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Situ Yang, who was originally confused, heard Chu Yan’s words and his eyes flashed.

“Haha, Divine Kingdom World! This is Divine Kingdom World !?”

Situ raised his face with excitement and looked at it four times. At a glance, he saw the grey city in front of him and two giant corpses on the ground.

“Lying grass! Interracial !?”

Seeing 2 tall, interracial corpse, Situ Yang was so scared that the fat on his face twitched, hurried a flash, and hid behind Chu Yan.

“It’s dead! Help me see this!”

Chu Yan smirked at the head and handed 2 pieces of soldier tokens to Situ Yang.

“Yi!? This is …”

Situ Yang, who had also paid cautiously, saw the 2 tokens in Chu Yan’s hands, and suddenly his eyes shined.

“This is Antiquity Spirit Mark’s bloodline identity Spirit Mark!”

With just one glance, Situ Yang recognized the immensely complicated Spirit Mark imprint on the Bingzi token and exclaimed.

“What’s the use of this !?” Chu Yan asked.

“This effect is great! Fuck, or the 3 Layer Spirit Mark combination !? Yi! No, this Spirit Mark …”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s problem, Situ did n’t raise his head, turned a path of hand seal, pressed it on the Bingzi token, and studied it with all his heart. He instantly ignored Chu Yan ’s problem.

“Fat … Zi …!”

Chu Yan startled, suddenly shouted in a low voice, lifted his foot and kicked Situ Yang’s fart.

Intuitively, Chu Yan also sensed that this piece of soldier character token might be of great use, so he called out Situ, but didn’t expect that this fatty ignored him.

“Ah! Big … big brother! Pain!”

After being hit by Chu Yan, Situ Yang finally woke up and suddenly looked bitter, looking towards Chu Yan.

“Hurry up, what’s the use of this token !?” Chu Yan shouted.

“Uh …! This …. Theoretically, it is similar to the identity we use Jade Talisman! However, the effect is very different!”

Situ raised his eyebrows tightly and quickly explained.

“If I guess right, there is no Divine Consciousness among these aliens!”

“No Divine Consciousness !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Good! So this soldier’s token contains a very detailed bloodline aura. Almost even these 2 people have a comprehensive record of what they eat every meal!”

“Moreover, on top of this token, there is a small spiritual array of aura extroversion, with the function of Divine Consciousness extroversion between our Human Race Martial Artist!”

“In addition, this piece of soldier character token, the production material is very special, it seems to bring a trace of the origin of a large spiritual array aura, yi!? Actually dissipating !?”

Situ Yang explained on the side, and suddenly found that the bloodline aura on the Bingzi token began to overflow, and dissipated about half in a blink of an eye.

“After the previous owner holding this Bingzi token dies, this token will still decompose on its own !? Wow, it’s amazing!”

Situ Yang seemed to have discovered a new continent, his face full of excitement, his hands sealed in his hands, and he kept pressing the 2 Bingzi tokens in his hand.

With Situ Yang’s repeated actions, the original dignified complexion finally relaxed slowly.

“Hehe, and Spirit Mark, which Master can’t handle !? Want to dissipate, dream!”

Situ Yang laughed, and immediately raised his hand, throwing 2 pieces of soldier character tokens back to Chu Yan, his face full of anger.

“nailed it!”

“Finish what !?” Chu Yan received 2 pieces of Bingzi tokens and was puzzled.

“Big brother, the Spirit Mark on this token is complicated, but in simple terms, it is proof of identity, but these aliens do not have Divine Consciousness capabilities, so this Jade Talisman function is equivalent to an identity!”

“Identity !?”

Hearing Situ Yang’s words, Chu Yan suddenly looked awkward, and immediately thought of something.

“Yes! As long as you take this soldier character token on your body, from now on, you are an alien Martial Artist! Hehe, even if you meet other alien Martial Artists now, the tokens on them release aura After investigation, you will also think that you are an alien Martial Artist! Not a Human Race! Even if they see you with their own eyes, their appearance will be different from theirs, so there is no doubt! “

“I rely on! Can this be done !?”

Hearing Situ Yang’s words, Chu Yan’s eyes twitched suddenly.

However, when I think about it, the difference between aliens and humans is huge, and some strange things are normal.

After a little deep contemplation, Chu Yan threw 2 soldier character tokens into Rakshasa Space, and then slowly turned around, looking towards grey city not far away.

“Go! Let’s enter the city!”

No matter what, this time, Chu Yan came here for the purpose of recovering the Human Race Divine Kingdom and turning it into the foundation of his Divine Kingdom.

And to do this, the grey city in front of you is the only thing you can do now.

So for the grey city in front of me, Chu Yan is looking forward to it!

Striding out, Chu Yan’s eyes flashed, moved towards the gate of grey city …

Lin Wanru and Situ Yang looked at each other, and when they didn’t know each other, they were all stumped. After looking at each other, Lin Wanru saw the corner of the fatty mouth, a gleam of slobber slipped, and suddenly graceful eyebrows wrinkled, lotus step Move gently, chasing Chu Yan.

“Beauty! Wait for me!”

Fatty grinned wide and quickly followed along.

However, when the two people chased beside Chu Yan, they found that Chu Yan looked puzzledly at the tall city gate in front of him, and seemed to find no place to enter the city gate.

“This city gate seems to be closed!” Chu Yan muttered, then turned his head gently, looked towards Lin Wanru.

After exploration by Divine Consciousness, Chu Yan found that above this city gate, there is a strong strength of Seal that can only be forcibly destroyed.

However, this city is its own foundation, Chu Yan impossible directly started, so, looked towards Lin Wanru.


Lin Wanru looked at Chu Yan and looked at him for a long time. Finally, he exhaled a long time, turned his little hands, took out a piece of Jade Talisman, and threw it at the city gate in front of him!


Jade Talisman flew by, and at the moment of contact with the city gate, a large piece of light exploded, and two heavy huge city gates shuddered, and then slowly moved towards the 2 side to move away.

A lot of dust, with the movement of the 2 city gates, 4 scattered, accompanied by a bitter kaka sound, like a 10000-year-old dead city was opened.


Through the opened city gate gap, a green ancient aura rushed out of the continuously opened city gate gap, suddenly Chu Yan eyes shined, and lifted his feet and walked into the city.

When Chu Yan 3 people entered the city gate, only a small half of the grey city gate was opened behind, ka ka sounded, and closed again.

“this is…..”

Standing on the streets of the city, Chu Yan glanced over and saw the scene in the city, his face suddenly startedled.

“This … this is the Dust City !?”

“Good! This is the city of dust, the last city in Human Race Divine Kingdom, which has been sealed for 100,000 years!”

Lin Wanru’s face also had a look of surprise, but when he heard Chu Yan’s words, he still replied.

It’s just that, like Chu Yan, she saw the scene in the city, and she was equally shocked.

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