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Around Chu Yan, the silhouette that suddenly appeared, the powerful imposing manner released, made everyone’s complexion greatly changed.

Everyone looked up and froze!

“I rely on! Perfection Realm power way !?”

“God, yes … it’s Chang Tianhe!”

“Fairy Demon Flying Number One Genius, Changtian River!”

Very terrifying, only a few days ago, when flying to the platform, his strength is the Great Accomplishment environment, and now the breakthrough has reached Perfection Realm! ? “


All people’s faces are terrified look.

Including Leng Xuluo and the bone family in the distance, the Soul Armor Sect powerhouses, who just had a sneering expression, all solidified.

Originally, after they heard about Chu Yan, they found out that this Chu Yan, only Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base, simply did not put Chu Yan in his eyes.

He even thinks that the rumors about Chu Yan’s powerful battle strength are nothing but exaggerations.

But now, when I see Chang Tianhe beside Chu Yan, everyone is surprised.


Chang Tianhe greeted countless consternations, bowed to Chu Yan, and used his follower identity for the first time, honoring Chu Yan.

The sound fell to the ground, with 1000 eyes in the audience, and almost all eyes were bursting out of the ground.

what! ?

Chang Tianhe calls Chu Yan … Lord! ?

Is it that Chang Tianhe has become a follower of Chu Yan! ?

The surprise of the people almost made them feel surprised and angry at Sea of ​​Consciousness, and their faces were instantly green …

They were surprised that Chang Tianhe was not ranked first, but because Chang Tianhe was originally a way of power, Great Accomplishment, Martial Artist, and Loose Cultivator. How could he become a cultivation base at will? He is also a weak follower of Martial Artist.

I thought with my heels that this matter might be related to Chang Tianhe’s strength path breakthrough to Perfection Realm for a few days.

Putting it that way, those rumors about Chu Yan are probably true!

“Leng Xuluo, you are an alien, in the Azure Dragon World domain, it is better to be honest!”

Chu Yan gave Leng Xuluo a cold look, then no longer paid attention to the dull face, took Chang Tianhe, turned and left.

“Tianhe, your 10000 Dragon Power, it is best not to use it easily! You are now showing the strength of your Perfection Realm power, so 10000 Dragon Power is your hole card, only the hidden strength is the hole card ! “

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness sound transmission, communicate with Chang Tianhe.

“Well, I understand!” Chang Tianhe was nodded.

The strength of Perfection Realm is probably the strength of Peak among 1000 Martial Artists in the audience.

But no one would have thought that Chang Tianhe also learned from Chu Yan the more terrifying Azure Dragon Martial Soul’s martial skill, 10000 Dragon Power.

Although Chang Tianhe now has no Dragon Breath, he can not exert the maximum formidable power of 10000 Dragon Power.

However, the power of Perfection Realm, combined with the strength of 10000 dragons, formidable power from the outburst, but even Imperial Capital can bomb it.

At this point, these Martial Artists on the scene are unexpected.

“Hmph! Guzu …”

When Chu Yan turned around, his eyes swept Leng Xuluo, and the pupil light was cold.

Martial Artist World, powerhouse is respected!

When Chang Tianhe broke out of the powerhouse imposing manner, Chu Yan did not stop him, because, in Martial Artist World, only absolute strength can deter others.

Otherwise, the weak can only be bullied.

Even a cold Xu Luo with ten silver corpse puppets rose up to provoke himself, simply courting death.

Don’t talk about yourself, or Chang Tianhe, even if you call out 8 Dragon Races, you can kill this Leng Xu Luo directly.

“Dare to provoke, kill without mercy!”

Chu Yan coldly snorted, with a murderous aura, will go to all around the palace, looking for the teleport exit.

Compared with the secrets of Swallowing the Heavens Tower and the 9 colored spar, Chu Yan is more interested than the other races of the bone family.

However, before Chu Yan walked out of 100 steps, a cry of exclamation suddenly sounded!

“Haha, found it!”

“The exit is here!”

In a remote hall in the distance, a silhouette rushed out, shouting with excitement in his face.

shua! shua! shua!

Not waiting for his roar to fall to the ground, the whole square, powerhouse of several parties, all flew together, moved towards the side hall, rushed away.

Chu Yan and Loose Cultivator are on the side of the alliance, not far from the side hall, and rush to the front.

“Chu Yan, you from the Loose Cultivator alliance, let me go!”

Leng Xuluo and a group of bone family powerhouse, with a large group of skeletons and puppets, were suddenly shouted.

In his opinion, his own strength may not be as good as Chu Yan, but the total bones together are much stronger than the dozens of people in the Loose Cultivator alliance.

Exactly, by virtue of his strong identity and power, suppressing Chu Yan would also allow him to find some face.


However, what did not make all the bone races think that Chu Yan ignored them at all, even if the Martial Artists of the other Loose Cultivator alliances were full of fear, and their body stopped, they were ready to let the bone race pass first. , Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe, still moved towards the side hall and flew away.

“Chu Yan! You are courting death!”

Leng Xuluo, who was ignored by Chu Yan again, only felt within the body of an unnamed Karmic Fire, which instantly ignited and rushed to the Sea of ​​Consciousness, immediately angrily shouted.

“Courting death is you!”

Chu Yan stopped suddenly, turned suddenly, and a murderous aura surged all over his body.


But waiting for Chu Yan’s shot, Chang Tianhe around him, but True Qi broke out directly. The whole person, like a humanoid Ominous Beast, with a violent imposing manner hiding the sky and covering the earth, ran straight into Leng Xuluo.

With the momentum of the storm, Chang Tianhe’s fists came out together, and the whole body was urged to the realm, all around the void trembling madly, and he could not bear the powerful force aura he released.

Beyond 1000 steps, Leng Xuluo, who had just been arrogant, saw Chang Tianhe violently rushing like peerless Ominous Beast, locked by his powerful aura, and his whole body was stiff, unable to move even a little bit.

This kind of repression on Heavenly Dao realm is simply not something he can resist …

Moreover, the bones are good at manipulating the Yinyang and Divine Soul attack techniques, the Fleshy body cultivation base is much lower than the Martial Artist of the same rank.

in a flash, even if Leng Xuluo wants to urge the dozen or so skeleton puppets behind him, simply is too late!

Bang! Bang!

Double black fists, as if the stars were over the sky, heavily blasted on Leng Xuluo’s body protection astral qi.

With a loud bang, the body protection Gang Yuan burst directly …

There was another loud bang, the flesh and blood exploded all over the sky, all kinds of organs, minced meat, scattered all over, throwing the whole square.

Guxu Lengxuluo .. Lost!

This scene of tremendous changes made the original rush of people suddenly stop.

Everyone looked at in midair, the foul wind and bloody rain swaying in the sky, all with a terrified look.

This is a quasi-imperial Peak! ?

Just punched instant kill! ?

Above a pile of minced meat and blood, Chang Tianhe stood up with his hands, long robe flying, his eyes like thunderbolt, looking across the audience and drinking his voice again

“Provoking my Lord, die!”

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