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The city of grey is only 100 li away. At Chu Yan’s speed, it’s just blink time.

However, what makes Chu Yan didn’t expect is that Lin Wanru’s speed is faster than himself. When he is approaching the city gate, he rushes past him, his long skirt flying, and he suddenly reaches the city gate.

“Who! Stop!”

Suddenly, a loud drink sounded, unaware that from there, rushed out two silhouettes, blocking Lin Wanru in front of him.

“This is Forbidden Land, no one can enter without permission, otherwise kill without mercy!”

These two silhouettes are extremely tall, and their height has reached 2 feet. The muscles of the whole body are bulging, as if they are inflated.

Holding a black battle axe and two giants, they blocked Chu Yan and Lin Wanru in front of the city gate.

“Interracial !?”

Chu Yan body flashed, fell in front of Lin Wanru, blocked her behind, and looked up towards 2 stout amazing blockers.

Just a glance, Chu Yan was frowned and was surprised and lost his voice.

These 2 giants with Chu Yan’s height of 3 times, each person’s face, in the middle of the eyebrow, has a red circular mark, and a path of radial lines around this red round mark.

This bloodline Spirit Seal looks like a red sun!

Moreover, on these two people, there are also other tattoo-like marks of tattoos.

Obviously, these 2 people are definitely not Human Race!

“En!? Human !?”

While Chu Yan and Lin Wanru confirmed each other’s identities, the two aliens with tomahawks also discovered the identity of Chu Yan 2 and the complexion changed suddenly.

“Ha ha ha, didn’t expect, I have been here for 10000 years, and finally let me meet a live one!”

A pair of crimson eyes landed on Chu Yan and Lin Wanru, and suddenly shot a greedy, extremely excited said with a big smile.

“Yi !? Strange, why didn’t they come out of the city, they seemed to come from outside the city, do they want to enter the city !?”

Another alien, but with a dull complexion and a pair of snake-like eyes, looked at Chu Yan and Lin Wanru with a look of doubt.

“It’s up to him to meet 2 flesh elements. My armor can finally be promoted! Ha ha ha!”

“Hmph! These 2 meatballs, but I found them! If it were not for me to wake you up, you still sleep like a pig! So, these 2 meatballs are mine!”

“What !? Fuck, fart! I’ve been in this Meat City for 5000 years. It’s much longer than you. These 2 meat cells should be mine!”

“Dream! Whoever finds it, whoever it is! Has a fart relationship with the garrison time! You have a long garrison time, it is because of your poor strength! We Wu people, the weak have to listen to the strong, I am stronger than you, so , You should let go! “

“Fart! You are strong !? Last time I saw you new, let you!”

“Disagree! Then fight!”

“War battle!”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Two aliens, the voice just landed, and the big black axe in his hand has already carried a monstrous momentum, moved towards the other party and slammed down.

Suddenly, two strong aliens with a height of nearly 2 feet were fighting directly in front of Chu Yan and Lin Wanru!

“what’s the situation!?”

Chu Yan and Lin Wanru glanced at each other, and both of them were a little stunned. The two aliens fought to fight for the ownership of Chu Yan.

“Alright! Look at the strength of these aliens!”

Chu Yan’s eyes 5 color streamer running, urge Qilin’s pupil, looked towards the battle situation.

What makes Yan Yan grinning is that these two aliens have a war, but they are worried that the aftermath of the sad battle will hurt Chu Yan and Lin Wanru, each of them wields a True Qi mask, and puts Chu Yan and Lin Wanru in it.

At this time, Chu Yan and Lin Wanru, just like the two sheep in circle, have been identified as spoils of war by two aliens.

Lin Wanru looked towards Chu Yan with a worried look, but found that he was looking away with interest on his face, and two aliens fought, with a faint smile on his face, and no expression of change.

It seems that the True Qi cover that covers them does not exist at all!

“No wonder the Master did not take me into the city last time. It turned out that I was guarded by aliens! This is troublesome. The battle strength of these two aliens are close to the Martial Emperor. It will not be lost if you do not enter the city!

Lin Wanru’s face was pale, and she looked at Chu Yan for a while, and then looked at the 2 alien battles not far away.

Her current cultivation base, but quasi-imperial rank, and her cultivation base is speed, not good at fighting.

If these two aliens win and lose, and really take action against them, then it is over!

Boom … Rumble!

A loud explosion exploded, 2 black battle axes, wielding a huge axe, splitting a large piece of void, such as 2 black peerless Ominous Beast, bumped together, shaking the whole ground, shaking slightly.

“The quasi-imperial peak cultivation base, the next Martial Emperor Realm battle strength!”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan slightly nodded, the strength of these two aliens is almost the same as the result of Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness investigation.

Such strength, in front of Chu Yan today, is simply not enough!

However, Chu Yan now wants to know what the strength of these two aliens can be to all the aliens in this Divine Kingdom World! ?

If all the aliens are of such strength, then it is really troublesome.


Just as Chu Yan was thinking, the opposite battle finally separated the victory and defeat. The red Spirit Seal on his face, a slightly larger alien, and his companion with one axe, chopped back and forth for 7 or 8 steps with a smile on his face Stand axe.

“Multiple rounds! You lost! 2 meat yuan, it belongs to me! Ha ha ha….”

With a word, the alien who stepped back 7 or 8 steps before standing firm, his face suddenly turned purple, but he was helpless.

The companion’s strength is indeed stronger than him. According to the rules of the Wu people, the spoils of war has won all!

Seeing the complacent face of the companion, the winning interracial suddenly laughed and turned around moved towards Chu Yan and Lin Wanru strode out.

It has to be said that the size of this alien race is really tall. I stepped out in one step, close to ten steps, but only a dozen steps, and walked in front of Chu Yan.

peng! peng!

A huge palm wave covers the two True Qi covers of Chu Yan and Lin Wanru, and instantly collapses!

“Meatmen, it is your pleasure to present your blood and soul to Longka!”

A pair of crimson snake pupils, looked towards Chu Yan, with his big hand directly down, moved towards Chu Yan, and the other hand, but to Lin Wanru.

A small battle, can harvest 2 Human Race flesh element, after swallowing, his witch repair realm, may be able to break through in one fell swoop and become a small Captain level existence.

Thinking of this, Longka couldn’t be more excited, grabbing the hands of the two Human Race flesh element, and suddenly weakened by another 2%, fearing that the flesh element would be crushed.

You know, the death of the flesh element is much worse!

However, without waiting for his hands to fall, he suddenly reflected 2 dazzling golden spots in his pair of red snake eyes.

Roar! roar!

Suddenly his face changed, but Longka suddenly discovered that the Human Race flesh in front of him burst into 2 golden fists with extremely powerful aura, moved towards his chest, and came straight out.

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