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Chu Yan was disappointed and puzzled, standing in front of the tower, contemplating.

“Why, it gives me such a strong sense of summon, but it has no response to my Divine Consciousness and blood !?”

Chu Yan couldn’t understand anything.

So, after waiting for an hour, Chu Yan tried again!

However, as a result, Swallowing the Heavens Tower did not react as it did at the beginning.


The silhouette of Chang Tianhe flew from one side and landed beside Chu Yan.

Just when he saw Chu Yan trying to recognising Master, he turned around the tower and made a whole circle.

It was didn’t expect that it took him nearly 2 hours to turn around in this circle before returning to Chu Yan.

“Brother Chu, this Swallowing the Heavens Tower, cannot recognising Master at all!”

Chang Tianhe saw Chu Yan’s complexion and knew that Chu Yan recognising Master had failed.

“I tried it just now, and I saw a lot of people trying it, but everyone is the same. This Swallowing the Heavens Tower has no response at all, as if it can’t recognising Master at all!”

“Everyone, nothing happened !?”

Hearing Chang Tianhe ’s words, Chu Yan was amazed for a moment, brows tightly frowns, muttering to himself, “Strange! This is not normal!”

The sense of summon that floods the whole body is getting stronger and stronger, even more powerful than his own heartbeat, like a strong wave of waves, constantly rushing through the body.

However, under such a powerful sense of summon, why did this swallow the sky, no response to the recognising Master.

Even if there is a little reaction, it can be proved that this Swallowing the Heavens Tower can recognising Master, but the condition is not met.

But now, it really makes Chu Yan completely ignorant!

“Chu Yan!”

Just as Chu Yan contemplated, a golden robe silhouette flew from a distance.

Hearing this, Chu Yan looked up, but he saw the 10000 crown prince, flying with two powerful Emperor Captain.

“Chu Yan, the tower door is open! You can enter!”

Before rushing to Chu Yan, Prince 10000’s cry of excitement had already sounded.

“En!? The tower door opened !?”

Hearing the surprise roar of the 10000 crown prince, Chu Yan looked pale.

“Yeah! There are already a lot of people, and they start to enter the tower!”

10000 Prince Jin fell in front of Chu Yan and said.

For this Chu Yan, the 10000 prince, there are really some fears and admirations. From entering the world of ruins to the present, Chu Yan has shocked him too much.

“How? Should we join forces and enter the tower together?”

10000 Prince Jin smiled and invited directly.

“During the Swallowing the Heavens Tower, the danger is abnormal. At that time, it fell into 1000000 Martial Artist. If you and I join forces, there may be a greater chance!”

In his view, among the 100,000 Martial Artists who came here, Chu Yan was the only one who could make him see 10000 gold princes.

Joining forces to break through the towers and joining forces together, the opportunities are naturally much greater.

Even if someone competes, the odds are much greater.

It’s just that when two people join forces, the Supreme Treasure you get will also be divided equally by two people.

If Prince 10000 is not looking at Chu Yan’s strong strength, he will not put forward the idea of ​​joining forces at all.

In his view, Chu Yan has this qualification!

“I don’t want to enter the tower yet!”

Hearing the invitation of 10000 Prince Jin, Chu Yan shook his head without thinking.

“That’s good! I’m in the tower first!”

Regarding Chu Yan’s refusal, Prince 10000 did not seem too surprised. After all, the same powerhouse has its own ideas, plus everyone has not known each other for a long time, and there is also a lack of mutual trust.

Immediately, 10000 Prince Jin took two Emperor Captain, turned towards the tower and flew away.

“Wait! Can you tell Swallowing the Heavens Tower recognising Master?”

Seeing that the 10000 crown prince was leaving, Chu Yan stopped and asked.

“Oh, I tried it, there was no response at all! The seven Emperor Weis under my hands also tried it, and nothing happened!”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s question, Prince 10000 Jin chuckled and told the truth.

If Chu Yan is different, the 10000 crown prince from the very beginning does not think that he can succeed in Swallowing the Heavens Tower recognising Master.

So, I didn’t care about this matter, I just tried it casually, and I didn’t respond when I saw Swallowing the Heavens Tower.

“Isn’t there any response !?”

Chu Yan asked with a frown.

“Good! It’s as if Swallowing the Heavens Tower is not Spirit Treasure, without any fluctuations!”

10000 Crown Prince nodded, replied

“Many thanks!”

hearing this, Chu Yan bowed his hand and thanked

“Brother Chu is welcome! Remember your appointment!”

Gongshou returned the gift, and 10000 Prince Jin smiled softly, and then turned away.

After Prince 10000 left, Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe surrounded the tower and began to explore.

After walking for nearly 2 hours, just like the beginning of Chang Tianhe, he returned to the tower gate again.

At this time, Chu Yan is completely stubborn!

Surrounding the tower all the way, Chu Yan tried no less than ten times, but the results were all the same.

“En!? That’s …”

Just when Chu Yan completely gave up and was about to enter the tower, he suddenly looked up and looked towards the distance, but he found that he had come to the entrance of this small world of Swallowing the Heavens Tower through the 9-pattern passage, but 9 light gates were erected!

Moreover, a large number of Martial Artist crowds, like 9 torrents, keep pouring in from these 9 light gates, moved towards Swallowing the Heavens Tower, rushing in!

“It seems that the 9 statues in the white jade square have completely opened the passage!”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan suddenly understood that the teleportation prohibition in the Paladin was probably cracked. Several 100,000 Martial Artists were coming through the light gate, moved towards Swallowing the Heavens Tower.

A few 100,000 Martial Artists, divided into 9 shares, densely packed, can’t see the margin at a glance, like a black tide!

Especially everyone, after discovering the Swallow Tower, suddenly exclaimed, the emotions were boiling, all accelerated, and rushed.

The legend of Swallowing the Heavens Tower makes everyone excited!

9 The preciousness of color spar can make ordinary Martial Artist directly break through to Realm of Martial Emperor!

How can this heaven defying opportunity not make people excited and crazy!

Therefore, these crowds of 100,000 Martial Artists, without any hesitation, rushed to the gate of Swallowing the Heavens Tower.

As if 10000 rivers returned to the sea, 9 crowds of people rushed into the Swallowing the Heavens Tower, suddenly disappeared. In everyone’s mind, they only wanted to compete for 9 colorful crystals.

You know, when the first time Swallowing the Heavens Tower appeared 100, 10,000 years ago, there were no more than one thousand colored spars bred in total!

Therefore, among the 100,000 Martial Artists, it is not an easy task to think of snatching a 9-color spar!

Of course, the sooner the better!

“Go! We also enter the tower!”

Seeing the crowd flowing over, rushing into the tower like a tide, Chu Yan took a deep breath, looked up towards the huge tower body, his eyes burst into light, and said to Chang Tianhe

“it is good!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Chang Tianhe’s eyes were also bright, and his heart was suddenly excited.

In the face of the 9 colorful crystals that allowed Martial Artist to directly break through to Martial Emperor Realm, Chang Tianhe was naturally excited.

Sou! sou!

2 silhouettes flew by, like 2 black arrows, straight into the tower gate and disappeared instantly!

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