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As the dazzling rainbow shone across the sky, Wu Mosa’s face was full of terrified look.

At this time, because of the mount of the a-th attack, his witch fighters all gathered together with a look of surprise, and they all wanted to protect the safety of the 10000 captain Sir, and the city gate in the distance Upstairs, the four altars are connected together. What it means, Wumosa is of course clear.

This is really fatal, you know, now behind him, more than 2000 savage warriors, all gathered together to completely surround the hill bag where he is.

At this time, if the attack on the opposite side of the city gate upstairs can really reach such a long distance, it will definitely be a disaster for them.

Black Water City, as the city where the 10000-person military hall he operated, the formidable power of the 4 Altars of the City Guardian Spirit Array are by no means cracking a joke.

For hundreds of thousands of years, this fortified spirit array, the Human Race Martial Artist that was bombed, no less than 100,000, and its formidable power is called the nightmare of Human Race.

However, Wumosa absolutely could not imagine that this city-defense spirit array would now become their nightmare!

Watching the dazzling rainbow across the sky, a huge light mass, dropping from the sky.

bang! bang! bang! boom….!

Follow closely from behind, the city gate upstairs in the distance, the 4 altars, constantly attacked by huge light group attacks, exploded near the small mountain bag.

The dust explosion, fire light, thick smoke, and the light of thunderbolt filled the void, instantly swallowed the hill within 1000 steps, completely swallowed.

“Sir, hurry … ah!”

A guard stood in front of Wumosa and tried to block the oncoming terror attack wave with his true yuan and fleshy body.

A scream rang out, hiding the sky and covering the earth’s various explosions of gas waves, Wumosa only felt like a fallen leaf, fluttering in the howling wind and torrential rain, even if he kept urging body protection 罡 元, Still unable to stop the powerful explosive force, impacting his own fleshy body.

That kind of feeling, like a sledgehammer, keeps hitting all parts of the body, if it is not its own cultivation base is strong, I am afraid that even Qi Sea will be bombarded.

Wumosa, who fell to the ground, lifted his eyes and glanced into the eyes, all of which were full of dust and all kinds of energy and explosion. Occasionally I could see several broken silhouettes, flew into the sky, and disappeared immediately. .

Constantly urging True Qi, suppressing the inside of the body’s retrograde True Qi, after a sufficient amount of breath breathing time, Wumosa only staggered up from the ground.

On the ground next to him, at least has ten guards, and the fleshy body was shattered to pieces. Various internal organs and blood stained the ground completely red.

Looking at the small package all around, each and everyone giant big pit all around, lying with the corpse of Maori warriors, several fighters still alive, crawling out of the giant pit, under the expression of pain, Screaming constantly.

When a recent warrior climbed out of the pit, Wumosa glanced at it, only to find that the lower body of the warrior had been completely scorched, and the calf part disappeared completely.

4 all directions, such a scene, staged in dozens of large pits, some burnt black corpse, no longer alive, but still smoking dense black smoke.

The whole space is full of this barbecue-like smell, making Wumosa’s face pale.

“Save me … save me …”

A faint voice rang from behind Wumosa, and suddenly turned around, but saw the ground soil, a Malay warrior buried in the neck, looking desperate towards Wumosa.

Wu Mosa did not hesitate, hurried over, grabbed the hand of the Malay warrior, and pulled hard up.

In this pull, Wu Mossa used True Qi, with great power, thinking of pulling the soldiers out of the soil in one breath.

However, under the sudden force, Wumosa felt lighter, because the force was too strong, and the whole body stepped back 2 3 steps.

“En !?”

Under this unbearable feeling, Wu Mosa looked down in surprise, but saw that the Maori warrior he pulled out of the soil had only the upper body half, and the part below the chest cavity had completely disappeared.

“Sir, hurry …, … escape! Hurry …”

The Maori warrior still kept his last will, raised his head and said to Wu Mosa, then the snake pupil suddenly enlarged, and there was no longer any breath.

Until now, Wumosa has finally recognized this Malay warrior, who is a member of his own guard, but now, it is bombed to less than one of the remaining 30%.

“Asshole! Asshole! Damn …!”

In an instant, True Qi within the body erupted like a volcano, a twisted grimace on Wumosa’s face, and the reversed True Qi rushed towards the chest, almost spitting out an old blood.

“I’m going to kill them! Kill them …”

As soon as he turned around, Wu Mosa in anger was completely crazy, and he was ready to move towards Black Water City to rush over.

“Sir! No … No …”

At this time, the captain Wudeng, who was flying more than 1000 steps away, was crawled back to the small mountain bag by the gas explosion just now. When he saw the crazy Wumosa, he rushed up and hugged him.

“Sir, the Guards are completely damaged, the reinforcements have not yet arrived, and now they rushed over, which is equivalent to killing ah!”

Wudeng’s roar finally calmed Wu Mosa in his rage, stopped his body, and looked up at the Black Water City in the distance. Wu Mosa glared at the bloody snake pupil and gritted his teeth.

“Withdraw! Withdraw 50 li! Avoid this …”


“Ha ha ha, this time it’s awesome! That witchcraft trash is all gone! Fighting with this Heavenly Master, courting death ah!”

Situ Yang stood in front of the tower, observed for a while, turned his head to Chu Yan madly laughed and said.

Chu Yan turned Qilin’s pupil, Divine Consciousness poured out, and after some exploration, it was found that the remaining hundreds of savages, who were quickly retreating behind him, disappeared from the vicinity of the small mountain in a blink of an eye.

These witchcraft did not rush to the city gate, but they made Chu Yan a little disappointed. If not, the remaining small number of emperor crystals, although bombarded so far, still bombed a group of people close to the city gate, but it was Spirit Power. Enough.

“It’s a pity! This Altar of the Spirit Formation is useless!” Leng Feng said the head.

“No?” Chu Yan turned his head, looked towards Leng Feng, his eyes flashed slightly, and grinned said with a smile “Who said it was useless !? Although Emperor Jing is running out, these 4 payments are still intact!”

Following Chu Yan’s gaze, Leng Feng looked towards the four tall altars behind him, and he suddenly looked puzzled.

“Aren’t we going to withdraw right away? Do you want to take these 4 altars !?”

“Hehe, the withdrawal must of course be withdrawn, and this altar does not carry it.” Chu Yan nodded, and then took the head and looked away, looking toward the military hall in the Black Water City, grinning with a smile

“These savages are already scared. They should be convening an army of all around and preparing to come over to siege. We should have some time to prepare them for a big surprise!”

“Surprise !?” All the remnants of Leng Feng and all around are startled.

“Brothers, leave a watchful eye, the others quickly withdraw the city gate, there is no chance here!”

Chu Yan waved his hands and shouted loudly, “Move these 4 altars into the military hall just now, hurry!”


All the remnants of the soldiers immediately responded and started to act.

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