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The street at the foot of Chu Yan has a width of 30 zhang, which is a lot bigger than the Imperial Capital of 10000 Gold Empire.

On the 2nd side of the street, there are a variety of shops and residential buildings, and they are neatly arranged on the 2nd side of the street. Just looking at the luxury of these buildings, you can think of the prosperity of this city!

However, these are not the reasons for Chu Yan’s consternation …

At a glance, the entire street and all the buildings are all petrified. On the surface, there is a thick layer of bluestone covered!

It seems that this street is a street and buildings made of stones.

If it wasn’t for Chu Yan Divine Consciousness, it was only a layer on the surface, and Chu Yan would really doubt that he entered a stone city.

“How does this … do it !?” Chu Yan surprised.

“Tianah! Really strong Spirit Mark …”

Like Chu Yan, Situ Yang, who stepped into the street, was shocked, and exclaimed directly.

“Look over there! That is the core of the Spirit Array!”


Without waiting for the sound to fall, Situ Yang had already thrown away his body fat, moved towards the square at the end of the street in the distance.

In the midair above the square, an altar, suspended in the air in the middle of the square, continuously emits a grey airflow, as if a large fog, covering the entire city.

Seeing Situ Yang rushing across the street and running towards the square, Chu Yan also moved body and followed Situ Yang.

While walking, Chu Yan kept looking at the two sides of the street, while Divine Consciousness spread out and moved towards all directions in 2 directions.

This city is worthy of being a dusty city. Within the range of nearly 50 li covered by Chu Yan Divine Consciousness, there is not even a breath of life, not even a living insect ant.

“Not that there is a Human Race Martial Artist army !?”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, looking at Lin Wanru, asking suspiciously.

On the way to Divine Kingdom, Lin Wanru and Chu Yan simply passed through. This piece of Divine Kingdom World has no less than 3 interracial ethnic forces, and Human Race is the weakest among them, so weak that it is necessary to declare itself a city. Prevent the disappearance of the last power.

Therefore, Chu Yan originally intended to use this last power of Human Race City to fight against the aliens, but now, he has not found one at all.


Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Lin Wanru’s face changed slightly, and his spirit eye lifted slightly, looking towards the tall main hall far away from the square in front of him.

“There! Human Sovereign Palace!”

“Human Sovereign Palace !?”

Following Lin Wanru’s pupil light, Chu Yan looked up and saw that at the end of the north side of the square, a palace near hundred zhang high stood towering.

However, like the other buildings in the city, this hundred zhang palace is also a gray stone.

“Ha ha ha, Antiquity Spirit Array! Authentic Antiquity Spirit Array!”

Just as Chu Yan walked across the square and moved towards the Human Sovereign Palace on the north side, in the middle of the square, Situ fatty’s roar of excitement resounded throughout the square.

“Antiquity Spirit Formation !?”

Chu Yan turned his head, looked towards Situ Yang, and found that he was completely excited, looking at the suspended altar in the middle of the square, various Spirit Mark Jade Talisman and hand seal, constantly shooting.

Weng! weng! weng!

As Situ Yang ’s hand seal merged into the suspended altar, Chu Yan only felt the ground beneath his feet, trembling slightly, and when he looked up, he saw that the entire city, including the Human Sovereign Palace in the distance, was buzzing Buzzing and trembling.

Ka! ka! ka!

With the tremor of the entire city, the original one-inch-thick layer of limestone on the ground and those building surfaces is constantly increasing, and the thickness of the stone is getting stronger and stronger.

“Dead fatty! What are you doing !?”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan suddenly roared angrily, turned and rushed to Situ Yang, and lifted his leg as a kick, kicking his ass.

“Big … big brother! Pain! I’m working on this … Antiquity Spirit Array! I can control it, haha, can’t help me Heavenly Master!”

Situ Yang rubbed his buttocks with both hands, but looked towards Chu Yan with a smug look, and said excitedly.

“Who made you increase the power of the Antiquity Spirit Array, weaken me! Weaken! Dare to come back and see me not drinking your shit!”

Chu Yan fiercely glared at fatty, then turned around again, moved towards Lin Wanru’s direction, and walked towards the Human Sovereign palace.

“Uh … weaken, weaken! Kick my ass again!”

Shouted by Chu Yan, Situ raised his face in grievance and whispered …

However, when he faced the suspended altar again, his face full of fat, a pair of flesh-eyes, full of fine awns.

At this time, Chu Yan followed Lin Wanru, and had walked to the tall Human Sovereign palace. With a light push, the gate of Nuo Da University suddenly opened, and the situation inside the palace suddenly appeared in front of Chu Yan.


Even Chu Yan, who glanced across the palace, suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air, and the pupil light flashed wildly.

I saw rows of stone carvings in the huge palace, standing neatly in the hall, forming a huge square matrix, filling up the entire middle part of the great hall.

The scene in front of me was a scene of the terracotta warriors seen in previous lives.

The same humanoid stone carving, the same wears the Battle Armor, holding a soldier’s blade, in front of the wrath, as if waiting quietly for something.

It’s just that this wait has lasted 100,000 years!

“this is…..”

Chu Yan looked shocked, stepped out, and walked out of the hall.

There is a light life aura on every stone sculpture in front of me, but it is completely wrapped by the stone layer on the surface. On the ground with this great hall, it is full of Spirit Mark Array everywhere, which is obviously a powerful separation spirit. Formation.

As a result, the life aura in this great hall did not overflow outside the hall, and even Chu Yan ’s Divine Consciousness investigation was not found.

tread! tread! tread!

Crisp footsteps echoed in the temple, this quiet 100,000-year-old Human Sovereign palace, again sounded human footsteps.

The silhouette of Chu Yan stopped at the forefront of the whole stone carving phalanx, and a single stood upright in front of the humanoid stone carving at the front of the stone phalanx.

“His name is Leng Feng! It is the last living Thousand-man Commander of the 9 Imperial Army!” Lin Wanru stood beside Chu Yan and gently opened the mouth and said.

“Leng Feng !?” Chu Yan’s face was slightly cold.

In front of this humanoid stone sculpture, dashing eyebrows star eyes, even if a pair of eyes have been petrified into hollow, but still with a touch of violent color, look straight ahead, browse tightly knit.

Put your hands on the long-handled sword in front of you, covered in light armor, and the armor is full of traces left by various swords.

Obviously, this cold front, just before the seal, just experienced a battle!

“How to unblock !?”

For a long time, Chu Yan looked towards Lin Wanru and asked.


Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Lin Wanru was stunned for a while, then the graceful eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and his face became dignified.

“Chu Yan, you know, once unsealed, the opening of this dusty city will make the entire Divine Kingdom continent, and all alien forces know! When the time comes… ..”

“Why the time comes !?” Chu Yan asked.

“In this Divine Kingdom continent, 108 cities, the smallest city, there are nearly ten 100000000 million Human Race Martial Artists. After the Divine Kingdom World supplementary occupation, they became a slave of aliens, even … food!”

“Food !?” Chu Yan complexion sank “These aliens feed on people !?”

“The seal of the Dust City is the seal of the Master of the year. Only one chance of unsealing is left. Once the seal is opened, the nearby alien forces will immediately lead the 100000000 million army and come to fight!” Lin Wanru continued.

“Up to 100000000…. Army !?” Chu Yan frowned.

“Moreover, the strength of each of the 100000000 million aliens is not worse than what you just encountered at the city gate! You must know that in this Divine Kingdom World, the battle strength of all Martial Artists is better than The outside world Mortal World is more than several times more powerful! “

Lin Wanru said solemnly, anxiously.

“Human Race, the last city, the 500 9 imperial army in front of us is the last power of Human Race!”

Speaking of which, Lin Wanru looked up slowly, a pair of spirit eyes staring straight at Chu Yan and asked.

“Are you sure, can you stop this 100000000 million alien army !?”

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