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A dozen or so 9 emperor soldiers, for Chu Yan’s order, it is absolutely resolutely implemented.

Each and everyone holding the thunder-fire Spirit Mark, all with a grinning face on their faces, staring fiercely at the dozens of savages who rushed into the war hall, throwing up their hands.

shua! shua! Uh …!

More than a dozen Spirit Mark shining brilliantly, fell to the dense witch crowd, the explosion of bang bang bang.

This is only the first batch of thunder-fire Spirit Mark. The dozen or so remaining soldiers in the military hall ca n’t even look at it. They turned their hands again. The savage crowd.

Since the decline of the 9th Imperial Army, when these 9th Imperial Army residual soldiers used Spirit Mark so happily.

You know, even in the most prosperous period of the 9th imperial army, this high rank Thunder Element Spirit Mark is also rarely distributed to ordinary soldiers, let alone this thunder-fire dual-line Spirit Mark Jade Talisman.

Sun Yuan was so addicted that they smashed, but the dozens of witch elites who had just rushed into the military hall were crying.

In the military hall, except for a few temple pillars, the thunder-fire Spirit Mark strikes were uncovered and unblocked, but there was no place to hide, and they were instantly submerged by the tide-like fire and thunder and lightning.

In less than 3 breaths, all the thunder-fire Spirit Mark in the hands of the remnants were smashed out.

The sound of thunder-fire exploding rumble stopped, and in the entire military hall, apart from the crackling of flames and thunder and lightning, it gradually calmed down.

Chu Yan held a long sword, a residual image, and paddled into the waves that had not spread.

The corpse on the ground is 7 horizontal and 8 vertical. As long as it is seen, it is cut with a sword, and if he does not die, I will make up a sword first.

Soon, the air waves in front of the gate of the military hall dissipated, and all the witch corpse on the ground appeared. The corpse of the ground was stained with blood, only a small Captain, fell to the ground, and with the only a hand, raised the sword , Want to attack Chu Yan.

However, Chu Yan would not give him a chance at all, coldly snorted, wiping out the long sword in his hand, facing the elite little Captain’s neck, that is, a sword crossed, and the cold sword edge instantly cut the little Captain’s neck.

After continuous convulsions, the witch is elite and small Captain, and his life is cut off.

“Separately search for me!”

Chu Yan knew that this elite savage squad should have been guarding the military hall. After killing them, the 10000-person military hall, It shouldn’t be a team of savage, turned to a dozen 9 emperors. The remnant soldier ordered.


When dozens of disabled soldiers heard Chu Yan’s order, their eyes suddenly glowed, and they moved towards the room all around towards the military hall.

“Leng Feng, all into the city! Fatty, come to me!”

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan was a Divine Consciousness sound transmission again, informing them of the cold front outside the city and killing Black Water City.

Although this battle disturbed Chu Yan’s original plan, the most obvious result was much easier than he expected.

After the communication, Chu Yan, like other soldiers, rushed to the all around room and began to search.

Soon, Leng Feng with a few 100 remaining soldiers, rushed into the Black Water City from the west gate, and then went straight to the other three gates, killing the other three wicked warriors guarded by the city gate, all of them.

After clearing the witchman who guarded the city gate on the 4th side, their retreat, even if there was a guarantee, was followed by a citywide search.

According to the earliest order of Chu Yan, one is to strangle all the savages in the city, and the emphasis is on those savages.

Secondly, of course, it is to search for wealth resources and medicine pill, Spirit Armament and so on, anyway, you can take whatever you want without having to be polite with them.

In Chu Yan’s words, those who do not fill everyone’s storage Jade Talisman are stupid.

So, with 600 remnants of soldiers rushing into the Black Water City, the whole city, chickens and dogs jumped.

Fatty Stuart, immediately rushed to the military hall, found Chu Yan, and then two people cooperated, one using Qilin’s pupil, and one exploring Spirit Mark, and began to frantically search in the military hall.

I searched several rooms in a row, and found nothing. When Chu Yan and Situ Yang rushed to the deepest part of the military hall with their faces depressed, two huge palaces appeared in front of them.

“You are looking for this place, I am looking for that place!” Chu Yan ran a finger, and the two immediately dispersed.

Chu Yan knew these two huge palaces at a glance, and it should be the residence hall and cultivation hall of the Black Water City 2 captain Wu Mosa.

Stepping into Ju Dian, Chu Yan broke through the cut-off spirit formation of Ju Dian with a sword, and immediately rumbling with 4 strokes.

“Ha ha ha, get rich! Get rich, big brother, come here!”

Chu Yan, who was just about to start his fight against a box, suddenly heard the sound of the cultivation hall next door, the fat slaughtered pig-like howling, and immediately turned around and rushed to the cultivation hall.

Chu Yan couldn’t think of it at all. Stuart fatty had such a big discovery.

However, this fatty has always been the master who did this kind of imitate the dog and steal chicken. Sure enough, this time did not disappoint Chu Yan.

In the basement of Umosa’s dwelling, Situ Fatty didn’t waste any effort at all and found a huge treasure trove.

It’s just that the stock in the treasure house, even if Chu Yan saw it, was sucked in a breath of cold air.

I saw that in the underground ten zhang, a Dark Palace with a size of nearly 10000 steps, various emperor crystals, Spirit Armament Spirit Treasure and Spirit Grass medicine pill, piled up like a hill.

Stuart fatty is screaming and cracking. There are a few defensive spirits remaining in the Dark Palace. It looks like it is not exhausting.

Looking at the mountains of cultivation resources and Spirit Treasure, Chu Yan’s eyes immediately gleamed.

What is missing for him now is, of course, these resources and Spirit Armament Spirit Armor and medicine pill.

Chu Yan only took the risk of attacking the 10000-person military hall in Black Water City, on the one hand, in order to get an unprecedented victory, so that the 9th Emperor’s residual soldiers can truly restore the soul of the army. It was he who restored the foundation of the 600 Imperial Army.

On the other hand, of course, to grab things!

Many of the 600 remnants of Chu Yan now use the Spirit Armament that is full of cracks, and they ca n’t even handle it. Even the Spirit Armament of the cold front cracked when attacking the slave camp. The cold front at this time , Can only fight with the Spirit Armament that he picked up.

A Martial Artist without Spirit Armament, the battle strength is reduced by at least 30%!

A group of remnant soldiers with low morale, in the face of a few 10000 witch and elite, what is the chance of survival! ?

Therefore, the most important thing now is recovery, not only in terms of morale, but also in True Qi, Spirit Armament, equipment, etc., to restore the 600 residual soldiers to Peak battle strength, or even exceed, you must rely on these.

Weng! weng! weng!

After a few tremors, the last defensive spirits in the Dark Palace were broken by fatty.

“Ha ha ha, my treasure, treasure ….”

fatty An arrow step, with the whole body of fat, like a mountain of meat, rushed to the Spirit Treasure pile in front.

However, at this moment, in the Spirit Treasure heap, a dark shadow suddenly rushed out of countless Spirit Treasure, raised his hand with a knife, and chopped towards fatty.

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