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With the long-browed old man’s cry, the entire Swallowing the Heavens Tower burst into dazzling rays of light!

Weng! weng! weng!

A path of different light radiates from the slowly suspended Swallowing the Heavens Tower, and various colors of different light spit out, just 9 colors, 9 different light columns, rushing out, at the ten zhang position above the Swallowing the Heavens Tower, merge In a mass, rippling in layers instantly, moved towards all around Void spread!

“Zhenfeng Heaven and Earth!”

Seeing the colored colored ripples of Swallowing the Heavens Tower, the long eyebrows of the old man, his face nervous, not afraid of any hesitation, the whole body aura rising, both hands forming seals, moved towards above heaven under earth, 4 directions all directions Type a hand seal.

Suddenly, the power of a path of Profound Rank merged into the void of the old man ’s body, which originally surrounded the old man’shundred zhang range space, rapidly expanding, pushing the void in the hall to all around, isolating the power of Heaven and Earth ,stronger.

The old man’s move was obviously to strengthen his own space and to exclude all the power of Heavenly Dao in this demon country Demon Country World so that Swallowing the Heavens Tower was uncovered.

As the long eyebrow old man continued to unfold, the Swallowing the Heavens Tower suspended in front of Chu Yan actually began to slowly decompose.

Countless points 9 Brilliant colors, overflowing from the tower body, drifting all around in the sky, as if 10000000 stars, brilliant.

“Chu Yan!”

old man Long relaxed, then his eyes turned, looked towards Chu Yan, his face dignified

“Here!” Chu Yan quickly replied.

“Inheritance, the leader of Human Race, tests Martial Artist bloodline and Martial Dao will. The two complement each other and are indispensable!”

“Once the inheritance begins, you can’t stop it! It will cause great pressure on your Fleshy body and Divine Soul! Hope you can stick to the end of the inheritance!”

“First place successor, persisted for ten or eight days! Fleshy body collapsed, Divine Soul wiped out!”

“No. 2 successor, insisted on 40 Nine Heavens! Finally, the same loss!”

“This …” Chu Yan asked, his face startled.

“Excuse me, Senior, how long will it take to succeed in this inheritance !?”

“Inheritance takes time! I don’t know!” Old man shook the head said.

“After all, there are no 9 inheritance hearts, and no inheritance succeeds! However, it is only possible if you persist at least 40 Nine Heavens!”

“What !? You don’t know !?” Chu Yan complexion slightly changed.

didn’t expect, this inheritance test turned out that everything is unknown, and even how long it takes to succeed, I don’t know.

With a chuckle in Chu Yan’s heart, a chill rose.

At this moment, Chu Yan suddenly remembered that when he stepped into the Swallowing the Heavens Tower, in addition to sensing the Swallowing the Heavens Tower summon from the long-browed old man, he also sensed a death aura that had never happened before.

Could it really be that I lost here! ?

Chu Yan smiled bitterly, speechless, and shook the head, very depressed.

However, Chu Yan will never give up on the chance of “heaven defying to change life” this time!

Divine Kingdom!

The invincible is the only way to the true Martial Dao Peak!

For Chu Yan, this is not what he expected. As long as I think of it, if I can develop Divine Kingdom, on the one hand, I can improve my cultivation base and strength, and at the same time, I can provide a permanent place for my family and friends. Safe.

This … is the reason that Chu Yan wants to condense the most!

As long as the inheritance succeeds, everyone including father, mother, Yue’er, Little White Bear, and Situ Yang will get a perfect World!

Since then, it will no longer be a slave in captivity in other powerhouses like in Vast Heaven Continent.

heaven defying to change life, or lost!

Faced with this problem, Sea of ​​Consciousness constantly emerged with familiar faces and faces, which made his pupil light extremely incomparable.

“Becoming an endless Star Domain, you can compete with those who have alien Demon Country supreme expert, truly control your own destiny, and become a real powerhouse!”

“How can my Chu Yan’s life be reduced to human control by others!”

Chu Yan’s within both eyes, 2 fierce pupil light, burst out, a powerful aura, from him, constantly rushing out.


“It must succeed!”

Roar! roar! roar! roar! roar!

The roar in Chu Yan’s heart alarmed the Divine Beast Martial Soul in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. Affected by Chu Yan’s state of mind, he awakened and flew into the sky, roaring again and again!

Seeing that the volume of Swallowing the Heavens Tower is getting smaller and smaller, Chu Yan is moving, suddenly a Divine Consciousness sound transmission, gush …

“Tianhe! Tianhe! Can you hear me?”

“Lord! I’m here!”

Chu Yan’s Divine Soul was summoned and immediately received a response from Chang Tianhe.

After receiving the news from Chu Yan, Chang Tianhe stayed in the void near the disappearance of Swallowing the Heavens Tower.

Although he did not know that Chu Yan had gone there, he could sense that the location where Swallowing the Heavens Tower disappeared was the closest to Chu Yan.

“You immediately go to the Demon City in Azure Dragon World, find Little White Bear Dangdang and Situ Yang, and tell them that I’m going through a life and death inheritance, so that they can wait with peace of mind, it may take … 80 days!”

Chu Yan pondered a little, thinking of the second inheritor, who insisted on 2 Nine Heavens while inheriting, and the long-browed old man estimated that it was close to success in inheritance.

Therefore, Chu Yan estimates that 80 days is enough!

“Okay! Lord! Be careful!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s talk about life and death inheritance, Chang Tianhe suddenly lost his heart, knowing that the matter was important, and dared not say much. If he was afraid of affecting Chu Yan’s state of mind, he directly nodded and agreed.


When Chu Yan cut off the two people’s Divine Soul communication, Chang Tianhe bid farewell to Kong Xuan, the movement art unfolded at full speed, and the movement towards Swallowing the Heavens Tower exit flew away.

In the Swallowing the Heavens Tower, the long-browed old man finally completed the isolation of the void, slowly taking interest, spits out one mouthful of impure air, and looked to Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan! The entire inheritance process will cause a huge test to your Fleshy body, and the process is extremely painful!”

“A long time ago, countless people tried, almost instantly the fleshy body collapsed, although Swallowing the Heavens Tower was born for the second time, I chose a powerhouse and a genius, but the longest insisted, only 2 Nine Heavens ! “

“I might as well tell you the truth, that first place successor is a holy emperor!”

The old man looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes were full of worries. The more the inheritance was about to begin, the old man’s heart became more and more tense, and he couldn’t be surprised anymore!

Because, long-browed old man knows, this time, it is the last chance!

Therefore, he hopes to make Chu Yan more mentally prepared and able to persist until the success of inheritance.

“What !? Holy Emperor !?” Chu Yan’s face changed suddenly.

“According to the rumors, 100, 10,000 years ago, when Swallowing the Heavens Tower was born, there is a person, the Holy Emperor entered Swallowing the Heavens Tower, could it be …”

“Yes! It is the Emperor Shengwu!” Old man nodded.

“Among the 9 golden statues you saw, the statue holding the long sword is the Emperor Wu, the youngest among the 9 followers of the Lord! What a pity …

Speaking of this, the old man pupil light is dim, and the head is hooked.

“This inheritance, even St. Imperial Capital can’t bear it !? It also leads to loss !?”

Chu Yan’s pupils shrunk, his face full of surprise.

You know, the Fleshy body of the Holy Powerhouse almost reached the Inextinguishable Sacred Body level, Martial Dao’s will, let alone.

“This time … trouble!” Chu Yan’s face was solemn

“In any case, never give up! Whatever the Holy Emperor, I will never lose Chu Yan!”

The cry in my heart made Chu Yan’s state of mind soaring and rock-solid!

“it is good!”

Seeing the changes in Chu Yan’s eyes and aura, the long man with long eyebrows also had a happy face, didn’t dare to delay, and quickly waved his hand, shouted

“Then it starts!”

In the waving room, in the Swallowing the Heavens Tower, which has been completely decomposed, a group of 9 colored light groups, with dazzling rays of light, exuding mysterious waves that shocked Heaven and Earth, moved towards Chu Yan and slowly flew.

Chu Yan ’s pupils shrank fiercely and reflected, the group of 9 colorful light groups getting closer and closer gave Chu Yan a feeling that the whole Heaven and Earth suppressed.

But, waiting for Chu Yan to react, the light group has already shot into Chu Yan’s eyebrows, disappeared!

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