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This person Ling Mei lightly wrinkle, face like crown jade, a pair of purple pupils, such as 2 twinkling purple stars, is unreachable.

Between the void steps, each step stepped forward, and there was an aura like Hong Feng on his body, rushing out, imitating Buddha Mountain Yue’s sideways, might astonishing.

A powerful imposing manner swept the audience!

Waiting for his body to fall to the ground, covering the aura of 10000 steps around him, as if a swell, will move the Martial Artist closer, and then push a dozen steps.

You should know that the gate of the Paladin is still within the scope of the World Heritage Site.

Everyone’s cultivation base has been suppressed by the World Seal of Relics, the highest cultivation base, but only the upper Martial Sovereign Realm.

With this strength, such a powerful imposing manner can be produced, which shows that this person’s strength is extremely powerful!

“Higher Martial Sovereign Peak !? This person is good!”

Chu Yan stood in the crowd, the original cold light, seeing the person’s appearance, suddenly hot, murmured lightly said.

shua! shua! shua!

After this person landed, aura slowly converged, and a pair of stars swept across the audience, and behind him, a large group of silhouettes fell, surrounded in several directions behind him, protecting the stars like the moon.

These people are all golden armor silver spear, rather than Martial Artist, it is better to say that they, like the Imperial Family Guard, solemn killing aura, flood the whole body.

“Golden and silver empire, 10000 princes!”

The exclamation in the crowd boiled like a tide …

“Prince 10000 !?”

The sound swept through, and in an instant, nearly 300,000 Martial Artists, all heard the name of 10000 golden princes, all excited.

Although the Gold and Silver Empire is not a Sect, their strength is comparable to that of the Hu 100 and the top 20.

Therefore, everyone in the audience, looking towards the eyes of the Dragon Mark golden robe youth, immediately became hot.

Everyone understands that it is only possible to fight against the Tiansha Gate, such as the powerful existence of the 10000 crown prince!

As long as they can kill the Tiansha Gate, then they will have the opportunity to rush into the Paladin.

Golden and Silver Empire!

One of the Ten Great Empires in the Azure Dragon World domain!

270,000 years ago, the Azure Dragon World swept the world, the emperor came to the world, and the gold and silver emperor was the founder of the gold and silver empire.

This kind of power that has been beyond the powerhouse of the Holy Emperor Order is not an ordinary Sect at all, and can be compared.

A holy emperor, even if there is no final taboo of breakthrough, the achievement is higher realm, but …

In the end, the wealth and resources collected, together with the cultivation technique and martial skill, are terrifying to an outrageous level.

This kind of thick mountain-like accumulation to maintain an empire, prosperity for 100,000 years, is more than enough!

“No wonder, the power of the Holy Emperor of Gold and Silver! Only qualified to compete with the Tiancha Gate!”

Among the crowd of Martial Artists, seeing the gold and silver empire and Tiansha Gate facing each other, everyone was excited.

“Canglong 4 Shaojun’s 10000 golden prince !?”

There were 6 brakes on Tiansha Gate, and I saw Prince 10000 appearing, suddenly complexion sank, brows slightly wrinkle, my heart was not good.

If it is just a gold and silver empire, it is only equivalent to the strength of the Tiansha Sect, but …

It is even louder than the name of the Golden and Silver Empire, but it is the “Canglong 4 Shaojun” in the Azure Dragon World!

Canglong 4 Shaojun, representing the 4 great princes of the Great Empire, also represents 4 of the Ten Great Empires, forming the Iron Alliance.

These 4 empire, 4 princes, from the moment they were born, they became brothers with different surnames, the honorary name “Canglong 4 Shaojun”!

Gold, silver, iron wood, Shengtai, and Yuehai, the four iron alliance empires, represent the Azure Dragon World domain, and the power of the empire reaches the ultimate power.

It is precisely because of the Four Great Empires’ iron alliance relationship, even if it is the Ten Great Sects forces of the 100 Sect, it will not easily provoke them.

After all, provoke one of them, it will lead to crazy revenge of Four Great Empires.

“I seem to have heard that the Canglong Emperor List, this 10000 golden prince, is the existence of ranked seventh eleven!”

“Good! Three years ago, the Canglong Emperor List started the battle, and the rank of the 3 prince from 10000 ranks was improved by 99 20 at a stretch! It just suppressed the 8 brakes of the Tianzha Sect! In addition to the first brake Sir, the other brakes ranked are all lower than him! “

“Haha, it’s hilarious this time! Sir didn’t come for a moment, the Tiansha door was over!”


Among the crowd, all kinds of discussion sounds, noisy, noisy, and mixed with some gossip, 4 scattered.

Canglong Emperor List!

It is the cultivation time, no more than 1000 years of Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse Ranking List!

Everyone knows that innate talent is particularly important to achieve the Titled Martial Emperor, and even the dignity of the Holy Emperor!

Therefore, this Canglong Emperor List represents the future of Azure Dragon World, which has the opportunity to achieve Titled Martial Emperor, and even all Heaven’s Chosen of the Holy Emperor.

And just like the weight of the Canglong Emperor List in the hearts of all Martial Artists, in the millions of years, all the Titled Martial Emperor and Holy Emperor appearing in the Azure Dragon World domain, there will be 9 out of ten, to this Canglong Emperor List.

Therefore, the entire Azure Dragon World domain, Canglong Emperor List, is the only criterion to judge the strength of Martial Artist!

And like the 10000 golden prince, it has directly entered the top 100 of the Canglong Emperor’s list, and it is Heaven’s Chosen in Heaven’s Chosen. The road to the future Martial Dao is unlimited.

“Prince 10000!”

Feeling great pressure, 6 breaths took a long breath, greeted the audience’s gaze, stepped out, and stood in front of 10000 Prince Jin, opened the mouth and said

“I Tianshamen and you Canglong 4 Shaojun, have been to live together in harmony, today, can’t give a face !?”

In a word, there were 100,000 pairs of eyes in the audience. Simultaneously shua shua looked towards 10000 Crown Prince!

However, at a glance, I saw only 10000 Prince Jin’s face, no change in expression. In the eyes like stars, a scornful look passed by.

“Face !? ha ha ha… ..”

10000 Prince Jin’s loud laughter, resounding throughout the audience, made the Tiansha Sect sect, including the face of 6 brakes, at the same time cold.

“Joke, a trifling Tianshazong, dare to talk about face in front of our gold and silver empire !?”

“On the basis of your insidious and poisonous qualities, give you face, can’t we dignified the kingdom of the Holy Emperor, and your opinion on equal terms!”

10000 Prince Jin’s answer sounded, and everyone’s eyes suddenly became fiery.

With 1000 people in the gold and silver empire, and the Tiansha empire, a large piece of aura suddenly surged, directly giving tit for tat, the live medical smell of the scene dispersed, and the atmosphere became extremely dignified.

“Yes! It is! The gold and silver empire, the prestige spreads far! How could it be possible to be with the Tiansha Sect!”

“These fellows of the Tiansha Sect, dare to bully us, the gold and silver empire, but the kingdom of the Holy Emperor!”

“10000 Golden Prince Shengming! It is worthy of Heaven’s Chosen in the Top 100 Canglong Emperor List!”

“Please invite 10000 Prince Jin to do justice!”


For a time, all the Martial Artists in the audience shouted in unison, screaming the sky dome, and all of them slowed down 10000 Jin Prince!

“Hmph! Leave me back!”

With the cheers of mountain cry out and sea howl, Prince 10000 stepped out step by step, the whole body imposing manner like a tide, the power of the rich emperor, rushing the audience, moved towards the opposite of the thousands of Tiansha gate disciples, fiercely Crushed away.




Almost 10000 Crown Prince’s words, just landed, the Imperial Family Guard with 1000 golden armor and silver spear behind him, shouted, stepped together, powerful solemn killing aura, stormed out.

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