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60 days!

Full 60 days!

Even if the fleshy body collapsed, leaving only the Divine Consciousness body, the pain of inheritance was still tormenting Chu Yan like a maggot.

Moreover, without Fleshy body, the pain of inheritance directly acts on Divine Soul. The pain that tears Divine Soul makes Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness in a state of dilemma.

Fortunately, the true self has been accomplished. With the horrible Martial Dao will, Chu Yan has always maintained a trace and soberness and calm, and will not let Divine Soul collapse.

The last trace of obsession in my heart is like a straw in a torrential flood, drifting with the waves, between the ups and downs, but it never fails!

At this time, Chu Yan’s fleshy body collapsed and became the foundation of Divine Kingdom. Even the Sea of ​​Consciousness is also merging with the heart of the realm. Even Chu Yan wanted to communicate with 5 Martial Souls.

Inheritance at this moment has finally reached the final critical period!

Chu Yan can only rely on himself!

There are also memories recalled in front of Chu Yan’s eyes, and familiar faces!

“Yue’er, I promised you, the full moon … wait for me …”

“Father, big brother, I will surely rescue mother, a family …. reunion …!”

“Dangdang … don’t worry, I …”

“I … want to … want to … you guys!”

“I’m still alive …. I’m still alive …”


Standing quietly in the Swallowing the Heavens Tower great hall, Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness body is like a candle in the wind, sometimes blurred and sometimes solidified, as if it will be annihilated like a candlelight at any time!

The only thing that supports him is the obsession that a hides in the bottom of my heart!

Loved ones! friend! And … Yue’er!

Divine Kingdom!

Has the ability to reverse Space-Time and reshape the fleshy body, as long as it succeeds!

Since then, Chu Yan has truly reached the realm of live forever, and, including relatives and friends who are in their own Divine Kingdom, they may use Divine Kingdom’s power to resurrect them after their loss.

This kind of obsession is like a rock. Even if heaven falls and earth rends and the earth shakes, it stands tall, supporting Chu Yan’s last obsession!

Not born! Immortal!

I am who I am, to make the way to the true self, to control my own destiny, only this last step!

ka cha! ka cha!

A path of cracking sounded, on Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, a path of crack appeared, like a crystal bottle burst, and numerous cracks appeared.

Weng! weng!

A wave of invisible power surged out, and in the blink of an eye, all the cracks were recovered and disappeared.

However, without waiting for a sigh of relief, the Divine Consciousness crack appeared again, and then, invisible power poured out and recovered …

Burst … recover … re-break … re-recover …

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness body, in this repetition, becomes more and more refined.

It’s just that every time this process continues, Chu Yan within both eyes’ departure will increase by one point, and the whole person, moved towards the speed of the abyss will increase by one point!

From beginning to end …

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, following Fleshy Body, is also on the verge of collapse!

“Month … Yue’er, father … father… .big brother….”

“I … can I see you again …?!”

“This … this is there !?”


As Martial Artist, Fleshy Body and Divine Consciousness are the two keys to life.

Martial Dao breakthrough To a certain extent, the fleshy body collapsed and could be reversed to reverse Space-Time resurrection, but that must be based on Divine Soul.

So, if Divine Consciousness collapses, then everything is over!

“give up!”

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Chu Yan’s ear …

“Child, you have done a great job! My poor child …”

The voice, with endless sadness, full of love and intolerance, was mixed with a long sigh in the murmur.

“Only 19 years old! I was a child, but I had to bear such heavy responsibilities!”

“Child, let go!”

“Leave everything behind and you will be detached! You don’t have to suffer like this anymore!”

“I also didn’t expect, the inheritance of this person clan leader, it took so long, child, you are too tired … too tired ….”

“Let go! Let go!”

The voice, I don’t know where it came from, but all the words fell into Chu Yan’s ears.

Chu Yan when he was away, hearing these voices, as if with magic, let his will continue to relax, moved towards the dark abyss, and suddenly accelerated to fall!

ka cha! ka cha!

The crack of the Divine Consciousness body exploded in madness. The large piece of Divine Consciousness fell off Chu Yan, fell to the ground, and turned into nothingness.

“Let … let go …!?”

“Relief …. Relief …?!?”

Chu Yan muttered to himself, his mouth lightly raised, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.


As long as you give up, all the pain will not exist!

It’s too easy to give up!

Only a single thought head is needed to end all of this and all of your own pain!

Even if he has been clenching his teeth and insisting on the last hint of obsession, he will smoke away, and he will sink into darkness forever, no more pain!

But … should I really give up! ?

Chu Yan’s obsession, buzzing and trembling, in Chu Yan’s doubts, will soon be annihilated!

“I’m waiting for you! Big Brother Chu Yan, I’m waiting for … you! A lifetime … A lifetime ….!”

Boom … Rumble!

Just in the Divine Consciousness of Chu Yan, thoroughly pondering, the moment of annihilation, a louder voice sounded in Chu Yan’s ear.

“Ah …! Ah ……”

Suddenly, Chu Yan’s eyes fiercely glared, and the trembling Divine Consciousness body made a roar like wild beast.

Chu Yan stepped into death and finally stopped.

Standing on the boundary between life and death, Chu Yan swayed from side to side, with a very memorable gaze, always looking at the world of life …

In that vague world, a path of silhouette, standing in the distance, with a pair of eager eyes, closely watching himself.

Raising his hand, Chu Yan wanted to touch, but it was too far … too far …

“I … want … to be alive!”

Every word landed, Chu Yan’s eyes were fixed on those familiar fuzzy silhouettes, his feet moved like 10000 heavy mountains, one foot stepped out, the mountains moved …

Stepped out again, and finally took a step towards those familiar silhouettes.

And this step is also a step across the life and death world!

“I want to … live!”

peng! peng! peng!

Step by step, the World in 4 all directions, trembling together,

Chu Yan’s footsteps, from the initial shaking, to the stride meteor, finally quickly accepted those familiar and vague silhouettes.

A smile appeared!

“I want to live!”

The cry in my heart rushed out of Divine Consciousness, roaring the whole sky with an extremely strong obsession.

It seems to be fearful, but also to acknowledge allegiance!

Throughout the world, in Chu Yan’s roar, the trembling became stronger and stronger, and finally, it even began to collapse …!

Let it be heaven falls and earth rends, but let it be World Destruction, I am me, go forward bravely!

Chu Yan’s footsteps are getting more and more powerful, striding meteor, stepping out continuously …

Soon, the blurred World became clearer and clearer, and a road with 9 colors of light appeared in front of him.

“Ha ha ha….”

The repressed emotions were swept away, and the bright World made Chu Yan extremely excited and laughed in the sky!


Above the sky, a pagoda of nine colored divine light, dropping from the sky, moved towards Chu Yan!

Almost subconsciously, Chu Yan reached out, and the 9-color divine light pagoda landed on Chu Yan’s palm, and Didi hung around.

“Swallowing the Heavens Tower! Are you also born again !?”

With a whisper, Chu Yan looked at the distance, a dazzling light door exit stood.

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan swallowed the sky, moved towards the exit of the light gate, and strode away.

When walking to the top 10 steps of the light gate, Chu Yan’s body shuddered suddenly, and a white jade-like skeleton continued to grow out of his body. In the blink of an eye, a white jade human-like skeleton was formed. .

Immediately afterwards, the bright red muscles, meridian, skin, attached to the skeleton, quickly coagulated …

thump! thump! thump!

The last step is stepped out, the heavy and powerful heartbeat sound, such as the sound of a path of thunderclap, echoes the whole piece of Heaven and Earth!


Step into the light door, everything disappears, World comes again!

“I Chu Yan, come back!”

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