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10000 golden lights, shining the whole heaven and earth!

Even the four sides of all directions, the original dense sea of ​​mist, is slowly dissipating.

In front of the golden “Palace”, more and more Martial Artists and forces gathered.

Among them, in addition to the earliest strong sects such as Heavenly Dragon Sect and Minglong Sect, a lot of new 100 Sects that Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe have not seen have been added.

Even, there are several people whose cultivation base aura is comparable to Chu Yan, and all are close to the quasi-imperial order, and the imposing manner is extremely powerful.

“Queens gather! It’s hilarious now!”

Chu Yan was mixed with the crowd, constantly observing all around, his mouth lightly raised and whispered.

At the same time, his Divine Consciousness has always locked the “Palace” not far away, and the Transmission Passage gate in front of its gate.

“It looks like it’s about to start!”

Chang Tianhe stood beside Chu Yan and said excitedly.

Compared to Chu Yan, he looks forward to this Paladin.

The twinkling eyes flickered, and a pair of eyes swept the distance. The towering Palatial Palace like the mountain range, Chang Tianhe had just comprehend the 9 Heavenly Dao of the golden altar. His strength improved a lot, and he seemed extremely confident.

Boom … rumbling!

At the moment when all Martial Artists in the audience were all excited, the Sacred Palace in the distance suddenly raised a 7-color auspicious cloud and instantly surged 8 100 li, completely covering the entire sky.

A mysterious force stronger than Heavenly Might, inspiring Nine Heavens!

7 Cai Xiangyun is boiling like sea, layers of smoky waves, swallowing mountains and rivers, moved towards the horizon, constantly swept away.

This scene, as if the entire Heaven and Earth, are all mutations.


The violent gang wind swept above heaven under earth, swept all around a few 100,000 Martial Artists, swept 4 scattered, and flew back 10 feet, before gradually calming down.

Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe, with the surging crowd, retreated together.

The sudden mutation at the Palatial Palace alarmed the audience. The 300,000 Martial Artists gathered one after another. Except for a few bad luck ghosts who were swept by the Heaven and Earth gang wind and suffered minor injuries, everyone else was safe.

Each and everyone is full of crimson eyes, looking straight at the sky, the golden light of the bright palace group, the whole body of blood is boiling.

“Palatial Palace! Do you want to open it !?”

The same consciousness sounded in everyone’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, with countless eyes and shining at the same time.

On the sky, with the 7-color auspicious clouds sweeping through Heaven and Earth, the “Palatial Palace” like the golden mountain range is at the 4 corners, and the 4 golden pillars rise slowly from the 4 corners of the palace.

This golden pillar is more than a dozen feet thick, as if a root from the depths of the earth, moved towards the golden long spear pierced by the sky, sparkling.

In less than a blink of an eye, these four golden pillars rose by 4 zhang high degrees before slowly stopping.

Weng! weng! weng! weng!

On top of the 4 golden pillars, 4 groups of rays of light of different colors light up, and at the same time shoot into the sky, exploding a large sea of ​​light, fusing into a mask, moving towards the Paladin.

As if an incomparable gigantic bowl completely covered the Paladin.

In this scene, it was the Paladin that launched the Great Array of the town palace to defend the entire Paladin. Only the entrance to the palace was left, and the passage-like Transmission Passage became the only entrance.

A path of golden or silver’s Spirit Mark rises from the Paladin, like a piece of streamer, and soon merges into the Great Array of the town palace that covers half of the sky.

The mighty divine might, like a blockbuster, rushed out.

This might rushed through the crowd, making everyone’s face change at the same time, and every Divine Soul trembles.

Everyone can feel that the might of this might is far more powerful than Martial Emperor, as if God is coming!

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of people in the audience were suppressed by this a divine might, and even the sound of breathing became weak.

Fear and tremor appeared on everyone’s face.

Even Chu Yan’s face showed a bit of sorrow!

“This … should be the might of the Holy Emperor!”

Chu Yan’s eyes are like Lin, and he feels the power of the Holy Emperor, which makes his entire Sea of ​​Consciousness constantly shaken.

Even the 5 Divine Beasts in Sea of ​​Consciousness all awakened from their deep sleep, constantly releasing the power of Divine Beast and protecting Chu Yan’s entire piece of Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“This is the real Diwei!”

Suppressing the excitement, Chang Tianhe’s voice trembled, his face flushed, and his eyes were fixed on the Shengwu Palace, saying.

Boom … Rumble!

The voice hadn’t fallen yet, Ten Directions sky dome, a sudden shock, a very tall silhouette, from the Paladins, skyrocketing.

In an instant, like a giant, with thick feet on the ground, the sky above the head, with both hands well, looking up at the Vault of Heaven, the golden light of the whole body 10000, the snow-colored long robe roaring hunting.

What a pair of eyes, it seems to contain 9 Heavenly Thunder, and it seems to be breeding a sea of ​​stars.

2 golden light of golden, like 2 sacred swords, breaking 10000 heavy clouds, looking directly at Vault of Heaven!

This Myriad Realms is honored, glaring at Heaven and Earth, the imposing manner of fighting against the world, instantly impacting the audience, making several 100,000 Martial Artists stunned!

This … is the Great Emperor Shengwu! ?

Or, to be precise, this golden Heaven and Earth giant body is the Paladin Emperor, leaving a divine sense! ?

“Holy … Paladin Emperor !?”

“Look! This remains of Heavenly Palace, the Paladin is real!”

“God ah! Holy Emperor ah! 1,000,000 years ago, this aura is still so terrifying!”

“Holy … Holy Emperor!”


Looking up at the golden giant who seemed to step on the ground, everyone’s eyes were hot, like a pilgrimage, and a look of awe rose all over his face.

Venerable Saint!

Over the millions of years, the entire Azure Dragon World domain first broke through to the dignity of the Holy Emperor, as if it were phoenix hairy horns, extremely rare.

Even if there are really so few, they only exist in the legend. Once upon a time, no one has seen one!

But now, the illusory shadow transformed by Divine Consciousness of the Paladin Emperor appears in front of everyone.

Boom … Rumble!

Without waiting for everyone to react, I have n’t even seen the appearance of the Paladin Emperor. Above the sky, the silhouette of the Paladin Emperor collapsed like a sand hill, instantly collapsed, and turned into a large stream of light. , Disappear without a trace.

This time the Emperor Wudi appeared, comes and goes fast!

However, for the 100,000 Martial Artists present, the impact of the soul left behind is enormous.

At the same time, everyone looked towards the “Palatial Palace” like a mountain range, and the crimson rays of light in their eyes shone more and more.

There is no doubt at all, this Heavenly Palace remains authentic and authentic!

Well, most of the Supreme Treasure and resources before the death of Paladin Emperor are probably stored in this Paladin.

More importantly, even the inheritance of the Paladin might be in this Paladin.

Holy inheritance!

What is this concept …! ?

You know, even if it is a 100-power Sect in the Azure Dragon World domain, there is not a Sect in the history of a few Sect.

In this way, it means that even if it is within the 100-Ba Sect, their cultivation technique and Martial Dao cultivation road have only reached the upper Titled Martial Emperor, but it has come to an end.

Any Martial Artist, who wants to achieve the path of the Holy Emperor, simply cannot start.

But now, the Holy Inheritance, so that the red fruit appeared in front of me, how could it not be exciting!

Nowhere else dare to say that in this Azure Dragon World domain, the dignity of the Holy Emperor is definitely a party-like existence. The real, the real emperor holding 100000000 10,000 li Jiangshan!

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