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The second tester, with a terrified face, like a stone, crossed the head of everyone and fell to the gate of the Palatial Palace.

In his desperate eyes, the teleportation corridor of the gate of the Paladin was like a peerless Ominous Beast, with a wide open blood basin mouth, and in a blink of an eye, he would be completely swallowed up.

However, his whole body cultivation base was sealed by the palm of Tiansha Gate 3, without any resistance, he could only close his eyes helplessly, waiting for the coming of death.


Sure enough, as everyone expected, I saw a blue flash of light, shot from the Great Array of Paladin, fiercely pumped on him.


Another group of flesh and blood flowers mixed with blue electric light blooms, the body of 2nd place Loose Cultivator bursts directly!

A Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, just lost!

In the following one hour, the people at the Tiansha Gate continued to capture the Loose Cultivator all around, repaired the cultivation base with the same palm, and threw it towards the gate of the Paladin.

The people at Tiansha Gate are extremely clever. The selected Loose Cultivator is not the same as the cultivation base realm.

At this point, they were trying to tentatively, just like when they began to enter this World of Relics, the Dragon Sect had damaged a Martial Emperor. Only then did they understand that the rules of World of Relics prohibit Martial Emperor from entering.

At this time, the people at Tiansha Gate obviously learned their lesson and knew to try it in advance.

It’s just that their methods of temptation, and the price paid, are just the lives of others …

In the little one hour, the crowd that had been hustling in front of the gates of the Paladin began to retreat continuously, and some people even turned and squeezed into the crowd, moving towards the rear.

After all, no one can guarantee that if they wait on the front line, they will be stared at by Tianshamen and become human sacrifices.

However, the time of one hour, not only the Tiansha Gate, but all Martial Artists in the audience, found that the teleportation corridor of the gate of the Palatial Palace, the violent fluctuation of the void, became weaker and weaker.

It can be seen that at most one hour, the gate of the Paladin will surely open!

“Brother, almost!”

On the third brake of Tiansha Gate, when a Loose Cultivator was caught again, behind him, another person outside Tiansha Gate, opened the mouth and said.

“en! Good!”

Hearing the sound from behind, 3 nodded, the Loose Cultivator whose cultivation base has been abolished in his hand, threw it to the side, but did not directly throw it to the gate of the Paladin.

Immediately afterwards, another 2 powerhouses walked out of the gate of Tiansha. With the original 3 brakes, they flew in shape, and quickly stood in a triangle shape.

The next moment, 3 powerhouses of Tiansha Gate, shot at the same time, a lot of grey air waves rushed out from them, moved towards the gate of the Paladin.

“Uh … what happened !?”

“Tianshamen, what are you doing !? What are you doing !?”

“This … These grey airflows seem to be some kind of secret skill, I don’t feel any formidable power, do I …”

“Good! They want to use this grey airflow to cover the gate of the Paladin!”

“I depend! In this way, when will the gates of the Paladins open, only their understood !?”


A few 100,000 Martial Artists in the audience saw the strange behavior of Tiansha Gate, first it was started, and then, in various exclamations, the crowd suddenly exploded.

Not far from the Tiansha Gate, a few 1000 Sects belonged, but they moved in tune, divided into two.

One part dived directly into the grey airflow, moved towards the gate of the Paladin, and the other part lined up, separating the crowd from the large gray mist behind them, as if guarding, blocking everyone in the body before.

This time, the purpose of Tiansha Gate is obvious!

“Everyone listens …”

One of the 8 brakes of Tiansha Gate, stood out from the crowd, stood in front of everyone, shouted loudly, the whole body aura, released like a stormy sea, sweeping the boiling crowd …

Swept over by this bloody and cruel aura, the originally noisy crowd suddenly froze and gradually calmed down, looking towards one of the eight moments together.

“Remains of the Paladin, where the powerhouse resides!”

Ranked 6th in the 6th brake, the whole body killing intent was like a tide, and the cold eyes looked around the audience. Even if it faced a few 100,000 Martial Artists, but there was no trace of strange color, the eyes behind the purple iron mask were red and cold.

“Who dares to step forward! Kill without mercy!”

“And, including the Sect and family of offenders, our Tiancha Gate will not let go, the whole family will kill it!”

This sentence fell to the ground, and the audience was suddenly quiet!

Everyone’s face is full of horror, and his eyes are breathing fire, but they dare not reveal it.

After all, the notoriety of Tiansha Gate was accumulated by Blood Sea Corpse Mountain, and what they said, they would really do it!

“You rubbish! Fate like ants, weak strength! Do you want to enter with us at Tiansha Gate !? hmph!”

With a loud hum, the contempt and disdain in the eyes of 6 brakes appeared directly, looking around the audience, as if overriding everyone.

In his view, although there are nearly 300,000 Martial Artists here, but the real strength is just a few Sect.

For most people, for their Tianshamen, killing is like slaughtering chickens and dogs.

It can even be said that the lives of these people, in his opinion, are not much worse than those of grass and mustard, simply worthless.

What is most valuable! ?

Of course it is Supreme Treasure and inheritance in the Paladin!

How can they share these things with others!

Naturally, if you can occupy, you can grab and grab, so, at the moment when the gate of the Paladin is opened, the person who rushed in immediately naturally is the one who gets the most benefits.

In addition, if you keep other people out, good luck, you might be able to turn the remains of the Paladin into their own private door!

Just as everyone turned green, looking at the 6 brakes and 1000 powerhouse masks behind him, and when he did n’t dare to say a word, a re-humming sounded like a thunderous explosion!

“Hmph! It’s such a big tone, you are getting more and more arrogant!”

Thunder is rolling, like Hong Zhong roaring, everyone’s body is shaking, and at the same time turning his head, moved towards the source of the sound …


6 Bazaar’s eyes were suddenly cold, and when he turned his head, he shouted again.

Not only him, the audience Martial Artists, including Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe, were also startled and looked around.

“Tianah! Who is so deadly! Provoking the Tiansha Gate !?”

“Crazy! Those who dare to provoke the Tianzha Gate, the Tuzong Tuzu are common things, and this time, 8 to 5 brakes, the strength is stronger!”

“I heard that these 8 brakes seem to have a secret skill, with 3 people in a row and 5 people in a row.

“In the Azure Dragon World domain, dare to provoke them, it is really rare!”


Along with the discussion of all four directions, everyone looked up and looked shocked. They wanted to know that it was the powerhouse who dared to call the Pantian brake gate.

However, in the next breath, everyone looked at the same time, but his face changed at the same time.

I saw, on the sky not far away, a young man of Dragon Mark golden robe, with a jade belt hanging around his waist, holding Jin Ruyi, walking in the void, slowly falling.

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