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In front of us, a whole new world!

The mountains and the earth, the mountain range is continuous, and 9 tall Spirit Peaks stand tall, green and lush, and the sea of ​​clouds floats!


After taking a long breath, Chu Yan’s mouth raised, with a faint smile on his face.

“It feels so good!”

Pupil light swept across, but there was a large silhouette in the sky in the distance, almost half of the sky was crowded.

However, there is one person who is enemies with everyone!

2 The bloody long eyebrows are flying, but they have been damaged, and the fleshy body is turned into powder!

“En !? This aura is so familiar …”

Deep in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, a faint aura rises from the endless world and floats in front of Chu Yan, slowly condensing into a stream of air.

“Oh, it turns out to be you! Then … rebirth!”


The right hand lifted lightly and waved slowly, and the cloud-like aura flowed over it, wrapping the illusory shadow lowly me in front of it, moved towards the distant fleshy body, and the flew away.

“Reverse Space-Time and reshape the fleshy body!”

Under a light shout, the Fleshy body of the long-browed Martial Emperor quickly coagulated, almost in the blink of an eye, and was reborn in front of Chu Yan.

“It was so mysterious! Not bad! Not bad! Very good!”

Suddenly, I thought of the long-browed old man, the most said sentence to myself, Chu Yan chuckled and murmured out.

“Who is it? Who are you !?”

At this moment, a loud scream with horror sounded, and a strong killing intent came rushing …

“Interracial !?”

Chu Yan pupil light swept away, and finally saw the blood crow Demon Emperor who was not far away, his shoulders were cut off, and his face was gritty.

“I … Chu Yan!”

Raising his hand and putting away the long eyebrow Martial Emperor reshaped by Fleshy body, Chu Yan stepped out and stood in front of the blood crow Martial Emperor.

“Chu Yan !?”

Blood Crow Demon Emperor’s complexion started, Divine Consciousness poured out, and he explored Chu Yan up and down. Soon, a bloody smile appeared on the face of Blood Crow Demon Emperor.

“Higher Martial Sovereign Realm !?”

With a chuckle, the blood crow Demon Emperor’s original frightened face instantly relaxed, and then looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, all disdain and contempt!

However, unlike the Demon Emperor, among the distant Martial Artist crowd, Qi Tianxiong, 10000 Jinglang and Lou Yuansi were all brows tightly knit, all with a look of surprise.

“Sir! This Chu Yan is the human Martial Artist who started to enter the Swallowing the Heavens Tower!”

With full of shock, Qi Tianxiong hurriedly reminded.

“En!? It’s you …!?”

Hearing Qi Tianxiong’s words, the blood crow Demon Emperor raised his eyebrows and looked at Chu Yan with a smile on his face.

Just now he was still worried that the long-browed Martial Emperor was dead, and Swallowing the Heavens Tower would not be destroyed, but from now on, since this human Martial Artist appeared suddenly, it is most likely related to Swallowing the Heavens Tower!

“Say! Swallowing the Heavens Tower !?”

The Blood Crow Demon Emperor is in Diwei, wrapped in overflowing Heavenly Demon Qi, moved towards Chu Yan fiercely, suppressed, and spoke shouted at the same time.

In his view, a small superior Martial Sovereign, simply impossible to bear, his own imposing manner crushed.


Waiting for the aura of the Demon Emperor, rushed to Chu Yan, but I saw that the human Martial Artist had a faint smile on his face, the right hand was gently raised, and above his palm, a nine colored Divine Pagoda, Didi was spinning Appears directly.

“Swallowing the Heavens Tower !?”

“Swallowing the Heavens Tower !?”

“Swallowing the Heavens Tower !?”

Seeing Chu Yan on the palm of his hand, the appearance of Swallowing the Heavens Tower, tens of thousands of people in the audience, all exclaimed.

The appearance of Swallowing the Heavens Tower, like a peerless beauty without clothes, appeared in front of a group of robust men, and suddenly everyone’s eyes became red, and even the sound of breathing became thick.

This time Swallowing the Heavens Tower, several millions of Martial Artists came, after nine deaths and still alive, less than 50,000 Martial Artists survived, and most of the human Martial Artists were killed or injured. The 20000 alien Martial Artists that survived, that one Not for Swallowing the Heavens Tower! ?

In order to get Swallowing the Heavens Tower, live to the present, and finally see the real Swallowing the Heavens Tower!

If it were n’t for the Demon Emperor and other powerhouses in front, the 20000 Martial Artists of the alien race would rush directly to snatch it.

“Chu Yan, hand over Swallowing the Heavens Tower!”

10000 Shouted loudly, eyes fixed on Swallowing the Heavens Tower, eyes full of greed.

“Good! Surrender the Swallowing the Heavens Tower and spare your life!”

Lou Yuansi is also shouted out loud.

“Chu Yan, you look at all around, you should be clear that your current situation, all human Martial Artists, are all dead and dead, you a little Martial Sovereign Realm human Martial Artist, if you want to live, it is best to listen to our ! “

Qi Tianxiong flew out slowly, with a cold smile on his face, and said.

“Boy! In my eyes, you are not even as good as ants!”

Hearing the words of others, the blood crow Demon Emperor chin high field, the expression of aloof and remote face, almost nostril out of Chu Yan said.

“A trifling Martial Sovereign Realm Martial Artist, aura is still so weak! Swallowing the Heavens Tower, is it something you deserve! You are not qualified at all!”

“Only me! Is the only owner of Swallowing the Heavens Tower!”

The blood crow Demon Emperor was proud, glancing at Chu Yan with the afterglow of his eyes, as if God looked down at the mortal.

In the distance, when he heard everyone ’s words, Chu Yan smiled gently and slowly turned his head, looking towards all around.

Sure enough, no matter whether it was an iron spear hou, or a 10000 prince, a group of human powerhouses, there are no traces. It seems that this time Swallowing the Heavens Tower was born, these aliens have already set a plan, simply is a human Martial Artist. trap.

But what about that! ?

Chu Yan smiled indifferently, and the pupil light swept across the Martial Emperor of the Blood Raven, and the depth of the pupil light, an insignificant killing intent, flashed by!

Just now, although Chu Yan appeared relatively late, not at all saw the long-browed Martial Emperor leaving Swallowing the Heavens Tower great hall, everything he did!

However, while reversing Space-Time and reshaping the fleshy body for the long-browed Martial Emperor, Chu Yan stayed in Swallowing the Heavens Tower with the long-browed Martial Emperor aura, but it was the long-browed Martial Emperor. I have read all of the last memory!

Long eyebrow Martial Emperor, 100 10,000 years ago, when Divine Kingdom was lost, he already merged his Divine Soul with Swallowing the Heavens Tower.

So, this is why Chu Yan can resurrect him with the help of Swallowing the Heavens Tower.

Because, in order to stop these aliens, Martial Emperor disturbed himself, and faced the situation of 10000 alien powerhouses alone with his own torn body, and appeared in front of Chu Yan’s eyes exactly.

It can be said that the long-browed Martial Emperor is lost for its own sake!

And the person who killed him was the Blood Crow Demon Emperor in front of him. Even in the moment of damage, the long-browed Martial Emperor still used the last resort to scrap the shoulders of the Blood Crow Demon Emperor!

This kind of gratitude made Chu Yan’s original unsurprised heart ripples!

“Since you want it! Then give it to you …”

In the next moment, Chu Yan waved his big hand, Swallowing the Heavens Tower in his hand flew out, and moved towards the distant blood crow Martial Emperor …

“En !?”

Seeing the human Martial Artist, throwing Swallowing the Heavens Tower, the blood crow Demon Emperor’s face suddenly started.

He didn’t expect that this human Martial Artist, even so obedient, surrendered directly to Swallowing the Heavens Tower.

However, when I think about it, I immediately feel relieved that, under his powerful Diwei, a small Martial Sovereign Realm human Martial Artist may have been terrified long ago!

“Ha ha ha, you know … hmm !?”

There was a loud laugh, before he even spoke, the ecstasy on his face instantly solidified.

In the pupils of the Demon Emperor of Blood Crow, a nine colored Divine Pagoda rises in the wind, but in a flash, it rises to nearly 1000 zhang high degrees, and the whole body is colored with different colored light, like a round of colored colored Zhenyang, With the film Heaven and Earth, they are all glowing with glow.

Immediately afterwards, an icy chill rose from the heart of the blood crow Demon Emperor, and his scalp was numb all over his body!

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