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“Bold! Demon Lord Sir, you can desecrate!”

Blood crows screamed angrily, black qi surging all over his body, a black blood mark on his face, a murderous aura emerged.

“Hmph! Surrender the Swallowing the Heavens Tower and let you die more happy!”

In a word, on the Demon Emperor of the Blood Crow, the mighty Emperor poured out, and moved towards the long eyebrow Martial Emperor suppressed.

“Ha ha ha… ..”

The long-browed old man laughed loudly, waved his big hand, and a large piece of golden light poured out, directly crushing the rushing Demon Emperor, and shattered it all.

“Blood Crow, have you forgotten that you were just me defeated in the first battle!”

“For so long, I have forgotten the pain that Divine Soul suffered in that year !?”

In a word, the blood crow Demon Emperor’s face was somber to the extreme, his face muscles were trembling, and then, body flashed, wrapped in overflowing Heavenly Demon Qi, moved towards the long-browed Martial Emperor, and rushed away.


From the great shout, the blood crow Martial Emperor flipped his hand for a palm, moved towards the long eyebrow Martial Emperor.

The black air wave that was originally lingering around him suddenly rolled, changing from black to red, condensed in front of his palm, and turned into a large mass of blood red light, quickly expanding.

Quack! Quack! Quack!

Immediately thereafter, it surged into the huge bloody light cluster near hundred zhang, rushed out a large dark red crow, fluttered blood wings, issued a burst of strange noises, and rushed out.

Before blinking, a large group of dark red crows crossed the sky and spread a long river of blood.

“break for me !”

Seeing the bloody ravens coming, Martial Emperor’s long-browed complexion, his True True Qi outbreak, fiercely single fist smashed out.

The golden glow of the palm, wrapped in the power of thunderbolt, exploded the layers of the void, wherever it passed, the void continued to explode, like a bulldozer, accelerating all the way, and the entire river of blood crows was completely blasted into powder.

“Ha ha ha, Old Crow, for so many years, didn’t expect, you are still so bad!”

In one move, the long-browed old man closed his fist and laughed out loud.


Blood Crow Demon Emperor, seeing his unique skill, was so shattered in the blink of an eye.

And, it seems that this guy’s strength is a lot stronger than 100 10,000 years ago! ?

This is wrong! ?

At the next moment, the blood crow Martial Emperor looked sullen, looking into the long-browed old man’s eyes, a look of dreading appeared.

In Sea of ​​Consciousness, I can’t help but think about it, 100 10,000 years ago, the battle of heaven shaking earth shattering!

“Long eyebrows, you’d better surrender Swallowing the Heavens Tower! Otherwise, today you will die!”

Blood Crow Demon Emperor opened the mouth and said.

“Oh, Swallowing the Heavens Tower is also your kind of garbage, deserve it !?” Changmei old man snorted coldly, not at all.

“Inform Sir!”

At this time, Qi Tianxiong, who had been standing by, stood out in front of the crowd and stood before the blood crow Demon Emperor.

“Several days ago, when Swallowing the Heavens Tower disappeared, it disappeared with a human Martial Artist!”

“En!? And this matter !?” Blood Crow Demon Emperor started looking.

“Yes! That human Martial Artist should be in Swallowing the Heavens Tower now!”

Qi Tianxiong raised his hand and pointed behind the long eyebrow old man, the void crack that was slowly recovering, said.

“Not good !”

Hearing this, Blood Crow Demon Emperor looked up towards a long man with a light smile on his face, suddenly thought of something, his face fiercely changed.

“Long eyebrow, is that human being recognising Master Swallowing the Heavens Tower !?” Blood Crow Demon Emperor shouted.

“Yes and how !?” Long eyebrow old man said with a smile.

“What !? Sure enough …”

Hearing the long-browed old man ’s words, the Blood Crow Demon Emperor complexion greatly changed, immediately turned his head to look at the Qi Tianxiong people around him, directly ordered

“All of you people, hurry up and shoot this long eyebrow! No further delay!”

“Yes! Sir!”

Qi Tianxiong and Old Monster Hei Xuan were hearing this, and their faces started at the same time, their faces full of doubts, but they did n’t dare to be rebellious. .

After all, if you want to kill a Martial Emperor, with a few of them, simply impossible!

Even if the 20000 powerhouses here are shot at the same time, it is not necessarily sure, this is … Martial Emperor!

“Sir, the human Martial Artist has entered Swallowing the Heavens Tower, dozens of days have passed. If it is really recognising Master, I am afraid …”

Qi Tianxiong brows slightly wrinkle, hesitated for a long time, and finally dared, opened the mouth and said.

“Hmph! Swallowing the Heavens Tower recognising Master, that’s that simple!”

Hearing Qi Tianxiong’s words, the Blood Crow Demon Emperor is coldly snorted, a pair of dark red pupils, staring at the long eyebrow old man in the distance.

“If it is so easy, Swallowing the Heavens Tower is also impossible to lose millions of years!”

“And, to say that Swallowing the Heavens Tower is the first Supreme Treasure of Human Race Martial Artist, one of them is hidden in secret! The Lord has been looking for the location of the Swallowing the Heavens Tower!”

“Supreme Treasure, which is valued even by the Lord, is it so easy to recognising the Master !? Well, that human being, has been suppressed by Swallowing the Heavens Tower to become a fan! Um … Not right!”

Blood Crow Demon Emperor seemed to explain to Qi Tianxiong, and it was like muttering to himself, but when he said the last sentence, he kept staring at the long-browed old man’s eyes and shrank suddenly.

Something is wrong!

Very wrong!

The long eyebrow, from appearing to being, only repulsed all the attacks on the void crack, but did not attempt to kill or escape!

In this way, it seems that it is obviously guarding the void channel, or Swallowing the Heavens Tower, is it …

The thoughts flashing in his mind made the Demon Emperor dark red pupils, fiercely shrunk, and in horror, 7 blood marks on his face lighted up at the same time.

“Hurry! Hurry!”

Suddenly turned around, facing the large group of interracial Martial Artists behind, angrily roared.

Immediately, nearly 20000 interracial Martial Artists came like a tide, surrounded by void cracks, countless True Qi rushed out, gathered together, like a piece of endless frenzy, burst out!

Boom … Rumble!

A powerful attacking torrent, with a monstrous momentum, hiding the sky and covering the earth before the crack of the void, the tall, long-browed old man!

A total of 20000 interracial Martial Artists, teamed up with a blow, might be terrible!

And the other party is just one person!

Everyone present, including the blood crow Demon Emperor, saw the attack torrent hit the long eyebrow old man, all with a grinning look.

“Vatican God Wu, break for me!”

Seeing a large attack on the torrent, the smile on the face of the old man with long eyebrows suddenly converged and instantly became dignified. True Qi like a volcano erupted in his body, urged to the extreme, his fists came out, and fiercely blasted out.

2 golden glows from the palm, burst out, such as 2 golden thunderbolt, fiercely smashed on the large attacking torrent that fell in the air,

Boom … boom … rumble!

The golden palm glow collided with the attacking torrent, and suddenly exploded. The frenzy-like air wave pulled up the full strength of 1000 zhang high, and moved towards 4 directions all directions.


Long eyebrow old man with a big mouth, spouting a big mouth of blood, and the body shook slightly 2 times

Although, under this move, the attacking torrent was blocked, but it is clear that the long-browed old man has been injured.

However, the long-browed old man still urges the whole body of True Qi to turn into a huge light shield, blocking the void crack behind him, so as not to let those violent aftermaths hit the void crack behind him.

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