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White Tiger Martial Soul disappeared and returned to Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.


In the void, an invisible ripple waved open, hitting Chu Yan’s Fleshy body skeleton like a mountain!

ka cha! ka cha! ka cha!

The explosion of a skeleton like a popcorn sounded, and the pain was like a row of mountains and seas, just like Ominous Beast opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, hissing Chu Yan’s Fleshy body.

ah! ah! ah!

The sound of mournful scream, resounding through great hall, between Chu Yan’s roars, the skull on the face, a path of cracks kept breaking apart, the missing teeth fell off, and they had not fallen to the ground before turning into powder.

Following the breakdown of skin and flesh, even Chu Yan’s skeleton is now crashing at the speed visible to naked eyes!

Chu Yan woke up, slowly lowered his head, looked towards the left and right hands he raised, but only saw two cracked hand bones, which appeared in front of himself.

Moreover, in just this glance, there are 3 finger bones on both hands, which turn into powder …

“My fleshy body …”

Seeing the scene, Chu Yan’s pupil light suddenly froze, and the black hole without eyes was filled with distraction.

“I … disappearing !? But why am I still there !?”

“Fleshy body and me, which one is more important !?”

“Is the fleshy body important !? Why is this Heaven and Earth, but there is no fleshy body !?”

“Heavenly Dao mysterious, detached from the vulgar, my way, can’t we be detached !?”

“She …. got …!”

“Giving is to get! To get is to give! Miao! Miao! Miao!”

A path of chaotic words sounded, and Chu Yan had no face on his face, even a smile appeared!

Each of the three “miao” words is more empty than the previous one. It seems that after 3 sounds, the sound is far beyond 3 1000 li!

“Ha ha ha, since that’s the case, how can I use this Fleshy body!”

The next moment, Chu Yan skeleton’s joints crackled and even stood up from the ground …

Peng! peng! peng!

Chu Yan’s body, a root, keeps exploding, turning into powder, and 4 scattered!

At the same time, some storage Jade Talisman fell down, and as Chu Yan’s skeleton burst, it also turned into powder!

At this time in the great hall, a white jade skeleton, from bottom to top, quickly collapsed and continued to melt.

After less than ten breaths, the entire humanoid white jade skeleton, like a sand tower blown by the wind, completely disappeared under the sky!

Instead, it is a humanoid illusory shadow …

The same black robe hunting, standing with a negative sword, star eyebrow sword, handsome like a jade tree!

This … is the Divine Consciousness body of Chu Yan!

With a faint smile on his face, Chu Yan turned his head slowly, looked towards a dull, long-browed old man, nodding his head!

That manner of imposing manner is like controlling Heaven and Earth on this side … God!

“you you…..”

The old man with long eyebrows was shocked, his eyes wide open, his mouth wide open. After a long time, his saliva came out.

From the moment when the fleshy body skeleton of Chu Yan just collapsed, with the bone powder flying in the sky, the heart of the old man with long eyebrows was almost instantly cold!

“Failed again! Didn’t expect Chu Yan persisted for 53 days, but the Fleshy body collapsed …”

However, Chu Yan’s words exploded in his ear like a thunderbolt before he destroyed the airspace.

Since then, the long-browed old man dumbstruck looked at this scene, and stormy sea rose in his heart!

“No … not dead !?”

After holding for a long time, the words of the long-browed old man finally finished!

“Chu Yan, you are not dead !?”

“En!” Chu Yan nodded.

“Grass! This will do!”

Even the old monster who has lived for millions of years, the long eyebrow old man at this time, also cannot to bear burst out a swearing.

Long eyebrow old man can’t think of it, Chu Yan’s situation is completely different from the previous two successors!

The first two successors, the fleshy body collapsed, and at the same time as Divine Soul, Divine Soul also suffered!

However, this Chu Yan, fleshy body collapsed and disappeared, Divine Soul was not affected by a trace, and even appeared in the form of Divine Consciousness body.

In this scene, Peak once again realized the long man’s understanding of Swallowing the Heavens Tower inheritance!

“What … situation !? This … unreasonable ah!”

In the great hall, the long-browed old man’s dull eyes, stared like a goldfish, staring at Chu Yan with a blank stare, completely silly!


Azure Dragon World domain, the heavens and demons.

In the abdomen of Sword Peak, Situ Yang and Little White Bear have tried several times, and they can’t feel at ease to cultivate!

Although they know that they are only one line away from the quasi-imperialist cultivation base, as long as they can break through, they can leave here and go to find Chu Yan.

But no matter how long the two sit together, they can’t settle down, especially Little White Bear, his big eyes are always looking at the north, and his small faces are almost screwed together!

“Not good! Chu Yan has an accident!”

Suddenly, a coldness struck in Little White Bear’s heart, and the bear hair all over the body instantly jumped up and jumped from the ground.

“What’s wrong !? dong dong!” Situ Yang’s complexion changed.

“What’s the matter?” The master turned around and asked urgently.

“I can’t sense the aura of Boss! Something is wrong with Boss!” Little White Bear broke out of the cultivation base to improve his demon consciousness, fully sensing the direction of Chu Yan, and shouted at the same time.

“What !? Chu …”


Almost at the moment when the Lord was about to speak, Suddenly, Chu Yan’s disciplinary Jade Talisman suspended in front of him, the whole burst open!

“Not good! Chu Yan’s life Jade Talisman! Isn’t Chu Yan…. Damaged!”

That burst of Jade Talisman’s burst sounded, like a horn of Hell, and the three people who were present at once were fiercely sinking.

“Chu Yan is broken !?”

“Boss is broken !?”

“big brother …..”

3 people complexion greatly changed, all sluggish, then, a white lightning flew out, but Little White Bear with crazy monster qi, has moved towards the outside of the mountain rushed away.

“Dangdang, wait for me!”

Situ Yang, who responded, also waved his hand, Spirit Mark flashed, and his body caught up.

“Damn it! Chu Yan actually …”

The Lord’s face was somber that he could almost bleed, and the whole body’s aura was out of control at all, constantly rushing out.

“Full collection!”

Immediately afterwards, the silhouette of the capitalist flashed and appeared directly at the sky above 10,000 zhang in Tianmodu, with a roaring sound throughout the mountain peak.

“3 Halls! Elder Halls! 99 Spirit Peak and above the Imperial Disciples, all assembled!”

Boom … Rumble!

Thunderbolt-like sounds sounded, the heavens and demons all shake with the peaks of 99 peaks, a large silhouette, rushing out of the peaks like a tide, moved towards the Lord.


Azure Dragon World domain, 9 mountain ranges, Lingyun Pavilion!

Chang Tianhe stood in Lingyun great hall, with a hint of anxiety, and Ling Shuangtian above the first seat, as well as the Elders in the hall, were telling about the situation of the Swallowing the Heavens Tower and his party.

“Hmph! These interracial, so big dog galls! Courting death!”

“Good! Listening to Tianhe, these aliens are obviously well prepared. It seems that this time when Swallowing the Heavens Tower was born, they would have known aliens!”

“It makes sense! Well, this Swallowing the Heavens Tower is a conspiracy they laid!”




After listening to Chang Tianhe’s report, the whole hall Elder spoke in unison, and all his faces were angry.

“My 9 Supreme Sect, and the aliens of the Azure Dragon World domain, a battle sooner or later! Only this time, Swallowing the Heavens Tower was born, not only the aliens of the Azure Dragon World domain, but also the aliens of the Demon Realm domain and the Underworld, Joint action too! This matter is a bit strange! “

Ling Shuang’s world leader, one left and one right, are Soaring Martial Palace Palace Lord and Supreme Elder. At this time, it is Supreme Elder.

“I don’t know! How is Chu Yan now !? The strength of those aliens is not weak, and the secret skill is even more weird. Chu Yan is not deeply involved in the world, I am afraid that I will lose money!”

Soaring Martial Palace Palace Lord, looked towards Ling Shuangtian, opened the mouth and said.

Regarding the fact that Ling Shuangtian had taken Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe as direct disciple at the fairy demon flying station, the entire Lingyun Pavilion is well known!

Now I heard that Chu Yan is caught in Swallowing the Heavens Tower, and Swallowing the Heavens Tower may be an alien conspiracy, and everyone looks anxious!

At this moment, the mutation is born!


Behind the Pavilion Lord gold seat, the last piece of the 3 direct disciple Jade Talisman suddenly burst!

That dull voice echoed the great hall, the whole Lingyun great hall, everyone’s face froze at the same time!

That recipe Jade Talisman belongs to … Chu Yan!

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