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The appearance of Qi Tianxiong made the already tense atmosphere in the Tiantian Temple Square more dignified.

Everyone can think that since Qi Tianxiong appeared, then “Emperor Master Youhuang” may have already arrived outside Swallowing the Heavens Tower.

You should know that the Emperor Youhuang can get the title of “Emperor Master” by virtue of his artifact refining Master. He is continent, and his followers in the Youhuang Mansion are more than one Qi Tianxiong.

It is said that there are even two Martial Emperors in the palace of the Emperor. They are all Martial Artists who wanted to get a strong Spirit Treasure from the Emperor Youhuang.

And the followers under Martial Emperor are endless!

This Qi Tianxiong is one of the strongest among the followers of Martial Emperor Realm.

“Good Swallowing the Heavens Tower!”

Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart.

didn’t expect, the emergence of a Swallowing the Heavens Tower has made so many powerhouses in the hidden world of Azure Dragon World appear one after another.

Even in the case of the 9 Supreme Supremes, without the participation, some forces far exceeding the strength of the 100-Ba Sect are all revealed.

However, Chu Yan also knows that no matter in any continent, the existence of Pill Refining Master and Artifact Refining Master will always be the object of all powerful Martial Artists.

Especially like “Emperor Master Youhuang”, this kind of Peak in Artifact Refining Master exists, saying that he is a domineering side, not for this.

At this time, above the square …

As the forces of Qi Tianxiong, Guzu, Soul Armor, 100 Pa Sect, Loose Cultivator Alliance and other parties became more and more vigilant, the atmosphere above the whole square was extremely tense.

But soon, as more and more silhouettes appeared in the void channel, the originally quiet scene on the square gradually became lively.

Some Martial Artists who had just arrived on the square, because they could not bear the dignified atmosphere that diffused the sky, began to tentatively search the area moved towards all around.

Everyone knows that this Tian Tian Temple Square is just a place of transition. It brings together all Martial Artists who have passed the trial of the small World Hunting. It must have a purpose.

Then more and more people left the square and moved towards all around the palace to explore, looking for the existence of Transmission Passage and the like.

Chu Yan and the people of the Loose Cultivator alliance negotiated and decided to divide into ten groups, and they were also going to the all around palace to explore.

But when Chu Yan took Chang Tianhe and was about to leave, suddenly, a strange sound rang.

“You … is Chu Yan !?”

Leng Sensen’s voice sounded, making Chu Yan figure stopped.

Turning his head, the person speaking was among the bones, holding the longest black bone stick, the whole body was in a breeze, a skull-like face, a bones powerhouse without 2 2 flesh, staring at a pair of flashes Looking at yourself with the eyes of Youbai Guihuo.

“Yes! I am Chu Yan! Who are you !?” Chu Yan stared at each other coldly.

“Me! Guzu, Leng Xuluo! Ferryman of the Soul River!” Guzu Leng Xuluo looked at Chu Yan’s eyes and grinned.

At the same time, there was a grey airflow over him, rushing away.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!”

More than a dozen followers with broken armaments and black skeleton puppets came behind him, and at the same time gave out a gruesome laugh of send cold shivers down one’s spine.

“Silver corpse puppet !?” Chu Yan glanced, brows slightly wrinkle.

On these black skulls, there is a strong shadow of strong Baleful Qi. It is obvious that they were all powerful Martial Artists during their lifetime.

Being able to control this kind of puppet is enough to show that these bone races are probably aliens specializing in Soul Power.

More importantly, this cold Xu Luo, but only a quasi-imperial cultivation base, can control ten silver corpse puppets. If he is allowed to break through to Martial Emperor Realm, he may be able to manipulate the golden corpse puppets.

In this way, his battle strength plus the golden corpse puppet, the equivalent to 2 powerful Martial Emperor exist.

No wonder these bone families can make Martial Artists in the Azure Dragon World domain so dreaded.

4 all directions, other all influences, seeing the powerhouse of the bones here, I found Chu Yan, and a look of laughter appeared on all my faces, and I looked at them all.

Especially the Soul Armor people, more than 20 people, all looked at Chu Yan with a smile on their faces.

From their point of view, it is better for the Gus and the Loose Cultivator alliance on Chu Yan to fight directly. In this way, no matter who wins or loses, there is one less enemy for the “9 Color Crystal”.

“The ferryman of the river of soul !?” Chu Yan’s face was indifferent, and there was no slight change in his face. “Say something …”

“Chu Yan!”

Leng Xuluo sneered “I heard that you took 8 golden skeletons and killed the 1000 disciple of the Dragon Sect !?”

“Release your 8 golden skeletons and let me see them!”

Almost in a commanding tone, Leng Xuluo directed at Chu Yan opened the mouth and said.

“Sorry! Not free!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan refused directly and was simply disinclined to pay attention to the other party.

My own 8 Dragon Race defenders have now reached the Silver Corps Peak. After changing the keel, after being swept by the Rakshasa shadow in the tower temple, it seems that some special changes have occurred.

However, Chu Yan knows that the 8 Dragon Race guards are still lacking some conditions from the breakthrough to the Golden Corpse.

However, in any case, it is definitely stronger than the ten black skeletons and puppets brought by Leng Xuluo.

“En!? Boy, in front of my bones, you dare to be so arrogant !? You don’t look at this, no matter which side of the force, is a little Martial Sovereign Realm Martial Artist than you, countless times more powerful! Human Martial Artist, dare to be so arrogant! Hmph! “

Leng Xuluo coldly snorted, the grey air flow all over the body, shook violently, so that the ten skeletons behind him, and a pair of black holes in the eyes, at the same time, a bloody red light was on.

“Ha ha ha, just …”

At the same time, there was a roar of laughter in the direction of Soul Armor in the distance.

There is also Qi Tianxiong, both hands crossed near chest, looking at Chu Yan from afar, with a disdainful look on his face.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan’s face suddenly sank, brows slightly wrinkle.

Using his heels, Chu Yan could guess that just a short while ago, the relationship between the forces on this square has undergone some changes.

Qi Tianxiong, Soul Armor Sect and the Bone Clan should have reached an alliance agreement.

And now, it is ready to take Chu Yan to try out the Loose Cultivator alliance, and also look at the reality of the other parties.

After all, when he was in the Paladin, he killed 1000 Disciples of the Dragon Sect in one breath, which is now well known.

Therefore, they believe that they are not important in the Loose Cultivator alliance.

“I Chu Yan is arrogant or not! You are an alien, not yet qualified to control!” Chu Yan sneered.

These bone races, like the Ming races, for most Human Race Martial Artists in the Azure Dragon World domain, simply are aliens, and Chu Yan has no affection for the aliens and will not give them any face.

“What !? Bold, you look for …”

On the ground, Leng Xu Luo suddenly became furious and opened his mouth to scold Chu Yan, but before he finished the sentence, his face suddenly changed.


I saw Chu Yan’s side, a tall silhouette stepped out, the whole body sounded like a Nu River, rushing away.

This imposing manner, extremely fierce, contains an unmatched powerful force, pulling a tornado wind and sweeping the audience.

The tyrannical force swept through the wind, Martial Artists in all directions on 4 sides, all of them were shocked, some weak Martial Artists of cultivation base, even rushed, the body stepped back a few steps before standing firm, Looking at the silhouette in amazement.

Emphasizing its mutation, suddenly, all the influence powerhouses in the audience changed their faces.

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