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In Martial Soul World, the spirits of fire are divided into three types: Monster Fire, Karmic Fire and True Fire.

Among them, Monster Fire and Karmic Fire are the must-have items for all Pill Refining Masters. As long as they can obtain Monster Fire or Karmic Fire, they take Martial Soul as their sacrifice, condensing fire as spirit, and achieving Pill Fire, they have stepped into countless steps. Pill Dao who was envied.

Among the fire spirits, the most precious nature is True Fire.

True Fire not only has the function of condensing sacrificial pill fire, but also has a very special ability.

It is sacrificial refining the soul of fire!

The so-called Fire Soul is based on its own bloodline, Martial Soul as the base, and merges with True Fire. It integrates an Innate land-raised True Fire with Fleshy body and Martial Soul to achieve the Supreme Fire Body!

Martial Artist of the cultivation Dao of Fire, this is the only way to the Titled Martial Emperor!

However, it is not so easy to want sacrificial refining Supreme Fire Body.

At the very least, the True Fire Dragon Fire was obtained by the Gold and Silver Holy Emperor in the beginning of the 300,000 years of the Golden and Silver Empire, and none of the 10000 Gold Imperial Family exceeded 100000000 million clansman.

On the contrary, the Imperial Family who died because of True Flame backlash is countless.

Over time, 10000 gold Imperial Family juniors, this True Fire, the smell of change, no one dared to try easily.

I didn’t expect that after 300,000 years, the 10000 golden prince actually succeeded in sacrificial refining, and the Supreme Fire Body was cultivated!

This news, from today, will be like a thunderbolt storm, sweeping the entire Azure Dragon World domain.

There were several 100,000 Martial Artists in the audience. Everyone looked towards 10000 Prince Jin’s eyes, and it was hot.

I can think of it with the heel. The 10000 golden prince who cultivated the Supreme Fire Body will become the 10000st empire of Azure Dragon World in the future.

Even, it is impossible to achieve the dignity of the Holy Emperor in one fell swoop!

Unlike other people, 6 Brake looked at True Fire, a dragon saliva outside the body of the 10000 golden prince, but his face was blue and green!

How could he didn’t expect, today, he kicked an iron plate!

However, this is the end of the matter, and there is no room for the Hui people, they can only fight to the end!

“Since you want to die! I will fulfill you!”

10000 Crown Prince stepped out in one step, and the True Fire on his body flared again.

A big hand waved, True Fire, moved towards the right palm spread out, and kept gathering.

The Golden Fire Dragon True Fire, in his hands, looks like a group of flowing Golden Fireball, and now it seems that there is no trace of formable power.

However, no one doubted that when True Fire left his palm, he could burn the sky, and everything attached to True Fire would be turned into ashes!

True Qi continues to infuse, True Fire is like flames, beating flames, every rhythm will make the void around all tremble.

It seems that even the Heaven and Earth void can’t bear the firepower of this True Fire of Dragon’s Mouth.

And this scene, falling in the eyes of 6 brakes, made his face extremely dignified.


next moment, 10000 Prince Jin ’s eyes are shining brightly, the right hand slams out, the fiery aquamarine True Fire sweeps through the air, with his palm waving, pulls out a half-moon-shaped fire knife, moved towards 6 brakes, fiercely swept away.

hu hu hu!

True Fire is like a tide, rushing past, half-moon-shaped fire sword, cut across the sky.

Fire crack Heaven and Earth, the void is turned into black and gray …

Although the 10000 prince, the cultivation base at this time, has not yet reached Peak and was sealed by the World Heritage.

However, even so, the formidable power of the True Fire Dragon Fire made everyone’s face suddenly change.

“Dragon salute True Fire !?”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, staring closely at the 10000 prince Jin waving his fire, feeling the aura of True Fire.

But soon, Chu Yan gently took the head …

True Fire, although stronger than the Pill Fire of the ordinary Pill Master, is much stronger, but compared with its Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire, simply is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

So far, Chu Yan Myriad Realms has experienced and seen countless fire spirits, but he has not found any fire spirits that can be compared with Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire.

“True Fire is the most precious existence among the fire spirits, but unfortunately it has bloodline restrictions. After ascending to a certain realm, it will reach the peak, and there is no possibility of improvement! It is a pity …”

Chu Yan added Divine Consciousness and was a little disappointed with the True Fire.

Immediately, the eyes turned and looked towards the 6 brakes hit by True Fire, but I saw 6 brakes all over the body, black qi is like a tide, all True Qi is like a fountain, constantly moving towards the body and spitting out of the body.

A large number of True Qi, evolved black air-like body protection gang yuan, layer after layer, blocking in front of you.

Obviously, 6 brakes are ready to use its own body protection gang yuan to resist the attack of the True Fire Dragon!

“I rely on! 6 brake Sir, even want to fight with body protection Gang Yuan !?”

“True Fire Might is simply not Martial Artist’s body protection Gang Yuan can resist, and this is still the True Fire of the Dragon and Silver Saint Emperor, the formidable power is extremely powerful!”

“Good! If there is no hole card in 6 brakes, even if this wave of True Fire is blocked, it will be defeated in the back!”

“Don’t watch it! 6 brakes are just to delay time!”


4 all directions, all Martial Artists, seeing 6 brakes full body True Qi agitated, the body protection in front of him is getting thicker and thicker, all are excited spirits.

After all, True Fire is born, everyone wants to see how big this True Fire formidable power is! ?

Hundreds of thousands of eyes, watch closely!

The name of the 10000 crown prince, even without this True Fire, is not a 6 brake to contend with.

Now, with the 10000 golden prince of the True Fire Dragon Fire, the strength is strong enough to crush 6 brakes.

Even, sweeping the 8 brakes of Tiansha Gate, I am afraid it is enough!

Seeing each other, with their own body protection True Qi, they wanted to fight against their True Fire, 10000 Jin Prince’s face, a sudden smile appeared on the face.

“break for me !”

Under shouted in a low voice, 10000 Prince Jin stepped out on the right foot, the fire knife controlled by his hand suddenly rose against the wind, and suddenly turned into a flame zipper with a wide zhang width, fiercely cut at 6 brakes Above the body protection gang yuan.

bang! bang! boom…..!

The meniscus-shaped fire knife swept across the road, leaving a long flame channel in the sky, directly burning a vacuum area.

Everyone glared, and saw the fire knife and the 6 brake body protection Gang Yuan, colliding head-on, as if chopped on a thick shield.


Under the urging of True Qi, the flame knife transformed by True Fire of Dragon’s Mouth, under the urge of True Qi, mighty sky, fire waves swept through, the black body protection in front of him, like a layer of thick quilt, immediately burned into True Fire instantly ashes.

The vast flames shook the void, and the aura of terror was like a wave, moving towards 4 directions in all directions.

simply can’t resist, just in the blink of an eye, True Fire’s knife will break through most of the body protection gang yuan, not only does not have a sense of stagnation, but even faster and faster, straight to the body protection gang yuan 6 behind the brake !

“It’s over! Sir 6 is about to lose!”

Everyone saw this scene, and his face trembled at the same time, even if he was standing outside a dozen or more li, he could feel the heat wave blowing, with the body qi and blood rolling.

This True Fire Might is really terrifying!


Huowei swept, everyone’s eyes narrowed, and when he opened his eyes again, he only saw that the body of 6 brakes, like a rag, a black smoke all over his body, moved towards the sky in the distance, flew away .

The whole person, like a burnt charcoal!

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