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Stepping into the hall, Chu Yan’s eyes looked tightly at the ground on the hall, the door leading to the underground.

This is a metal gate inlaid with various Spirit Stones, standing in the middle of all around the ground full of glory.

There is only one road enough for two people to pass from the gate to the gate.

tread! tread! tread!

Chu Yan’s footsteps are heavy and powerful. Moving towards the gate all the way, less than 100 steps away, Chu Yan has clearly seen that the metal gate obliquely leads to the dark channel under the ground.

Outside the hall gate, Lin Wanru saw Chu Yan walking towards the metal gate, immediately started, and immediately followed.

After all, it is her mission to lead Chu Yan to Divine Kingdom, and to help Chu Yan in Divine Kingdom.

However, when 2 people stepped into the metal gate, Chu Yan only felt that the entire World seemed to disappear instantly, and all directions in 4 directions became extremely quiet.

This channel is composed of a very mysterious force, but it is extremely deep.

Behind Lin Wanru, who led the way, the two walked close for an hour before finally seeing the exit.

Above the head, on the 2 sides of the body, including the feet, mysterious power condenses into a black crystal-like substance, making this passage look like a cave with black liquid crystals.

The tunnel in the originally dim light, because of the appearance of the exit, suddenly became golden light 10000, dazzling.


Standing in front of the exit of the Golden Gate, Lin Wanru stopped, but turned to look towards Chu Yan, graceful eyebrows wrinkled slightly, hesitantly said.

“Chu Yan, I must remind you! This piece of Divine Kingdom World, the last city of Human Race lineage, has been sealed for nearly a million years, and most of Divine Kingdom World has been occupied by Demon Country.”

“En! I have understood these!” Chu Yan nodded.

“But this exit will disappear completely after the seal city is unsealed!”

Lin Wanru’s face was anxious, for fear that Chu Yan would not understand, and after stepping into the light gate, he would explain the dangerous situation he faced.

“When the time comes, unless we recover all 108 cities in Divine Kingdom World, otherwise we will never be able to get out!”

“And, in a world full of Demon Country powerhouse, we … are dangerous!”

Lin Wan seemed to breathe out the possible results finally, with big eyes, looking at Chu Yan, above his small face, they were all anxious.

Now, Chu Yan’s decision will directly affect the fate of the two of them.

“Well, understood!”

Hearing Lin Wanru’s words, Chu Yan smiled slightly, nodded, his calm face, without a trace of waves, as if to say an insignificant little thing.

“Ah !?”

Lin Wanru didn’t expect anything. Chu Yan didn’t even think about it, so he directly nodded it.

She originally thought that in the face of this life and death choice, Chu Yan would have to think at least for a long time, or ask herself more about the situation in the Divine Kingdom World before she finally made a decision.

But now, that’s it … decided! ?


Chu Yan lifted his foot, without hesitation, stepped directly into the golden light gate, and the silhouette disappeared in front of Lin Wanru in an instant.


At this moment, Lin Wanru suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness.

Chu Yan’s calmness gave her an unreal feeling, as if it were a dream, and now the place they are going to enter is not just an insignificant journey.

“Damn, isn’t he really scared !?”

Lin Wanru saw that the Chu Yan silhouette disappeared, his small face turned red suddenly, he bit his silver teeth, hesitated for a long time in front of the golden light gate, and finally finally stomped his feet into the light gate.

She is very clear that the mission given to her by the Master is not only representative of the Master, it is the mission of the entire 10000 Golden Empire.

So, if Chu Yan has decided, she can only continue.

However, relative to Chu Yan, she is even more worried about the situation she will face after stepping into this light door …

Because, this light door, she followed Master only once before!

She can never forget that the last time the Master stood in front of this light door and said something to her.

“The Dust World will one day welcome the person who started it, and your only task is to help him, so that this last place of hope for Human Race will not be lost forever!”

“And this is also the reason for endless sealing it! Wait, believe that day, that person will always come!”

With the Master’s words echoing in his ears, Lin Wanru stepped into the light door, and the World in front of him appeared quickly from the blur, and finally appeared completely in front of him.

This is the highest and most dangerous mountain peak in a continuous mountain range.

Looking up, the endless mountain peak forms a mountain-like rolling hill that extends to the end of the earth.

But at this time, she was standing on the top 10 steps away from the top, Chu Yan was standing upright, looking quietly, at the foot of the mountain peak in the distance, the city of grey.

Divine Kingdom World, Dust City!

“Good Heaven and Earth Spirit Power is more than ten times stronger than the Azure Dragon World limit! Hmm !? 10000 spirit medicine !?”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness spread out, moved towards all directions in 4 directions, probed away, and felt the feeling of Heaven and Earth Spirit Power, which was almost rich to congeal into mist, Chu Yan’s feelings, more and more excited.

In particular, Divine Consciousness swept through, and within just 10000 steps, he found no less than 100 10000-year spirit medicines!

What is this concept!

In Vast Heaven Continent, this 10000-year spirit medicine is almost extinct. Even in the Azure Dragon World domain, the price of 10000-year spirit medicine is by no means affordable by ordinary Sect and Martial Artist.

However, in this isolated Divine Kingdom World, it can be seen everywhere!

“This … is my Divine Kingdom World !? Ha ha, yes! Yes!”

Chu Yan explored the nearby 1000-mile range. Whether it was an underground spirit vein or Dibao spirit medicine, Chu Yan was extremely satisfied.

More importantly, in this world, Chu Yan suddenly felt an extremely relaxed feeling.

Since I have cultivated Martial Dao, I have never felt so relaxed.

Because, Chu Yan has discovered that there is no Heavenly Dao in this World!

In the void of all directions, except Heaven and Earth Spirit Power, there is no trace of Heavenly Dao’s power, even if Chu Yan uses True Qi, there is no trace of obstruction.

This shows that this Divine Kingdom World, as Youtian Martial Emperor said, is completely different from the outside world.

Divine Kingdom!

It’s really Divine Kingdom!

Chu Yan’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and he passed the World in front of him, and finally his eyes fell on the grey city below the mountain peak in the distance.

“Is it there?” Chu Yan asked without looking back.

“Ah …! Oh, yes, that’s there!”

Chu Yan suddenly said, scared Lin Wanru jumped, followed Chu Yan’s eyes, Lin Wanru looked at the distant city, only 10000 gold Imperial Capital 30% of the size of the grey city, gently nodded, replied.

“Go! We are in the past!”

In a word, Chu Yan’s figure rose directly into the sky, turning into a sharp arrow, moved towards grey city, and flew away.

Finally arrived in Divine Kingdom, now Chu Yan, I don’t even want to wait any longer.

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