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At this time, the remains of Heavenly Palace are here, and the gold and silver empire attaches great importance!

In addition to this relic World, the 10000 golden emperors of the golden and silver empire came in person, and naturally brought the strongest soldiers of the empire.

A total of 10000 gold and silver Emperor Wei, the cultivation base has all reached the quasi-Emperor Realm!

This time, all brought by the 10000 Golden Emperor, it is enough to show that the 10000 Golden Emperor attaches great importance to this relic of the Paladin.

It is a pity that the remains of Heavenly Palace restrict the entrance of Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse.

Therefore, the 10000 Golden Emperor can only put all his hopes on his son, the 10000 Golden Crown Prince.

10000 gold and silver Emperor Wei, half divided into 10000 crown prince into the World Heritage.

With this force, not only the safety of the 10000 crown prince, even for the relics of the Paladin, has several points of grasp!

In addition, the support of Canglong 4 Shaojun and 4 Great Iron League Empires, not to mention sweeping the audience, is absolutely not weak in strength!

In addition, in order to ensure the safety of his son, the 10000 Golden King also arranged another move.

It must be said that it is 10000 without fail!

Therefore, in the mountain range outside the ruins of Heavenly Palace, 10000 Golden Emperors, etc., have a pair of eyes full of expectation and have been at the entrance of the ruins.

…… ..

Paladin, before the entrance of the transmission …

10000 Prince Jin took a few 1000 gold and silver Emperor Guardians, and Tianma Sect’s men and horses, into a stalemate.

6 The brake body is one of the 8 brakes, and the body status is in the Tiansha door, needless to say.

Moreover, according to the plan they just agreed on at Tiansha Gate, the gate of the Paladin must be blocked!

At present, 3 people wait for a few people, dive into the grey mist, and are moving towards the gate of the Paladin. According to the investigation, the gate of the Paladin will really open for about the most breathed time.

When the time comes, as long as they can block everyone here, even if they breathe more time, the benefits of Tiansha Gate in the relics of the Palatial Palace will be 1% more.

“Prince 10000!”

Under the cold purple iron mask, the eyes of 6 brakes became darker and darker, looking straight at the 10000 golden prince, flashing coldly.

“Since you don’t give us the face of Tiansha, then today, let’s talk!”

In a word, everyone in the audience froze at the same time!

what! ?

Tiansha Sect even slammed the 10000 crown prince! ?

Are they crazy? ?

As everyone knows, the strength of the Tiansha Sect is very strong, but it is absolutely not strong enough to meet the force of force with the gold and silver empire with the Four Great Empires!

this impossible …

Hundreds of thousands of eyes, full of consternation, all looked towards the 100,000 brakes of the Tiansha Gate, and the 6 golden prince who also started with the same complexion, everyone was amazed.

“Good! Good! Good!”

The 10000 golden prince who responded, extremely angry, smiled, a Dragon Mark golden robe, without Feng Feiyang, the aura in his body kept rising, the murderous aura in his eyes, imposing manner!

“Good day temple! Not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth!”

10000 Prince Jin was directly provoked by Tiansha Gate in front of several 100,000 Martial Artists, and his anger suddenly rose to the extreme.

Moreover, he also saw a little bit about the mind of the Tiansha door. He knew that if he did n’t do anything at this time, it might be impossible to let the Tiansha door obey.

“I have 6 brakes on Tiansha Gate, Canglong Emperor Ranked 3rd 100 7 eleven, now challenge 10000 Golden Prince!”

6 Waving his hand at the moment, the disciple behind the Tiansha Gate, 4 spread out, looking at the Emperor Wei behind the 10000 crown prince.

“You are not my opponent! It’s enough to deal with you!”

10000 Prince Jin saw the other party and issued a formal challenge. He immediately waved his hand, also waved a few thousand behind him, the same 1000 spread out, leaving a space of nearly 4 li.

“Canglong Emperor List Challenge !?”

Among the crowd, Chu Yan’s eyes were thunderous, his face full of excitement, and he closely watched this emperor list challenge.

For the first time since he entered the Azure Dragon World domain, he saw the battle of the Canglong Emperor List.

Of course, he has also heard that on the Canglong Emperor List, all are powerful Martial Artists, all elites among all influences.

“Brother Chang, how much are you ranked in this Canglong Emperor List?”

Chu Yan turned his head, looked at Chang Tianhe, and asked.


Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Chang Tianhe looked awkward and replied “I’m ranked 6908!”

“En!? More than 6900 people !? Not bad! Not bad!”

Looking at Changtian River, Chu Yan’s pupil light suddenly flashed again, didn’t expect, Chang Tianhe also ranked more than 6900.

You know, Chang Tianhe’s cultivation base is only quasi imperial.

This kind of cultivation base can be included in the Canglong Emperor List. If he waits for his cultivation base breakthrough to Martial Emperor Realm, I am afraid that ranked will soar!

“Brother Chu, this Canglong Emperor List, after ranked 3000, basically nobody cares!”

Chang Tianhe’s face was reddish, and Chu Yan was very interested in the battle in front of him, and he groaned slightly and explained

“Only ranked within 1000, can you be continent in the Azure Dragon World domain!”

“So that’s how it is! Within 1000 names !?”

Chu Yan smiled lightly and turned his head towards the distance. Before the grey mist, the 6 brakes and the aura of the 10000 golden prince were rising.

Of course, Chu Yan’s plan for Tiansha Gate was obvious!

It is nothing more than delaying time, let those 10000 sprints that rush towards the gate of the 3 holy palace wait for the same sect, immediately opened at the 10000 holy palace, enter it, snatch Supreme Treasure, and even the sage inheritance!

However, Chu Yan is not worried at all, because he knows that the more powerful the powerhouse inheritance is, the harder it is to get.

I have experienced so much inheritance and Secret Realm, but I have never encountered it. The inheritance of the Great Expert came first.

I am afraid that the true inheritance of the Paladin, even if it is not a piece of your skin, there will be a test of existence.

Those at the Tiansha Gate, even if they had arrived at the core of the ruins first, they were useless at all.

“Hmph! Prince 10000, you too underestimate me 6 brakes!”

On the battlefield in the distance, I heard the words of Crown Prince 10000, under the mask of the 6 kills, in a pair of cold eyes, a cold light was emitted, and a trace of strange color flashed.

For him, today’s battle, regardless of success or failure, their Tiansha Gate and the 10000 Golden Empire, are considered to be on the bar.

However, he has been summoned for 1000 miles, and has informed the other couple of times that the reply he received turned out to be his full shot.

As a result, 6 Sha knew in his mind that this time they came to Heavenly Palace ruins at Tiansha Gate, fearing that they would carry some of the commands of the Sir behind him.

So, at this time, there is a backing by Sir, and they have nothing to worry about!

“Nonsense! Prepare to die!”

10000 Prince Jin ’s anger gradually subsided, and replaced by the Golden Flame, which flashed like Spirit Mark, suddenly rose from him!

These flames seemed to be attached to his body, zi zi burst into flames …

For a time, the 10000 Golden Prince’s Golden Flame was lingering all over him, just like the fall of Fire God, making everyone’s face startled simultaneously!

“God ah! That’s … True Fire!”

“I depend! The legend is true. The 10000 crown prince really refining the True Fire of the Golden and Silver Empire!”

“Innate Fire Body’s 10000 crown prince, cultivation is Jin Yanjue, Fire Element a, I am afraid it is already Great Accomplishment! Now I have refining the township True Fire, this time, I am afraid that it is invincible!”

“Awesome! Awesome! No wonder the 10000 prince imposing manner is so terrifying! It turned out to be True Fire Might!”

“, …”

Seeing the 10000 crown prince, True Fire added, a few 100,000 Martial Artists in the audience, the sound of exclamation, all with a terrified look.

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