the legendary hall of the Paladin Emperor!”

“God ah! This is the first time I have seen such a large palace. It is larger than a mountain range!”

“The inheritance of the Paladin Emperor, must be in this palace! Whoever gets it, there is definitely a chance for the Saint Emperor to have a breakthrough!”

“However, for millions of years, this Paladin Palace is now born !?”

“It’s up to him! Anyway, in this Paladin, I’m afraid it’s Supreme Treasure inheritance countless, as long as I can get one of them 2, in this Azure Dragon World domain, it is not walk unhindered!”

“Not bad!”


All the Loose Cultivator and Sect disciple gathered in front of the palace.

At the same time, the eyes of several 100,000 Martial Artists, each looking towards “Palatial Palace”, are all blood red!

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