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Long eyebrow old man’s worry is correct.

The power of Martial Soul of Black Tortoise Martial Soul, after ten days, was finally exhausted!

The outbreak of Martial Soul’s power just now was Black Tortoise’s last wave of Martial Soul’s power, all poured into Chu Yan.

As the emperor of the water line Martial Soul, he is good at the endless flow of water line a, and the Soul Body of Black Tortoise Martial Soul is huge. It is many times larger than the largest Martial Soul in the water line Martial Soul!

After all, Black Tortoise Martial Soul is the emperor of Black Tortoise, the emperor of all Water Beast Monster Beasts, the power of Martial Soul is more powerful than you think!

However, even so, after ten days, the power of Martial Soul of Black Tortoise Martial Soul is finally exhausted!


The last beast roar, Black Tortoise Martial Soul, a pair of purple dragon eyes, looked at Chu Yan, full of concern, weakened to only 30 feet Soul Body, and finally turned into a black streamer and returned to Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.


Almost immediately after the return of Black Tortoise Martial Soul, Chu Yan’s cry resounded throughout the great hall.

Without the support of Black Tortoise, the pain of inheritance like the frenzy of the raging sea suddenly submerged Chu Yan.

At the same time, large pieces of muscle, along with the internal organs in the abdominal cavity, began to peel from Chu Yan’s Fleshy body!

Chu Yan’s fleshy body collapsed faster than before, it was significantly faster!

Chu Yan, who was originally immersed in the comprehension of “the way of the true self”, was instantly pulled out, exposing half of the skeleton’s fleshy body, and the pain shook violently.

“No! Do not disturb me! No …”

Chu Yan’s roar sounded, and a lot of blood in his eyes oozed out. Looking at the blood with a golden glory, it can be clearly judged that it is not ordinary blood, but Chu Yan’s blood essence!

As early as before, all the blood on Chu Yan had been drained, except for some blood essence, which supported the Fleshy body.

But now, the sudden disappearance of the Black Tortoise Martial Soul makes Chu Yan’s Fleshy body almost reach the level of exhaustion.

“40 days… .. Black Tortoise… ..”

Chu Yan fiercely with both eyes, flashing a light of blood, whispered.

“White Tiger Martial Soul, come out!”

In less than breath breaths, Chu Yan’s flesh and blood collapsed, and a skeleton like a jade-like appeared. With a low roar, a large white light behind him soared into the sky, and the huge White Tiger Martial Soul came out of the air!


tiger roar sound heaven shaking earth shattering, myriad beasts Supreme, White Tiger War God is coming!

Weng! weng!

A mighty slaughter aura, with the golden power of the golden spear, swept the audience, the power of the raging White Tiger, and the void around all around was instantly cut into countless pieces!

“Ah! My isolated airspace!”

Another screaming sounded in the great hall, the old man with long eyebrows trembling all over, his eyes looking at the white Tiger Martial Soul in his eyes, his eyes twitching!

what’s the situation! ?

This … what is Martial Soul! ?

This imposing manner is too terrifying! The power of Martial Soul alone destroyed his void, completely destroying it, leaving no scum.

Long eyebrow old man desperately urges Diwei, crazy to restore the void …

“Chu Yan!”

At the same time, long eyebrow old man shouted loudly.

“White Tiger, possession!”

Hearing the long-browed old man drinking, Chu Yan raised his hand and pointed to White Tiger Martial Soul in midair.

Suddenly, White Tiger Martial Soul turned a pair of golden tiger eyes, looked towards Chu Yan, 2 golden lights dropping from the sky, fell on Chu Yan!

Weng! weng!

In an instant, the golden light Mu body dyed the Chu Yan fleshy body skeleton into a golden piece, just like a golden body!

The power of White Tiger Martial Soul enforcement!

A skeleton of a path of crack originally appeared, which quickly stabilized and did not continue to crack!


Feeling that the force that impacted the isolation of the airspace disappeared, the long eyebrow old man was long relaxed and raised his hand to wipe the fine sweat beads on his forehead.

After calming down a little bit, the old man with long eyebrows looked up, looked towards half-air, that tiger-shaped Martial Soul, his face suddenly changed!

“This … what is this Martial Soul !?”

Staring closely at the White Tiger Martial Soul watched the full ten breaths for a long time, long eyebrow old man dumbfounded again!

do not know!

I still don’t know!

What’s more shocking to the long-browed old man is that this Martial Soul looks stronger than the one just now!

The terrifying Martial Soul’s power exudes from the whole body, making the long-browed old man’s Divine Soul tremble slightly!

What the hell is this! ?

Let the people live! After a Martial Soul comparable to the Great Emperor Order, there is another one, and it is stronger! ?

Suddenly, there was a slight sense in the old man’s heart.

It turned out that he followed the Lord, even though Nine Heavens swept the Star Domain for millions of years, it can be said that he has passed every continent of Ten Directions Star Domain, which is definitely considered experienced and knowledgeable!

What kind of powerful Monster Beast, heaven defying Heaven’s Chosen, horrible Martial Soul have never seen, and even the Holy Emperor powerhouse, have seen a lot!

But now, the two Martial Souls that emerged from Chu Yan completely subverted his view of the World, and even the most extensive travel experience he was most proud of was completely smashed!

It turned out to be just a frog in well!

“Twin King Martial Soul, it’s normal! It seems that this Martial Soul can support it for a while! Huh …”

After a long shock, the long-browed old man returned to peace!

After all, Chu Yan has not held a few heaven defying cards until now, which is absolutely impossible!

Twin Martial Soul, it just works!

In midair, White Tiger Martial Soul’s eyes are like gold, and he constantly pours out Martial Soul’s power. Enforcement on Chu Yan maintains his golden body.

The densely packed golden skeleton is all cracked and finally stabilized!

Chu Yan did not waste a trace of time, immersed in comprehend again, aura slowly recovered!

The whole great hall is calm again!

Time goes by, it passes very fast, it passes very slowly …

The long-browed old man who walked around Chu Yan felt as if he was living like a new year, and each time he passed was very slow.

In the blink of an eye, ten days have passed!

“50 days!”

Long eyebrow old man During these 50 days, while maintaining his isolation void, while paying attention to Chu Yan’s situation, there were many wrinkles on his face, and his expression was much older!

Like a son, I am almost 100 years old, from the old man of full of energy to a late old man!

“Really … really done! Actually … beyond the second successor, reached 2 days!”

At this time, the long eyebrow old man is extremely excited …

Up to now, Chu Yan has persisted for 50 days, which is 2 days longer than the last 3 successors!

Moreover, from now on, every time Chu Yan insists on breathing more time, it will be close to a point from the success of inheritance!

According to the idea of ​​the long eyebrow old man, it can even be said that from now on, Chu Yan can break the cocoon into a butterfly at any time and complete Divine Kingdom inheritance in one fell swoop!

By that time, Human Race Divine Kingdom will be born!

The inheritance of Human Race hopes that it will also appear in this interracial Demon Country World!

Thinking of this, the long-browed old man was excited and worried …

However, the more you worry about something, the more you will happen!

Roar! roar!

In midair, the huge White Tiger Martial Soul that was originally the honor of myriad beasts, the Soul Body at this time was reduced to less than ten zhang, and even the golden light poured on Chu Yan became a small stream, as if it would be interrupted at any time.

“Not good! This Martial Soul is not good!”

Long eyebrow old man glanced at it, his whole heart mentioned his throat …

Ka … ka cha!

A cracked sound of skeleton came from Chu Yan …

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