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Ten 6 days … Ten ten days … Ten ten days …

The heart of Swallowing the Heavens Tower is becoming more and more integrated with Chu Yan fleshy body.

However, the powerful force that invades the Sea of ​​Consciousness level is becoming stronger and stronger. Even in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the suspended Divine Consciousness book has begun to tremble.

This pain, from Divine Soul, is more than the pain of fleshy body cracking.

“Ten four days!”

In the great hall, the long-browed old man’s face was extremely dignified, staring closely at Chu Yan’s Fleshy body true body.

Seeing that his skin had completely detached, his muscles were exposed, and he was trembling slightly, not only was he moving.

However, Chu Yan has no eyelid eyes and is still in the state of dilated pupils, and apparently has not awakened from the sudden enlightenment.

“In the first two successors, the first place supported ten or eight days, and the 2nd day supported 8 Nine Heavens!”

“Even as a Saint Emperor who achieved the status of Saint Emperor, Fleshy Body achieved Inextinguishable Sacred Body, it only lasted for ten or eight days. When Inextinguishable Sacred Body collapsed, it was directly damaged!

“The Chu Yan in front of me, whether it is Fleshy body strength or Martial Dao’s will, is probably a bit weaker than the Paladin Emperor, but didn’t expect. At this point, this kid has entered the state of sudden enlightenment ! “

“In the Human Race lineage, the innate talents of different evils, such as vast seas and stars, are endless! But in the end, how many people can hold on to this day !?”

“Cultivation base is not important! Strength is not important! Perhaps only Martial Soul and will are the key!”

“I am looking forward!”

Martial Artist cultivation, whether it is cultivation technique or Fleshy body, is very important, but the most important thing is Martial Dao’s will.

This point, no matter the size of Sect, when testing genius, there will be a Martial Dao will test, you can see it.

Because, when Martial Artist cultivation reaches a certain level, Martial Dao will break through and promote to “the way of self”, which is equivalent to opening a road to Martial Dao endless.

And if the ego’s way is strong, it can get great opportunity, cultivate Divine Kingdom, and then break through to “the way of the true self”, it will be extremely scary.

Therefore, the strange strange enlightenment that Chu Yan appeared in front of him made the old man with long eyebrows terrified!

Because, before Chu Yan started inheritance, he said a lot to Chu Yan. I believe that with Chu Yan’s talent, he should also know that what he currently lacks is “the way of the self”.

So now, even if it is the pain of the collapse of the fleshy body, it can’t wake Chu Yan in the sudden enlightenment. That can only explain one thing …

“One with the World, really … true my way!”

A thunderclap-like consciousness sounded in the long man Sea of ​​Consciousness, and then his eyes were fiercely wide, his mouth wide open, and the air was pumping straight.

“No … impossible! Could this kid skip the” Ego Way “and directly break through to” The Real Me Way! “?”


With a slight tremor, his long-browed old man’s eyes were red, and the violent Divine Consciousness rushed to Chu Yan like a tide.

At this time, the long-browed old man under shock almost used all the remaining power, and wanted to confirm Chu Yan’s situation.

What the hell I guess! ?

The long-browed old man almost shook his whole body for the shocked consciousness that just appeared in his mind!

Divine Consciousness surging, passing by …

hiss! hiss!

Sure enough, the moment the Divine Consciousness swept, the long-browed old man’s body shuddered, and he gasped again.

“Divine Consciousness is nothing !? Really” One with the World “!?”

This discovery made the heart of the old man with a long eyebrow squeeze a bit, as if the heart had stopped beating for 3 beats, and the whole body’s scalp was numb.

One with the World, that is a realm that transcends the way of the self, and corresponds to the “way of the true self”!

That is to say, this Chu Yan is crossing the way of self, directly breathing, the true self that is necessary for moved towards Divine Kingdom!

“The way of self is the condition of breakthrough Martial Emperor Realm, and the way of true self is the condition of creating Divine Kingdom!”

After a long time of ten breaths, the long eyebrow old man who was almost suffocated, gradually calmed down, and the pupil light flashed and kept pondering.

“This kid, the cultivation base is only Martial Sovereign Realm, but not Martial Emperor Realm! But he is accepting Divine Kingdom inheritance! In this way …”

The long-browed old man stared at Chu Yan, thinking about the strange situation that happened to Chu Yan.

“So, in order to create Divine Kingdom, but the cultivation base does not reach the Martial Emperor Realm, it can only break through the shackles of the ego, and directly improve the level 2 !?”

“This … impossible !?”

Although the shock in his eyes meant that Elder, the long eyebrow, could not believe it, but what happened to Chu Yan was extremely real.

My true way, Divine Kingdom, is definitely the perfect fit!

Human Race 10,000,000 years In the history, during the flourishing period, those who possessed these two conditions at the same time later became either the emperor of the powerful Great Empire or the Sect Master of this powerful religion.

Almost everyone has reached the Peak of World!

With Divine Kingdom, cultivation base and strength increase, it is almost the scary speed of rapid progress.

With the “True Self”, the power of Heavenly Dao produced by the Divine Kingdom is probably not worse than the alien and powerful Demon Country in this foreign world.

A Divine Kingdom World, the stronger the power of Heavenly Dao, the Heaven and Earth Spirit Power of Divine Kingdom World, the soul, can gain the benefits of heaven, each Martial Artist, cultivation base in Divine Kingdom can increase the speed, It’s much faster and more powerful!

Just like Vast Heaven Continent and Azure Dragon World domain, Heaven and Earth Spirit Power is more than 100 times different, World resources are more than 1000 times more powerful, and even Martial Soul awakened by Martial Artist must rank much higher!

In Vast Heaven Continent, a 10 Star Martial Soul is almost a symbol of peerless genius, but in the Azure Dragon World domain, it can only be regarded as an elite genius at most.

As you can see from here, it has the power of Divine Kingdom!

Moreover, the more powerful Martial Artists in Divine Kingdom, the more powerful Martial Emperor’s powerhouse, the more Heavenly Dao power provided to Divine Kingdom, so that Divine Kingdom Heavenly Dao power can also be quickly improved , And the cultivation base and strength of the Lord of Divine Kingdom will still be weak! ?

Between these two, a terrible virtuous circle is formed, mutually enhancing, simply without limits!

The ultimate benefit is naturally the master of Divine Kingdom!

“Ten 8 days! Ten 8 days …”

The more you think about it, the more excited your long-browed old man will be. The tiny ray of hope in her heart begins to endless enlarge!

“The first place successor, even the Holy Emperor, only persisted for ten or eight days! And now, Chu Yan is still in the student enlightenment, striking” the way of the true self “, far from reaching the limit!”

“At least 30 days! Even …”

Long eyebrow old man’s body trembles, the smile on his face blooms like a flower, two long eyebrows with waist, because of excitement, swaying constantly, bringing up a large ripple of the void, moved towards all around.

“Must succeed! Hold on! The longer the period of this light enlightenment, the better, and the longer the time, the more chance you have to achieve the” True Me “!”

“Million years, the reason for the failure of the top 2 successors, maybe, in your case, you can find the answer!”

With a glance, the long-browed old man’s gaze landed on Chu Yan, but his face suddenly froze.

Because, he suddenly discovered that the bright red muscles on Chu Yan’s fleshy body started to fall off!

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