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Black Water City is the base camp of the Wumosa 10000 team!

This matter is not a secret, as long as anyone who has been to Black Water City knows it.

From the day the Wubara occupied the Black Water City, Black Water City has settled in a whole, nearly 30000 witchman army, ruled the city, has been nearly millions of years.

Located in the extreme east, along the black liquid river to the east, but 3000 li, is the largest Sea Territory of Divine Kingdom World, the Black Sea.

As long as you pass this Black Sea, you can go to the Imperial City of Divine Kingdom World. Because of this, the Black Water City, which occupies the geographical position, has become one of the most important cities of Extreme East Land.

Its prosperity and important status are self-evident!

However, it is not difficult to know where the Wubarian military hall is, and it is never easy to do something about it.

From the outbreak of the Human Race and Matrimonial War until the Human Race army was basically wiped out, in the 100,000 years, there was no a Human Race warrior, which could pose a trace of threat to any military hall of the Wuman.

Not to mention the military hall of the 10000 team, even if it is a Thousand Man Squad, Hundred Men Squad’s military station, there is no record of destruction by Human Race.

The huge difference in battle strength between the two sides, like a huge gap, cannot be bridged at all.

Human Race 9 The imperial army cannot protect itself from start to finish, so it is rare to take the initiative to attack.

The nine emperors in the flourishing period at that time had ten 9 million troops and nearly 100000000 generals, but they had never been a general. They thought of attacking the witch’s army and destroying their commanding power.

But today, all this will be rewritten!

In the thick night, Chu Yan was leading 600 9 imperial soldiers, moved towards Black Water City, and the goal was the 10000-person military palace in Umosa.

Chu Yan’s entire plan is almost identical to attacking the slave camp, except for a little different.

After approaching Black Water City, Chu Yan first took the cold front and a small group of remnant soldiers, using the collected tokens of the witch and barbarian, and the secret skill of Situ Yang, directly turned into a team of barbarian, cheated into the city gate, Straight into the military hall, kill all 100 people long,

When the time comes, all the savage generals in the entire Black Water City are all dead, and the 300 savage groups of the Black Water City have no heads, and then let all 9 imperial troops attack the city and rush to kill all the savages.

After listening to Chu Yan’s plan, Lin Wanru’s beautiful big eyes twitched for a long time …

Chu Yan’s plan is too … rough!

Not only Lin Wanru, but even the cold front, they are not optimistic about Chu Yan ’s plan. After all, they only have 600 remnants and battle strength is only 50%. Under normal circumstances, as long as there is a squadron, 100 witch, they can all Kill all.

In Black Water City, there are 300 witch warriors, plus some elite witch guarding important buildings everywhere, no less than 600 witch.

With 600 remnants, against 600 Wuman, what is the difference between this and death! ?

No matter what Lin Wanru and Leng Feng thought, Chu Yan was already carrying the fifteen soldiers with the strongest strength. With the help of Situ Yang ’s secret skill, he transformed into a witch barbarian with a height of nearly 5 battles, and he swaggered to the road Black Water City Road.

The night is as dark as water, and the moon is thick …

More than 500 residual soldiers, traveling in the mountain range by the road, moved towards the Black Water City at the fastest speed. Although they were fully open, after all, the road was still relatively far away.

Therefore, Chu Yan, with 5 or so savages, has been controlling the speed of travel, calculating the time when the remnants of the brigade arrive outside the Black Water City.

Less than an hour later, the disabled team led by Chu Yan arrived at the west gate of Black Water City.

The Black Water City, where the 10000-person military hall is located, is absolutely tightly guarded. On the city gate and the city wall alone, there are nearly 30 witches guarding, and among them, 5 witches, holding golden long spear, Wearing black armor all over the body, it’s not ordinary at first glance.

Elite witch warrior!

These 5 savage warriors, all of whom have been with Human Race 9 Imperial Warriors for many years, have accumulated a lot of military power. The powerful savage warriors are more than several times stronger than the ordinary savage warriors.

In front of the city gate, I saw Chu Yan approaching a group of witchmen. Standing in front of the city gate, there were two elite witchmen on the left and one right. He immediately mentioned the gold spear and looked alertly towards Chu Yan.

Holding the Wuman War Sword, Chu Yan stood at the forefront and faced Wu Wuman’s elite eyes without fear, without a trace of tension.

However, he was not nervous, and it did not mean that the dozen or so 9 emperor soldiers behind him were not nervous.

Walking so violently in front of Wuman, it is definitely the first time for these long-term war remnants.

“Let me relax!” Chu Yan Divine Consciousness sound transmission said to the dozen remaining soldiers behind him, “It’s just witchcraft, what a nervous!”

Soon, an ordinary witch with a black blade moved towards Chu Yan. They came, and they stopped to check.

Chu Yan suddenly went to the complexion sank, strode forward, raised his hand to slap, and pumped it on the witch’s face, followed by various scoldings, turning the ordinary witch warrior’s scolding face green.

Is n’t that just checking the token? Who provokes someone?

The ordinary witch fighter was bitter in his heart, but he dared not resist. He greeted Chu Yan with a shouted face, and he dared not lift his head.

Among the Malays, the ranks are strict, especially among the Malay army, the merits of Supreme are the glory of Supreme, and rank and status are the direct manifestation of the merits.

Therefore, Chu Yan is holding a piece of Wubing small Captain’s soldier token, even more fearless.

Among the various swearing sounds, Chu Yan trained the witch fighter with a trace of Divine Consciousness attacking and dizzy.

“Yes, yes, you work hard!”

“Yes, incompetence!”

“Yes, yes, you are invincible!”

The savage warriors were scolded by Chu Yan, nodded again and again, and they did not dare to be disobedient.

“Fuck off! Laozi is tired for a day, so I have to go back to the city to rest!”

After the scolding was very smooth, Chu Yan kicked it directly, kicked the witch fighter to the side, and lifted his leg to enter the city gate.

However, at this moment, a group of savage warriors suddenly appeared in the city gate. Chu Yan looked up, but found that among the dozen people, there were 5 small Captains, 6 Captains, and even There is a big Captain.

what’s the situation! ?

Even the unscrupulous Chu Yan was stunned!


Dust City, the jungle outside the east gate …

Wu Mosa stood in this jungle, almost one hour.

Here is the place where the whole team of savage warriors was damaged. Although there is no corpse on the ground now, even the blood stains have been dealt with, but the traces of battle left in all around are impossible completely handled.

Umosa quickly discovered something strange …

On the ground, all around the trees, and the mountains and rocks, there are some blood stains formed by the splashes. Umosa very carefully looked at the past from place to place.

No matter, the more you look at it, the deeper the expression on his face becomes.

Guarding Captain Wudeng, finally unable to bear, stepped forward, opened the mouth and said “10000 Sir Sir, it’s already midnight, distance …”

But before Wu Deng finished his speech, Wu Mosa suddenly raised his hand, preventing him from continuing.

“Wu Deng, look at this battlefield, is there anything strange?”

“Uh …” Wu Deng started, and randomly glanced all around the ground, hook the head.

In Wumosa, a burst of True Qi suddenly appeared, and then he stepped hard on the ground …


With a muffled sound, the whole ground trembles violently, shaking continuously.

With the violent shaking of the ground, traces of blood continued to overflow beneath the ground, so that the original dark ground suddenly became a piece of blood red.

“This …” Wu Deng glanced at it at once, suddenly surprised.

Obviously, this battlefield was made with hands and feet, covering most of the traces of fighting, and even these blood stains were covered with a thick layer of soil.

Now under the impact of the True Qi of Wumosa, the loose soil on the ground is loose, so that all the blood stains in the ground have penetrated.

These Human Race remnants are so delicate in their minds, or what do they want to hide …

However, before Wu Deng thought about it, Wu Mosa’s next sentence was stunned.

“It’s all the blood of my Maori warriors!” Wu Mosa twitched his eyes, and said, “There is no blood from a Human Race Martial Artist. The entire battle, all the damage is my Malay warriors!

“What !? How is this possible !?” Wu Deng raised a chill in his heart, cry out in surprise.

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