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After a weak, almost inaudible muffled sound, the heart of Jie Yuan fell into Chu Yan’s eyebrows.

In an instant, Chu Yan Divine Soul fiercely shuddered!

Even the flesh and blood of the whole body, True Qi and Sea of ​​Consciousness, suddenly shook, causing Chu Yan’s pupils to shrink, and the whole body’s cold hair instantly fell.

The most influential is the mountain and river myriad beasts, the whole World, the mountain shakes!

According to the long-browed old man, the heart of the boundary source will impact the myriad beasts, Qi Sea and Sea of ​​Consciousness at the same time.

3 The spirit is united, and the Fleshy body is used as the carrier to open up the Divine Kingdom!

As a Martial Artist, Chu Yan, Qi Sea and Sea of ​​Consciousness are the core places. Any damage will cause serious consequences.

Although the mountain and river myriad beasts map was originally just a Space-Time Spirit Treasure, whether it is damaged or not is relatively unimportant!

However, the current mountain and river myriad beasts picture contains nearly 100000000 million recipes of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, as well as father Chu Jiang, Big Brother Chu Zhan and Yue’er …

Even if he died himself, Chu Yan would not allow it, the myriad beasts of the river and river suffered a little damage!

However, Chu Yan knows that if this time inheritance fails, not only his own body and Divine Soul, including the mountain and river myriad beasts, will all crack!

When the time comes, the world of the myriad beasts of the river and river burst, all the people of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, as well as their loved ones, will be thrown out directly and appear in the Azure Dragon World domain.

With their cultivation base, I am afraid that in this powerhouse as clouds, danger lurks on every side of Azure Dragon World, they simply cannot survive!

Even if it can barely survive, I am afraid it will be reduced to the lowest level of existence.

This is something Chu Yan will never allow!

“En !?”

Just as Chu Yan’s mind became harder and harder, and his mind continued to calm down, all of a sudden, the body was still full of power and disappeared instantly!

“What happened !? The fusion power disappeared !?”

Chu Yan was stunned, didn’t he say that the fusion of the world’s heart is extremely painful! ?

Why now, I don’t feel anything at all! ?

zi! zi! zi!

Just when Chu Yan breathes deeply, with a stunned face, just sat down cross-legged in preparation for Divine Consciousness exploration, suddenly, a terrifying force erupted from the depths of Divine Soul, like a torrential flood, instantly rushing into Chu Yan’s body .

Like a headless peerless Ominous Beast, drill into himself with the body meridian, bumping all the way, stepping on my own 100 meridian, inch by inch broke apart.

At the same time, the power like electric current disperses the whole body, like a needle stick, stimulating every trace of flesh and blood in the whole body.

A strong sense of pain drowned Chu Yan in an instant!

Chu Yan’s brow is fiercely twisted, face instantly changes color …

In the great hall, Chu Yan stood in front of him with a negative hand. He had been nervously observing Chu Yan’s long eyebrow old man’s reaction. When he saw Chu Yan’s face bent, the pupil light suddenly tightened.


After a long time, the long-browed old man saw Chu Yan begin to adapt. Like an old monk sitting, he was completely immersed, suddenly relaxed, raised his long sleeves, and wiped the fine sweat beads on his forehead.

“Chu Yan, the leader of Human Race inheritance, is related to the birth of the last Divine Kingdom of Human Race! Hope not to disappoint me!”

Slowly hook the head, old man body flashed, and return to the top of the golden altar, also sitting cross-legged, slowly closing his eyes.

The whole great hall slowly returns to calm!

The feeling at the moment reminded Chu Yan of the moment when he just awakened 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, the moment when White Tiger Martial Soul sacrificed the power of Martial Soul to cleanse himself.

That painful feeling is almost exactly the same!

However, at the time, Chu Yan, who had just stepped into Martial Dao, regardless of Fleshy body strength, Martial Dao’s will, was far inferior to now.

So, the pain that made me almost fainted at that time, to the current Chu Yan, it was like a mosquito bite.

The pain of that day was Chu Yan’s awakening of Martial Soul, the first heaven defying to change life, and he entered the road of Martial Artist cultivation from then on!

And now, opening up Divine Kingdom and accepting the inheritance of the leader of Human Race should be his second heaven defying to change life!

It ’s just that Chu Yan knows that now is just the beginning …


Boom … Rumble!

The Boundless Star domain, the endless universe, and the outer world as the core. In the vast Star Domain Space-Time, a heaven and earth gang wind of heaven shaking earth shattering suddenly broke out, sweeping the endless Star Domain outside the outer world.

In the depths of World Star Domain, at the end of a world of nothingness, there is a towering black mountain peak as high as 90000 battles.

This mountain peak, starting from the mountainside position, was enveloped by the endless turbulent grey spirit cloud sea, as the tide of the surging waves, pulling up the layers of cloud waves.

Mountain peak is all around, but it is a Corpse Mountain Blood Sea, and the bones of the forest are hidden in the middle. The cloud waves in midair roll over, bringing a raging wind, sweeping across, making a large body of corpses on the sea, send cold shivers down one’s spine The sound of screaming ghosts.

Through the layers of clouds and waves, at this time the 90000 battle peak, a huge black altar, sitting on the silhouette of it, but suddenly, slowly opened his eyes.

“Old fart’s, not even alive!”

“For a whole 1,000,000 years, after searching for so long, there is no trace, didn’t expect, you came out yourself! Gā gā gā….”

“This time, you will die!”

Under the dark air, the silhouette of the black altar suddenly swayed a vast aura, like a shock wave, moved towards 4 directions all directions.

Just in the blink of an eye, this aura swept across the black mountain peak and the Corpse Mountain Blood Sea in the 100000000 million miles, and instantly swept through the entire outer world.

“Yi!? Divine Soul is burning !?”

The next moment, the silhouette on the black altar, in the empty eyes, a flash of different colors flashed in shock.

“Old fart’s, with your weak Divine Soul, want to escape the investigation of the true body emperor, it’s a dream!”

“I’m going to see how long you Divine Soul can burn! When you Divine Soul burns out, you don’t have to do it without me, you will definitely die!”

“Ha ha ha ha … 200, 10000 years ago, Martial Soul lineage is finally going to be extinct!”

The wanton laughter rushed out, making the sea of ​​spirit clouds of black mountain peak all around boil again, pulling up huge waves and surging 9 10,000 li!


Azure Dragon World domain, 9 mountain ranges….

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Under the continuous 9 sounds, the entire 9 mountain range, trembling tremor, a path of beam of light, successively rushed out from the 9 main peaks of the 9 mountain range.

Above the sky, 10000 clouds surge, under thick soil, the earth cracks, the entire 9 mountain ranges, just like heaven falls and earth rends.

With the occurrence of natural phenomenon, each and everyone’s terrifying aura, from the depths of 9 mountain ranges, kept rising overnight.

“En!? Started !?”

“Tower old Divine Soul …?!? Oh! It was the last time!”

“Human Race hope! Can this time succeed !?”

“Sorry for heaven! My 9 Supreme Sects cannot escape this last destiny!”

“Let’s go! Cause and effect cycle, the avenue is always! It’s time to end too!”


A few horrible thoughts, in the sky of violent nights, communicate with each other …

Immediately, a path of mighty aura gushed out of 9 main peaks, moving towards 4 sides all directions spread out.

This one after another horrible aura has passed, heaven falls and earth rends-like natural phenomenon, and 100000000 mountain ranges within 9 million miles, which gradually subsided.

Immediately afterwards, the few horrible auras gradually became calm!

Between Heaven and Earth, the clouds stay in the wind,

This silence reveals a feeling that wind and rain are coming, as if the whole World is waiting for something …


Acupuncture pain like bone biting, invading Chu Yan’s whole body!

The brows screwed together tightly, but slowly spread out …

“This level of pain is probably fatal for Martial Artists below the realm! But … but not as strong as I expected!”

Chu Yan’s eyes closed slightly, and there was no other reaction except the occasional twitching of the eyelids!

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