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Chapter 1683

The words of 10000 Captain Wu Mosa, like a thunderbolt in Wudeng, including the guards all around, all have a terrified look.

A whole team of savage warriors was slaughtered by Human Race, and even a Human Race Martial Artist was not killed! ?

If this sentence was not spoken from the mouth of 10000 captain Mossa, and replaced with others, they would have laughed.

What a joke!

Human Race Martial Artist, who is even weaker than clay chickens and pottery dogs, how could it have such strength! ?

This simply is a big joke!

Not to mention that in their 10000-person team, even in the entire Divine Kingdom World, or even the outer field battlefield, they have never heard of it. There are things that can fight witch fighters and have no fight back.

“And, these Human Race warriors, not at all 3000!”

Wumosa’s face was ashamed, and then he said, “The whole battle lasted less than ten breaths and should be an ambush!”


Wudeng has been judged by Wumosa. Thunder is out of focus, ten breaths time, slaughtered a whole witch squad, nearly 50 powerful witch fighters, the other party is still … zero casualties! ?

Including the guards all around, Wu Deng only felt that his brain was no longer enough, completely ignorant.


When everyone was shocked, Wumosa suddenly turned his head, looking towards the east, a violent roar.

“We’re doing it!”

“Medium … Zhongji !?” Wu Deng almost subconsciously responded.

“Good! Those damn Human Race remnants, simply is the plan to lured the tiger away from the mountain, waiting for all of us to turn around in this neighborhood, but they have long used us to adjust the rangers, the guard gap that appeared, Ran!”

“This … is this impossible?” Wudeng was listening to the Heavenly Book completely, his eyes stunned, “The Martial Artists of Human Race have always been fighting us head-on, at most, playing some sneak attack tricks, this … . This strategy was really used by them !? “

“It’s not wrong! The Commander of this Human Race remnant is extremely simple!” The more Wumaisa thought, the more he affirmed his guess. The black line on his face, a is thicker than a.

As a glorious person of the “gold blade Battle General” of the Malays, Wumosa is by no means the same as ordinary ordinary witch warriors with muscles in their brains. The fact is the opposite. All the way to promotion to 10000 commander, not only rely on strength and cultivation base, but more importantly, the brain …

However, even so, a word echoed in Wumosa’s mind, but it made him want to kill at this time.

“Let the Commander of the Human Race remnant soldiers! Let’s play! And still play around!”

When I thought of myself, as if my opponent was holding my nose, I transferred all the 1000 witch fighters all around. After turning this place for a whole day, Wumosa was full of smoke.

“Sir 10000 Captain Sir, if it’s really the same as you said, then this Human Race Commander can’t stay. Must must find a way to find out and kill him!” Wu Deng said.

“Look !? Find a fart!” Wumosa gritted her teeth. “It’s estimated that this time I ran out of 10,000 li!”

if there is an opportunity, of course, Wumosa will not let go, this guy who does n’t know there, but he is sure that he can take a team of 10000 points and survive to the present Human Race Commander, not simple .

So, one day has passed, the best time to siege him has passed, and I want to find him again, almost impossible.

Relative to Wudeng, Wumosa had to kill this by himself, making his opponent feel humiliated for the first time.

Perhaps the Human Race Commander, while taking advantage of this time, has escaped his jurisdiction.

However, Wumosa did not know that soon, the Human Race Commander will appear in his sight again, and this time will bring him a huge “surprise” beyond imagination!

After a sigh, Wumosa finally calmed down and stopped thinking about it.

It ’s good to go!

At least in this way, it will not affect the things that Elder came from. Compared to a Human Race Commander, Wumosa is more concerned about this major event related to his destiny and future.

Moreover, since this time, in order to greet and please the elder general who will come, Wumosa sent half of the power in his hand, collected the wealth and Spirit Treasure stored in various places, and concentrated it in the secret room of his military hall. In preparation for the elder Elder.

This matter not only spent all the wealth accumulated over one million years, but also made Wumosa go around for a long time and was not tired.

But if you pay, you have to pay back!

Now, in the secret room of his military hall, there is a pile of wealth and Spirit Treasure. Even if it is a high weight, the elder Elder of the highest rank of the entire Wu people will definitely be excited.

At the thought of Elder, the ecstatic tribe, without the slightest hesitation, would give the order, the corner of Wumosa’s mouth, and raise it subconsciously.

“Go! Go back to the military hall!”

At the order, Wumosa got on his Monster Beast, took the guard, moved towards Black Water City, and walked slowly.


Black Water City, in front of the West Gate …

A team of savage generals rushed out of the city gate and hurried towards Chu Yan.

This sudden scene, even Chu Yan, is also a complexion changed, his brow furrowed lightly.

“Did it be discovered !?” Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart.

Just when Chu Yan right hand slowly moved towards the sword, and at the same time preparing to summon to let everyone do it in advance, a large Captain, who was in front of the team of savage generals, said a word, and suddenly Chu Yan Suddenly.

“Sir, work hard! Work hard!”

A red voodoo mark on his forehead is exactly the mark of the voodoo Captain. Longji smiled with a smile on his face, and said to Chu Yan with a nodded waist.

“Sir !?” Chu Yan was stunned, secretly said in one’s heart.

“Sir worked hard all the way, please enter the city!”

I didn’t notice the change in Chu Yan’s complexion at all. Big Captain Rongiduo quickly waved his hand to let all the witch make their way into the city, and said to Chu Yan respectfully.

“What’s the matter !? I’m just a small Captain. This guy is a big Captain. Could it be that the Wu Yin painting on my head is wrong !? No, wait, he said … Sir all the way …”

Chu Yan’s thoughts are flying, the whole Sea of ​​Consciousness is running fast, and he quickly found the key point.

“Okay! Enter the city!”

Chu Yan nodded, suddenly lifted his chin, put on a high-spirited look, followed behind Captain, moved towards city gate.

“Dare to ask Sir, I don’t know how long Elder Clan will be there !?”

After the entire group entered the city gate, they asked Lungiduo next to Chu Yan with a smile on his face, cautiously.

“General Elder !?”

Hearing this sentence, Chu Yan suddenly felt suddenly, it turned out that this group of guys regard themselves as others!

This is not to blame them. Chu Yan, although they used secret skills to evolve a witchlike appearance, but that looks just fine.

Therefore, when they came to the city gate, none of these witch fighters who had been guarding the city gate all the time had seen them.

More importantly, when the ordinary witch fighter was about to come forward to check and interrogate, Chu Yan was scolded by a dog blood sprinkler.

Although Wuman has a gap between ranks, in this Black Water City, there are more small Captains, and I rarely see Chu Yan’s arrogant small Captain.

When Chu Yan was right in front of the city gate, above the city gate, the generals waiting for the elder Elder arranged by the 10000 captain Wu Mossa immediately responded.

A dozen pairs of eyes watched Chu Yan scolding people there, this demeanor, this expression, the absolute head of Sir …. Guard!

It must have opened the way for the general clan Sir, just come and inform them of their preparation!

In the next moment, a dozen or so savage generals, who dared to watch the excitement there, hurried down the city gate and ran to greet Chu Yan.

As a result, Chu Yan’s plan was smoother than the original design, and he went directly into the Black Water City.

Next, because of this accident, the excitement is even bigger!

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