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If a Monster Beast could be accepted as Spirit Beast, the improvement of his battle strength might be soaring.

Although with Chu Yan’s current cultivation base, I want a Monster Beast acknowledge allegiance, almost impossible.

However, Chu Yan doesn’t mind trying it!

“roar! roar!”

Sure enough, there was no accident. The big crab, when he heard Chu Yan’s words, immediately angered, roar again and again.

The sound of beast roar is naturally unwilling to acknowledge allegiance!

Monster Beast was very disgusted with Spirit Beast who became a human being. Besides, this one is a Monster Monster Beast. The pride in his heart is more impossible, making him a slave of human Martial Artist.

Even if he is a Monster Beast, but it is also a Monster Beast of the Imperial Monster Cultivator, how can he succumb to a small Martial Sovereign Realm human Martial Artist.

If it is a Martial Emperor powerhouse, it may also be considered a little.

“In that case, then die!”

Hearing the beast roar of the big crab, Chu Yan’s eyes flashed suddenly with a killing intent.

Originally, he had no interest in yielding to this ugly big crab.

Between him and Little White Bear, there is already a spiritual bond, and since his cultivation Martial Dao, Little White Bear has been with himself. The relationship between the two people is closer than their loved ones.

Therefore, Chu Yan has Little White Bear, it is enough!

As for this monster Beast, if it was not during the battle just now, Chu Yan saw that it would use tactics, and at the same time its strength, I am afraid that it was close to the median Martial Emperor realm, otherwise, Chu Yan was too lazy to ask.


The sword whisper sounded terrifying. Chu Yan had Clear Sky Sword in his hand. It was suddenly a masterpiece of rays of light. It was stabbed with a sword, pierced from the mouth of a big crab, and a sharp sword glow.

Imperial Beast, lost!

“Mine Monster Crystal!”

Seeing the loss of the Imperial Monster Beast, Chu Yan suddenly lighted up the light of the light, and then cut the long sword in his hand. On the Monster Beast’s body, he broke a big hole, the body protection of Gang Yuan, drilled into it, and began to look for Monster Crystal.

Chang Tianhe also got into the Monster Beast within the body, looking for it under the mountain peak still big beast, under 4 times.

“Haha, found it!”

It didn’t take long for Chu Yan to find a huge black Monster Crystal not much smaller than the house near the center of the beast.

The power of the powerful Monster Emperor overflows from this Monster Crystal, and Monster qi is extremely powerful.

The monster Beast just lost, the Monster Power contained in Monster Crystal, is the most powerful. If Little White Bear is here now, I am afraid the monster cultivator will fly into the sky!


With a big wave of his hand, Chu Yan put this huge black Monster Crystal into Rakshasa Space, and turned out of Monster Beast within the body.


After Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe meet, they rise directly into the sky, moved towards the endless Sea Territory, and move on.

This direction is the direction in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness that received the strongest summon consciousness.

Therefore, Chu Yan believes that this direction must be right!

Above the vast Sea Territory, calm and tranquil, the waves are rippling …

Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe, while flying, swallowed Golden Pill at the same time, the interest rate adjustment was restored, the speed was controlled, and the progress was continued.

Flying a few hundred thousand miles, at the end of the Sea Territory in the distance, a huge island appeared.

On the island, on the huge mountain peak towering into the clouds, a purple altar stands tall.

Above the altar, there is a Transmission Gate the size of a city gate, releasing powerful space fluctuations, and completely dispersing all the void around.

“right here!”

Seeing the transmission altar appearing, Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe both looked happy at the same time.

It seems that the direction of the two of them is correct.

At the same time, they also didn’t expect that in this small world, it is so vast, but there are only two of them.

Not only are there no other Martial Artists, they have not even seen other lives.

Except for the emperor-order big crab, after they entered through the gate of Swallowing the Heavens Tower, in this small world they were transported to, there were only two of them alive!

Sou! sou!

2 Without hesitation, they flew straight to the altar portal on the mountain peak and flew in.

Step out, the endless Sea Territory becomes 10,000 li yellow sand!

Stepping on the gravel, there was a sensation of hot sand on the ground, and a stream of heat rushed straight from the center of the foot to the forehead.

This desert is extremely hot!

Chu Yan looked up towards all around, Divine Consciousness was like a net, and swept away instantly.

Divine Consciousness, which enveloped nearly 1000 miles, did not find any life, and it was full of lifelessness everywhere.

Moreover, within 1000 miles, apart from sand, there is only sand, and there is no change in terrain. ,

“This … is another little World !?”

Chang Tianhe turned his head towards towards 4 directions all directions, his face full of doubts.

“In Swallowing the Heavens Tower, this is the case !? It seems that there are countless small worlds that form a group of labyrinths!”

“Good! There is no guidance, no reference, even the little World we just came out is there, we don’t know!”

Chu Yan’s brows lightly wrinkle, and Sea of ​​Consciousness is constantly muttering.

“Aren’t we in this world, turning around chaos !? When was that head !?”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s words, Chang Tianhe looked awkward, anxiously said

“It’s hard to say! You forgot, when Swallowing the Heavens Tower was born last time, it fell to nearly 1000000 Martial Artist!”

“It seems that those Martial Artists should be caught in such a small world!”

“If you don’t get lost in 1,000,000 years! I am afraid that you will also encounter a powerful Monster Beast like just now. It is estimated that few people can escape alive!”

Chu Yan said slowly, his face full of blandness and calmness, and he seemed not to worry about them at all.

“Go! That direction!”

Seeing Chang Tianhe’s face became heavy, Chu Yan smiled lightly, pats his shoulders, felt a little, raised his finger, and then stood up, moved towards the depths of the desert, flew away.

In fact, there is one more thing, Chu Yan did not tell Chang Tianhe.

In the last small world, when Chu Yan killed the emperor-level big crab, an extremely bad hunch suddenly appeared in my heart.

The kind of cold hair standing upright, a feeling of cold, it’s been a long time since we last met death aura!

In other words, Chu Yan’s hunch is that this Swallowing the Heavens Tower may be his loss.

shua! shua!

Shaped as a black lightning, Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe flew over the desert, leaving a long afterimage, moving towards the desert skyline, extending away.

2 people walking side by side without any hesitation!

In Chu Yan’s view, anyway, he is already in the Swallowing the Heavens Tower anyway, no matter what the danger, or even death, he must face up.

The Martial Dao road is a path full of death and slaughter.

From ancient times to Ling, Martial Artist who can set foot on the 9th Layer outer sky and reach the Martial Dao Peak, there are a few more!

Therefore, the road of Martial Dao is the road of heaven defying!

And if you want heaven defying, you have to welcome the arrival of death at any time.

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