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Swallowing the Heavens Tower …

There are more than 20000 powerhouses, suspended in the sky, gathered together, and strikes a void.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Over 1000 Peak powerhouses, all in imposing manner like a rainbow, all kinds of blade glow palm seals, like howling wind and torrential rain, fell on the huge void crack, tearing the cracks constantly.

Through the void cracks that are getting bigger and bigger by strikes, you can clearly see that in a world of nothingness, a crystal tower surrounded by 9 colorful lights stands in the empty space.

That crystal tower is exactly … Swallowing the Heavens Tower!

“Quick! Another round!”

“Increase the attack and completely collapse this void!”

“Space-Time collapsed, and the Swallowing the Heavens Tower was not carried, and it would naturally be born again!”

“When the time comes, depending on the ability, who can recognising Master, Swallowing the Heavens Tower?”


More than 20000 Martial Artists, cheering together, pulling the billowing sky waves, everyone’s face, full of excitement.

9 Spirit Peak World, the birth of ten 9 colored spars, caused a robbery.

The original war between humans and aliens, mentally prepared, a large number of human Peak Martial Artists were damaged, and there was betrayal. The remaining ordinary powerhouse, under the planned siege of the aliens, no one was caught!

In particular, ten 9 colored crystals attracted the attention of a large number of human powerhouses. They did n’t even notice the strange behavior of the aliens in the melee, only knowing to fight for 9 colored crystals.

So, in the beginning, out of ten 9 colored crystals, 7 of them were in the hands of human powerhouse.

Therefore, when the Peak Martial Artists of human beings were still immersed in the excitement of grabbing 9 colorful spar, they did not find it at all. In all directions, human Martial Artists have been damaged and destroyed. Is an alien.

Finally, the aliens counterattacked massively, besieging the human Peak powerhouse who grabbed 9 colorful spars.

At this time, there are less than 10000 human powerhouses remaining, and there are more than 20000 interracial powerhouses.

There is no overwhelming advantage in quantity. There is no suspense in the battle. Except for a small number of human powerhouses, through Transmission Passage, more than 70% of human Peak powerhouses are all killed by aliens!

After the removal, nearly 2 10000 interracial powerhouses will pay attention to the disappearing Swallowing the Heavens Tower… ..

As a result, all the aliens began to team up with strikes void, wanting to split open space and force Swallowing the Heavens Tower out.

After dozens of days of continuous efforts, the small World Space, unable to withstand the continuous attacks of so many powerhouses, finally collapsed.

And the trace of Swallowing the Heavens Tower hidden behind the void.

At this time, before the void crack, several large powerhouses of different races stood side by side, watching the slowly cracking void crack, and the cracks, the red eyes of the Swallowing the Heavens Tower!

Lou Yuansi of the bone family, Soul Armor’s 10000 shock waves, Old Monster Hei Xuan, and even the human Qi Tianxiong …

“It looks like no more than 5 days! This Space-Time carrying Swallowing the Heavens Tower must collapse!”

Qi Tianxiong took several powerhouses with “Emperor Master Youhuang” and stared closely at the void crack, opened the mouth and said.

“Hmph! This little World, but the range of 1000 10,000 li, how strong Heavenly Dao can be! The time of tens of days is almost the same, the plan of this time is perfect! Ha ha ha….”

Old Monster Hei Xuan laughed heartily.

“Yes! All 9 colored spar stones, humans have not got one, and there are countless deaths and injuries, hehe …. This time is a blow to human Martial Artists, definitely greater than they thought!”

“Yes, Martial Artist who can come here. That one is not Peak powerhouse. Losing one is a great loss!”

“Yi! By the way, Qi Tianxiong, I’m going to ask you, why do you know that the void location where Swallowing the Heavens Tower is !?”

10000 Jinglang looked towards Qi Tianxiong not far away, opened the mouth and said.

“Hmph! In your capacity, you don’t deserve to know!” Qi Tianxiong coldly snorted.


Hearing this, 10000 The shock wave was immediately annoyed, but at the thought of Qi Tianxiong’s identity, he finally endured it, his face flushed.

It ’s not because of the emperor and master emperor behind Qi Tianxiong, but another identity of Qi Tianxiong …

On the surface, Qi Tianxiong is a great disciplinary of the human power “Emperor and Master Emperor”, but as a powerhouse of the Soul Armor Sect, 10000 Jinglang still knows some secrets that the ordinary person does not know.

Therefore, Qi Tianxiong in front of him is really not what he can provoke.

“Stop noisy!”

Old Monster Hei Xuan was just shouted in a low voice, his brow furrowed lightly, and he looked dignifiedly at the void crack.

“En !?”

Others heard the sound of Old Monster Hei Xuan and started at the same time!

Among these Peak powerhouses, Old Monster Hei Xuan has a strong strength. Although he has not reached the Realm of Martial Emperor, his strange secret technique has already surpassed Martial Emperor.

Moreover, other people saw that Old Monster Hei Xuan looked wrong and turned his head at the same time, looking towards the void channel not far away.


Not waiting for everyone to turn their heads, a silhouette, flashing out of the void crack.


Seeing that someone came out of the void crack, everyone’s face started at the same time, and suddenly became nervous.

“Hmph! Courting death!”

The silhouette flashed, waiting for everyone to see him clearly, but rushed directly to the alien Martial Artist crowd.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The blockbuster golden fist, like the wrath of thunderbolt, strikes out and explodes among the crowd of alien Martial Artists.

ah! ah! ah!

Suddenly, the screams of a large film sounded, all kinds of corpses with broken arms, flesh and blood, 4 scattered.

That scene, like an Ominous Beast, rushed into the flock, and passed by, as if flesh and blood grinding, arbitrarily devouring life.

“Who! Who is it??”

Seeing that the people were powerful, Old Monster Hei Xuan dared to shoot at random, but just stood in the distance and watched.

At least, they determined that this person came out of the void crack, so it must have a great relationship with Swallowing the Heavens Tower.

What is Swallowing the Heavens Tower! ?

That is the first Supreme Treasure in Azure Dragon World!

People who have a relationship with Swallowing the Heavens Tower may also have a great relationship with Swallowing the Heavens Tower recognising Master.

“Run away ah!”

“Mother, this person really strong!”

“Quick! Quick! Withdraw!”


In one fight, the alien Martial Artists who were originally gathered around void crack all around were killed completely unprepared. In addition, the big golden fist, formidable power, is actually terrifying. Every punched out, at least 5 6 Martial Artists are lost .

This terrifying scene suddenly scared everyone, soul flies away and scatters, leaving only the single thought head in his mind.

In a blink of an eye, the crowd of interracial Martial Artists fled away!

Soon, the attack of the void crack stopped, and all the alien Martial Artists escaped a distance of 10,000 zhang and saw the horror silhouette. They did n’t chase them before they relaxed and stopped!

“Martial Emperor !?”

Old Monster Hei Xuan raised his eyes and saw that the other party was a long-browed human Martial Artist. His body was Di Wei, like a tide, and his eyes twitched suddenly. His face was unbelievable.

“Martial Emperor !?”

“How could Martial Emperor appear !? Or a human !?”

Qi Tianxiong and 10000 Jinglang, as well as Lou Yuanshu ’s several interracial powerhouses, all looked surprised, looking at the long-browed old man.


Without waiting for everyone to react, in front of Qi Tianxiong, suddenly a void channel opened, and a powerful silhouette appeared in front of everyone!

“Gā gā gā! Martial Emperor with a long eyebrow, you are finally out!”

Suddenly appeared black silhouette, a yin laugh, black qi lingering all over the body, powerful Yin Fiend Qi, rushing all directions.

Seeing the appearance of this black silhouette, all the alien powerhouses in the audience started at the same time, and then they came to worship

“Pay respects to Sir!”

“Pay respects to Sir!”

“Pay respects to Sir!”

Facing the horrified eyes of all the alien powerhouses, the black silhouette flashed, but it fell directly in front of the long eyebrow Martial Emperor, with a cold smile on his face, staring at each other.

“Blood Crow Demon Emperor !?” Long-browed Martial Emperor’s face started, and immediately said with a smile. “It was still found by you, but, according to your words, hehe, your master, let you come to death?” !? “

On the ground, Martial Emperor, a blood crow in black armor, suddenly looked cold.

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