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Boom … Rumble!

Thunderbolt like a thunderbolt, exploding in the blazing sea, Chu Yan’s trembling body of Divine Consciousness, trembling suddenly, dull eyes, fast gathering, 2 gold and silver two colors ofpupil light, like a sharp arrow through the hole, through the hole Heaven and Earth.

“Um hmph! It hurts … it hurts!”

The pain of cutting bone marrow and peeling flesh and blood finally pulled Chu Yan out of the sudden enlightenment.

The moment when Divine Soul returned to his position, he was sorely hurt by the tide that he completely submerged his Divine Consciousness in an instant …


“Damn! Get out of my sight! Don’t disturb me!”

Like the low roar from the injured Ominous Beast, it shook through Heaven and Earth, and the roaring sound picked up the torrential clouds and waves for a long time!

“God is a holy man, the awe-inspiring, holy Rakshasa … returned!”

Left hand white light, right hand black light, at the same time outbreak …

The Rakshasa Order with both hands appeared at the same time as if the sun and moon were empty, shining Heaven and Earth!

Roar! roar!

In the black beam, a black silhouette of Gundam zhang, holding a golden trident, stepping out of the void, roaring Heaven and Earth!

The mighty power of Rakshasa, like the sea of ​​black clouds, swept all directions!

In the white beam of light, it is a whole body white, holding the silver zhang silhouette of the silver fork, striding out, screaming Vault of Heaven!

2 Respect Rakshasa, glance at each other, and immediately, the figure flew, moved towards the other party and swept away!

one black one white, 2 Rakshasa shadows, the moment they hit together, Heaven and Earth fiercely sink, the whole sky dome, completely collapsed …


The black and white two-color rays of light disappeared instantly, replaced by a large group of golden light, above the 9th Layer, like a round of golden sun, radiating 10000 golden lights, shining on the whole heaven and earth!

Roar ~~~!

A mighty invincible aura, like the light of God, spreads the whole sky with the bright golden light!

Golden body Rakshasa, a pair of eyes, right gold and left silver, like a round of the sun, a round of the moon, the light by the pupil light, the void within 10 li, all turned into powder!

Next moment, Jin Shen Rakshasa slowly fell from the air, moved towards Chu Yan stormed …


Jin Shen Rakshasa rushed into Chu Yan within the body, Chu Yan only felt that an unspeakable power suddenly awakened from himself within the body, full body flesh, True Qi Gang Yuan, under the baptism of this power, Changes are taking place …

On Chu Yan’s body, a Constant Antiquity aura, rippling like water ripples!

St Rakshasa Body!

Chu Yan strongest’s big Fleshy body card, in this brief moment, broke out completely!

At the last trip of Medicine Sect, Mo Xiong sent Bai Rakshasa Order at the expense of his life …

On that day, Chu Yan completed the double Rakshasa fusion for the first time, and became the body of Saint Rakshasa!

But because the cultivation base is too weak, it only took less than one hour to display. After killing the powerhouse of the Black Blood Temple, it was never used again.

It was n’t that Chu Yan did n’t want to use this heaven defying hole card, but later, every time Chu Yan tried to integrate the Holy Rakshasa Body, he would be suppressed by Heaven and Earth, a dark force, and even the black and white Rakshasa Order, Are not functioning properly.

But at this moment, when the pain of inheritance reached its limit and the fleshy body collapsed quickly, Chu Yan ’s Divine Consciousness body comprehend “The Way of the True Self” was forcibly interrupted. St. Rakshasa Body moved!

I didn’t expect that it was successful in one fell swoop!

The power of the violent Saint Rakshasa, like the golden cloud waves, rushed over Chu Yan’s body, and also appeared on the Fleshy body true body!

Weng! weng! weng!

Above the Swallowing the Heavens Tower great hall, centered on Chu Yan fleshy body, a circle of golden aura, continually rippling, rushing to all directions in 4 directions.

“This … what is this !?”

The power of St. Rakshasa, who suddenly appeared, was shocked by the long-browed old man. After being shocked, he retreated three to four steps before standing firm.

When he looked down towards Chu Yan again, he found that the muscles had already started to detach from the Chu Yan true body of the fleshy body, and the layers of golden water flowed into the whole body, and the large golden light was as bright as the Inextinguishable Golden Body!

Chu Yan fleshy body, which had been cracked, solidified again, and the speed of collapse completely stalled.

“Really strong Fleshy body power! It’s almost the same as the Holy Emperor’s Inextinguishable Sacred Body! What the hell is this !?”

Even the long-browed old man who lived for millions of years was completely ashamed when he felt the power of Saint Rakshasa exuded from Chu Yan!

He has never seen this power!

However, judging from Chu Yan’s appearance, the fleshy body of this time collapsed, and even let him support it.

Ten 8 days … Ten Nine Heavens … 20 days …

The power of Rakshasa dissipated, and Chu Yan in the sudden enlightenment was awakened by the pain again!

ah! ah! ah!

The roar sound exploded throughout the great hall. Chu Yan looked down and saw a large fleshy body falling from his body, turning it into powder and melting into blood, and flowing freely!

The trembling of the body causes the muscles to crack faster and faster!

Chu Yan’s face is completely unrecognizable, except for the clenched teeth and the face twisted together, all showing the pain in his heart, reaching the limit again!

Call chi! Huh …!

With a big mouthful of breath, Chu Yan’s eyes were red …

“Chu … Chu Yan, can you still stand it !?”

The long-browed old man stood beside Chu Yan, seeing Chu Yan’s appearance, and his body, the almost invisible Rakshasa gold bodies of rays of light, deep in his eyes, full of worry.

“Stick to Divine Soul, 10000000 Don’t collapse, forget the pain of Fleshy body! Must hold on!”

“hold onto!”

Except for howling loudly in Chu Yan’s ears, the long-browed old man can’t help at all!

Divine Kingdom inheritance, the leader of Human Race, is ordinary!

The kind of pain that flies through the Fleshy body is the only way that Divine Kingdom can perfectly integrate with the heart of the realm.

A powerful Divine Kingdom, of course, needs to be based on the strongest big Fleshy body, and every time you endure, it will make the World foundation created by Divine Kingdom World a powerful point!

However, if this kind of pain cannot be tolerated, Divine Kingdom World, which has not been completed at all, will completely collapse.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness and Qi Sea that have already begun to merge with Divine Kingdom, as well as Fleshy body and Martial Soul, will also be destroyed together with Divine Kingdom, annihilated into nothingness!

The only thing left is Divine Soul, who has suffered a lot and suffered so much!

At that time, becoming a solitary soul, wandering the void, losing everything, even if you use Life Strength, after resurrection, you will also lose the cultivation base. Even the chance of recovering Martial Soul, there is no chance, directly become an ordinary person!

“Ah! No …!”

“Vault of Heaven Heaven and Earth, Avenue 10000000, my way must be on it! My way … The only way …!”

In the roaring roars, Chu Yan regardless of the madness urged the power of the remaining St. Rakshasa to fight the pain of inheritance. Divine Consciousness grabbed a trace of clear comprehension in the sudden enlightenment, never let go!

“No matter who it is! I am not qualified to let me give up! I will never lose!”


The final eruption of the power of St. Rakshasa directly rushed away, losing the support of the power of St. Rakshasa, as if the 9 mountains were under heavy pressure at the same time, such as the pain of the storm, Chu Yan’s body twitched sharply.

“Black Tortoise, give me … come out!”

Almost at the moment when the golden light broke, Chu Yan did not hesitate, shouted, summon Black Tortoise Martial Soul!


The next moment, with the roar of Chu Yan, a huge black shadow, split open space, like a black cloud, over the sky above Chu Yan, suddenly appeared!

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