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For Chu Yan, the invitation of 10000 Prince Jin has no meaning!

On the one hand, if you enter the Swallowing the Heavens Tower yourself, you have to investigate the reason for summon in your heart. It is simply inconvenient to tell Prince 10000 that it is simply inconvenient.

In addition, there is Chang Tianhe beside him. With his Perfection Realm power path just broken, I am afraid that he is only stronger than his 10000 gold prince.

However, at this point, I am afraid that only Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe know it by themselves.

Therefore, Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe are together, their strength is absolutely not weak, they can completely break into this Swallowing the Heavens Tower!

Count the tower gate of hundred zhang high, enter in a flash!

Once inside the tower gate, Chu Yan only felt that the whole World was completely different from the outside.

Even the air inside Swallowing the Heavens Tower seems to be different from the outside.

Entering with Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe was a crowd of Martial Artist people, which seemed like a torrent of people. After pouring into the tower gate, it disappeared in an instant.

“Instant transmission !?”

Chu Yan raised his eyes and looked towards the mountain range in front of him, but he didn’t see a silhouette except Changtian River!

Obviously, the moment everyone stepped into Swallowing the Heavens Tower, they were scattered to all parts of the World in the tower, not at all appeared in the same position!


Divine Consciousness spread out in an instant, covering a thousand miles, and after some exploration, no interest was found at all.


Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe glanced at each other, while their bodies flickered, moved towards the front and flew away.

In this small World, Heaven and Earth Spirit Power is abundant, and the original strength of Seal has all disappeared. Both people feel that the whole body is up and down, True Qi is flowing smoothly and full of heart.

In this small World, the only thing that makes Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe feel nervous is that there is nowhere and nowhere!

These turbulent voids suddenly appeared, pulling out black vortex pieces in midair, which appeared quickly and disappeared quickly.

However, as long as it is within 10000 steps of this empty chaotic flow, it will be pulled in by strong suction.

No one knows that this kind of vanity is leading there, so it has to be handled carefully to avoid falling into it.

Fortunately, the strength of Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe is extremely strong, and they can often be found and evaded quickly when the turbulent flow appears.

Therefore, traveling all the way, although thrilling, but not at all threats.

However, with the passage of time, Chu Yan 2 people felt that there was more and more chaos in the void all around.

Moreover, the void turbulence within 100 li of Fangyuan seems to be able to sense their existence and continually gather.

If they dare to be a little slower, they will soon be directly surrounded by a large number of empty turbulences and be in danger.

“Could it be that all the 1000000 Martial Artists were trapped here! Didn’t expect is so dangerous!”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness fully opened, constantly evading the turbulent flow of the flashing all around, and stunned.

“Good! If the cultivation base is weak, it is simply impossible to avoid! Even if it can be avoided, if there is not enough medicine pill support to maintain high-speed flight, once True Qi is exhausted, it is a certain death situation!”

Chang Tianhe also had a dull complexion, being careful to deal with all around void void and answering Chu Yan.

However, Chu Yan is not afraid of these vain chaos!

In his 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, Qilin Martial Soul is good at space power. Any turbulence in the void can’t escape Qilin Martial Soul’s exploration!

Even, consuming some Martial Soul’s power, you can also completely dissolve the chaotic flow of all around void!

However, at present, with its own True Qi and speed, it is completely able to deal with it, and it has not used Qilin Martial Soul.

However, in this small World, after flying for a long time, Chu Yan was confused.

If it keeps flying like this, when will it be a head! ?

“Look over there !?”

At this moment, Chang Tianhe seemed to find something, and suddenly cry out in surprise

In the direction pointed by Chang Tianhe, Chu Yan looked up, but he saw that on the distant sea surface, there was a shiny golden light, like Haohai lighthouse, which attracted their attention.

The rays of light seemed to be stars, rising from the sea, suspending and trembling slightly, dazzling, even if they were a thousand li away.

“Go! Look at the past!”

Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe glanced at each other, the two accelerated together, moved towards that light mass, and flew away!

However, when the two of them rushed into the vicinity of the light group with excitement, suddenly, the sea surface under their feet suddenly boiled!

Boom … Rumble!

It seemed that a huge force exploded deep in the seabed. The entire surface of the sea protruded rapidly, like the rise of Buddha Mountain, which caused the sea to rise continuously.

At the same time, a huge silhouette, spilling endless sea water, revealing its figure!

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe, 2 people, suddenly complexion greatly changed, immediately stopped their body, True Qi rose, and alert!

The sea is like a tide, the huge waves are pulled, full zhang high degrees, moved towards 4 all directions.

Oh la la !

Tons of sea water splashed, splashing large splashes of water, bringing up the sky and fog, covering the sky and covering the sky, making the vision blurred.

However, in the vagueness, a vague silhouette of a tall mountain was rising from the sea.

This is a huge monster with a height of nearly 10,000 zhang. Under the whole body, under the jewel-like shiny carapace, is a huge crab with eight long legs. It is staring at a pair of lantern-like red eyes and staring at Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe!

“This … this is Monster Beast !? So big !?”

When the huge crab stood completely in the water, Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe looked up as if looking up at a mountain peak!

The time for 2 people to cultivate Martial Dao is not short, but they have never seen it, so Monster Beast of incomparable gigantic!

10,000 zhang height!

This too too terrifying it! ?

Ordinary Monster Beast, hundred percent high, is already extremely powerful existence!

If the size exceeds 500 feet, Monster Beast’s strength will exceed Martial Sovereign Realm, endless close to the quasi-imperial level cultivation base.

And now, the Monster Beast that appeared in front of 2 people has reached 10,000 zhang, nearly 500 times more than 20 zhang high!

Under normal calculation, you don’t need to guess to know that the strength of this Monster Beast has exceeded the Martial Emperor level!

“Isn’t it !? Martial Emperor order Monster Beast !? We entered this Swallowing the Heavens Tower, and the first life we ​​encountered was actually an imperial order Monster Beast !?”

Chang Tianhe’s eyes were instantly dull and completely straightened, and he couldn’t believe it!

Emperor Monster Beast, what a powerful existence that is, even the Emperor Martial Artist of the same order, it is not its opponent at all!

You know, compared to humans, Monster Beast has to be one to two levels of battle strength originally, and this kind of leapfrog strength, as the cultivation base rises, leapfrog ability will be super!

After reaching Martial Emperor Realm, I am afraid that it will exceed the human battle strength Rank 3 or more!

After all, Monster Beast’s cultivation, focus on body refinement, and arrogant fleshy body are their most terrifying reliance!

In front of this huge crab Monster Beast, the layer of carapace with metallic luster, I am afraid that the Imperial Spirit Armament, may not be able to cut!


Without any hesitation, Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe roared almost at the same time, then turned and fled!

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