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It is a pity that this is the intentional calculation, plus the distance is too close, the Wu Man who missed the advantage, now there is no chance.

The dozen or so 9 emperor soldiers who followed Chu Yan into the Black Water City were the strongest selected from the 600 9 emperor army. Each battle strength was very strong.

The most important thing is that there is a Killing God Chu Yan, every sword is slashed, and one or two witches are quite damaged!


Chu Yan has just killed a witch in Captain, and behind a blade glow has moved towards him.


a residual image flashed, Chu Yan disappeared directly from the original place, the blade glow with a terrifying power directly cut the ground out of a big pit, but even his a hair was not injured, after the witch was missed, When he turned back in horror, he realized that Chu Yan had already reached behind him.

“Do not…..!”

In the horrified roar, I watched the sword light cut open, and immediately disappeared in the witch’s pupil, and then came the cold darkness, completely submerging the witch like a tide.

After killing the Captain in this witch, Chu Yan didn’t stay at all, body flashed again, and went to another place where he was fighting.

At this time, a 9th Emperor’s residual soldier was slashed out by a witch and barbaric elite warrior, and then he was ready to pounce on it.

At this moment, Chu Yan within both eyes, the cold flame rises, the Clear Sky Sword rises in his hand, and another head is thrown away.

“Jiannu Mountain!”

Under a light shout, Chu Yan’s whole body Sword Qi is like a tide, suddenly turning around, the horizontal sword slashing …

The sharp sword light swept out like a crescent, slashing the three savages not far away directly and damaging them on the spot.

This battle is coming fast and going faster. Chu Yan has contracted almost half of the savages on the scene. In less than 5 breaths, nearly 30 savages have been killed!

In front of the gate of the military hall at this time, except for the 9 emperor remnants, no witch fighters could stand.

“Brothers, rush with me!”

With a sword in his hand, Chu Yan rushed towards the gate of the military hall with a figure of electricity. Behind him, dozens of 9 emperor soldiers, such as Fierce Tiger Descends the Mountain, roar followed up and poured into the military hall!


Dust City, the main road to Black Water City …

Wu Mosa was lying on the Monster Beast, but fell asleep, do not know what dreams were dreamed, his mouth gently raised, with a smile, and occasionally hehe laughed out loud.

Wudeng took the 500 Guards, knowing that Wumosa was asleep, and naturally dared not go too fast. Everyone marched in breathless breath, and no one dared to disturb Wumosa ’s dream.

However, at this moment, mutation suddenly took place!

Weng! weng! weng!

A rapid trembling of Jade Talisman awakened Womosa in his sleep. When Womosa shaved the head with uncomfortable face, he woke up a little, then took out Jade Talisman in his arms and took a look. It’s all black!

“Asshole! Who! Who dares to attack my military hall !?” Wu Mosa looked at the silver Jade Talisman in his hand and roared heaven shaking earth shattering.

“What !? Army …. military hall !?”

Wudeng suddenly turned his head and saw the silver Jade Talisman of Wumosari at a glance. His face suddenly turned pale.

That piece of Jade Talisman, he naturally knew that it was the core of Black Water City’s defense defensive array Jade Talisman. When the defense of the Great Defensive Array was attacked, this Jade Talisman started the defense defensive array to resist external attacks.

But now, the Wumosa holding this Jade Talisman is not in the military hall, so it is simply impossible to use this Jade Talisman to start the defensive spirit array of the military hall.

Therefore, this Jade Talisman can only serve as an alarm.

At this time, the alarm sounded in the eyes of Wumosa, it was telling him that an unidentified person forced into the military hall!

“Asshole! Asshole! Who the hell is that?” Wumosa angered and kept roaring, already on the verge of madness.

“It won’t be … It won’t be …” Relatively calm Wu Deng said, his eyes rolled and his pupils fiercely shrank, stuttering.

“Isn’t that the Human Race remnant?”

When this sentence hit the ground, everyone’s face changed at the same time, and even Wumosa in the rage suddenly became quiet, except that a pair of bloody eyes looked towards Wudeng and almost scared him to fly. Too.

“Good! It is him! It must be him!”

Even Wudeng can think of how Wumosa might not have thought.

Within a radius of 100000000 miles, there is no a resistance force, with such strength, except for the past few days, this team of Human Race remnants suddenly appeared!

Moreover, the Commander of this Human Race remnant is a terrifying existence.

“Everyone, go at full speed and rush back to Black Water City immediately!”

Under the shouted loudly of Wumosa, the Monster Beast mount suddenly slammed under him, and suddenly ran on the road, bringing up the billowing dust.

500 Guards, followed closely, moved towards Black Water City, and ran up.

……… ..

Black Water City, the gate of the 10000-person military hall.

Holding a long sword, Chu Yan ordered a dozen soldiers to flee to the gate of the military hall.

The whole body was boiling with blood, his eyes were burning like flames, and dozens of remnants were behind Chu Yan, looking at Chu Yan’s background, all with a look of shock.

This battle is so easy!

Completely beyond everyone’s imagination!

At least has half of the people, even when they crossed the gate of the military hall, they even thought they were in a dream.

Really … really successful! ?

What have they done just now! ?

It seems that in less than 5 breaths time, I killed a Thousand-man Commander in one breath, 7 8 100 captains, more than a dozen Captain and so on… ..

This … is really what I just did! ?

When did they start to become so bad! ?

Chu Yan and dozens of remaining soldiers rushed into the gate of the military hall and rushed all the way in, like a peerless treasure sword with a handle and a hot knife through butter, which could not be stopped at all!

Any witchman who dared to appear before this peerless treasure sword, even when he saw Chu Yan’s horrified expression at the moment, had no time to change and was already killed!

As the tip of this peerless treasure sword, Chu Yan’s battle strength has completely exploded.

All the way into the rush, except for the occasional few savage generals and guards rushing out, the resistance is far lower than Chu Yan’s expectations!

Waiting for Chu Yan with a dozen or so soldiers to rush directly into the military hall, he finally encountered a strong wave of resistance.

About a group of elite and savage rushed out of the side entrance of the military hall. When they saw Chu Yan and the others standing in the middle of the military hall, they were stunned.

“Spirit Mark! Spirit Mark! Throw me!” Chu Yan shouted loudly.

Suddenly, more than a dozen remnants of the soldiers reached into their arms and took out Spirit Mark Jade Talisman, under the infusion of True Qi, a whole team of elite witch rushed in moved towards the outside of the temple and threw it over.

These Spirit Mark Jade Talisman are all good things from the bottom of the pressure box that Chu Yan searched from Stuart Fatty. They are used to attack the military hall and encounter strong enemies.

“No need to stay, all thunder-fire Spirit Mark, throw them all out, and blow me these savage scum!” Chu Yan shouted loudly.

“Nuo! Blow them into slag!”

Sun Yuan and the others’ eyes brightened, Spirit Mark Jade Talisman in his hand was thrown out without the slightest hesitation.

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