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Hey you are sick, want your life!

Such a good opportunity, how could Chu Yan miss it!

Moreover, now is the best chance to kill this Monarch Monster Beast. If you let it take a breath, maybe you will come up with some crazy animal skills, when the time comes, there is no chance, then It’s hard to tell.

“Kaitian Sword Art, Holy Word!”

Without any hesitation, the Clear Sky Sword waved in his hand, the sword light dropping from the sky, as if God’s words, the word light came, and the words followed.

A sword, a huge long claw, was instantly released!

Roar roar roar !

Under severe pain, Monster Beast made a roaring sound, and his eyes looked towards Chu Yan, almost bleeding.

However, Chu Yan cut off this time is one of the 4 claws on the back side of it.

After this, the 4 claws have always been the long claws it used to support the body’s actions. 4 goes under it, and suddenly the huge body suddenly loses its balance.

Up to now, the original 10,000 zhang Monster Beast of Weifeng Linlin, the huge defects of the body, suddenly appeared.

A tall beast like a mountain, the battle strength is indeed strong, but to support such a huge body, 4 support long claws and balance is extremely important!

But now, the original 8 long claws, 4 for attacking, 4 for supporting the beast body, and suddenly, the front and rear limbs were cut off.

The body of the emperor crab can’t be adjusted by shaking, but it can’t use the 3 claws to maintain balance.


Finally, staggering, he sat directly on the ground, turning a large area of ​​forest directly into a fan.


The Emperor Crab who fell on the ground finally found his balance, but it was the balance on the ground.

Unwilling to issue angry roar, struggling to get up from the ground, but, waiting for it to stand up completely, under his head, a few sharp sword light, fell again!

ka cha! ka cha! ka cha!

Six consecutive bursting sounds sounded, six huge zhang long claws, tossed into the air, moved towards all four directions in all directions, smashed the ground, and the ground buzzed, splashing a large area of ​​dirt.

shua! shua!

Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe, like electricity, flew by and landed in front of a giant crab like a mountain peak.

“This … this is defeated !?”

Chang Tianhe’s eyes twitched, as if they were in front of him, the light was tú tú, like an incomparably huge disc-like imperial monster Beast, and his face could not believe it.

“Not so easy! Even if you cut off its 8 claws, if you want to kill it, you have to break its Void Defence Defense!”

Chu Yan raised his brow, squeezed his chin in one hand, and kept looking. The emperor crab in front of him thought about how to start.

“You can only use Qilin Martial Soul!”

Thinking about it for a moment, Chu Yan couldn’t think of any other way. He could only use Qilin Martial Soul to try it.

Monster Beast of this space class is extremely rare!

Moreover, after the breakthrough to the emperor rank, he even cultivated a unique beast skill that used the turbulence of the void as a defense.

However, in this Swallowing the Heavens Tower, the void is everywhere, I am afraid that this Monarch Monster Beast is also bred because of this special environment.

“Qilin Martial Soul, come out!”

Under a light shout, Qilin Martial Soul appeared behind Chu Yan, bringing a large five-colored cloud light, just like God descended.

Stepping out in one step, the five-color auspicious clouds surged and slowly fell in front of Chu Yan.

“God ah! This … what is this Martial Soul !?”

Standing on the side of Changtian River, I saw Qilin Martial Soul appear, and suddenly in the depths of Sea of ​​Consciousness, a deep sense of fear filled the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Even his own Martial Soul trembles slightly, and his relationship with Divine Consciousness becomes extremely weak in an instant.

Obviously, at this time, if Chang Tianhe summon own Martial Soul, I am afraid it is difficult to succeed.

“Just now I saw a white tiger type Martial Soul, Chu Yan, are you Twin Martial Soul !?”

Chang Tianhe took a few deep breaths before barely suppressing the fear in his heart, looking at Chu Yan with a pale face and asking.

Originally, he had seen this Qilin Martial Soul during the battle just now, except that at that time, it was far away, so it didn’t feel obvious.

Now, Qilin Martial Soul appeared beside him, and suddenly the mighty Divine Beast rushed away, numbing his scalp.

“Uh … It is!”

Hearing Chang Tianhe’s words, Chu Yan hesitated and smiled bitterly, nodded.

My own 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul is the biggest hole card, so I will never tell anyone.

If Chang Tianhe did n’t make the Heavenly Dao vow and follow his own words, even if the battle just happened, Chu Yan will not summon 2 Martial Souls at the same time.

Subject to Heavenly Dao’s oath, Chu Yan believes in Chang Tianhe.

“Qilin Heavenly Might, Shock!”

Run True Qi, the hand seal flips, raise your hand, and Chu Yan’s eyes, the 5-color streamer overflows, directly hitting the imperial Monster Beast in front of him.

Hum weng!

Two 2-color streamers rushed out of Chu Yan and Qilin Martial Soul at the same time, as if two 5-color long spears, fiercely stabbed towards the Monster Beast body in front.

The moment I just touched its surface, 2 groups of black vortex appeared immediately and wanted to devour these 2 lanes of 5-color long spear.


Seeing that the spear tip of the 5-color long spear has been swallowed by black vortex, Qilin Martial Soul suddenly roared, the whole body of golden light masterpiece, Martial Soul’s power surged like a tide.

In an instant, two 2-color long spears, a rich 5-color auspicious cloud, rushing out, will wrap their black vortex, and the whole explodes!

“Good! Useful!”

Seeing the 5-color long spear show power, Chu Yan’s face was suddenly overjoyed, his eyes were bright and shouted again

“Come again! Break for me!”

In one word, True Qi erupted throughout the body, pouring into Qilin Martial Soul’s body like a river!


Qilin Martial Soul lifted his right foot and stepped down heavily, a group of 5-color light clusters, rippled like water ripples from its feet, cascading towards the imperial monster Beast on the opposite side!

Roar! roar!

It seems to feel the power of this 5-color light wave, without the 8-claw Imperial Beast, suddenly struggling, rushing into the nearby mountain peak forest, shaking the sky.

However, as Monster Beast, he lost 8 claws, plus no fangs, and now it has no threats.

Moreover, Qilin Heavenly Might suppressed it, even the monster qi it contained in the body became frozen.

Boom … rumbling!

The void turbulence defense lost by Monster Power has also become extremely weak. Under the Five Colored Divine Light masterpiece, the dark vortex that is constantly flashing will be exploded into powder.

Like a thick armor, it is completely Shattered on the surface of the Imperial Beast.

In front of him, the emperor crab finally lost its final defense and became the monster Beast who was slain by others.

In this case, even if the monster cultivator is too high, without any counterattack, the loss is only a matter of time.

“Acknowledge allegiance, or die, choose it!”

Chu Yan held Clear Sky Sword with his fingertips straight and asked.

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