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Although no one knows what Chu Yan is holding back, but they can be sure that since Chu Yan said it is a “big surprise”, there must be a good show.

So, the 600 9 Imperial soldiers who had just watched a big show were all very excited. With their strength, the 4 tall altars quickly moved down the city gate building, along the main street of Black Water City, moved Towards the 10000-person military hall in the center of the city.

Along the way, the 600 residual soldiers were all laughter, talking about the happy scenes of just strikes, all with smiles on their faces.

Compared to the 9th Imperial Army, Wumosa outside the city, with all the living Maori warriors, hurriedly escaped a few 10 li away.

Not long ago, there were 3000 witch fighters who were elite teachers. At this time, less than 700 people were still alive standing in front of Wumosa, and almost all were injured.

Under the mad bombing just after that, they completely lost 1000 Maori warriors.

The scene in front of me is so miserable that everyone’s face is crying without tears …

This result is still because Situ Yang controls 4 altars, a attack a attack, the front and back also blasted more than 30 spirit array attacks, formidable power is large, but the number of attacks is not much.

Otherwise, even the 700 wounded soldiers in front of you, don’t want to escape here alive.

However, at this time, the first batch of Umosa convened to recapture the Black Water City army was also completely abandoned.

Giggle …!

Wu Molian looked at the scene in front of him, almost crushed his mouth and teeth, his face twitched, and finally sighed, looked towards Wu Deng, said

“How long will it take to call out the guards of Hundred Men Squad !?”

Wu Dengmeng started, quickly replied “It is almost one hour, at most 2 hours, should be able to call 5 Thousand Man Squad to come over!”

“Asshole! Asshole! I must have killed them!” Wu Mosa hearing this, in his bloody eyes, killing intent surged, roaring in a low voice.

“In any case, before dawn, before the arrival of the elder Elder, must recapture the Black Water City and kill these Human Race remnants!”

“Yes!” Wu Deng ordered.


Black Water City is 100,000 miles east, on the surface of the Black Sea connecting the black liquid river, a huge golden building ship is driving on the surface of the calm and tranquil sea.

On the deck of the 3rd Layer of the golden building ship, a silhouette stands, the long robe of Grey, with the dazzling golden silk thread, under the count, there are 3 Layers.

The grey long robe of this 3 Layer golden silk thread represents the identity of the old man, the elder of the Matri, the Grade 3 clan of the Matriarch.

At this time, behind the old man, 2 extremely burly silhouettes, like Iron Pagoda, left and right, guarded by the old man 2 and looking at the golden long spear they held, you can know that this is the Mauritian Martial Artist , Representing the highest position of gold spear Emperor Wei.

These Golden Spear Emperor Guardians are the guards around the Witch Emperor. They rarely appear outside. Except for some high-weight clan elders, the powerful Martial Artist that only the Witch Emperor can transfer.

Wu Shixiong this time, came to Divine Kingdom World, the leader of Human Race, with 2 missions.

One is to convey the will of the Witch Emperor and mobilize five “gold blade Battle General” to the outer field battlefield. The second is to transport a group of top-level Human Race flesh detained in Divine Kingdom World back to the Matriarch.

With these 10000 Human Race flesh element, I believe that the cultivation base of the Witch Emperor and the Witch Kings can be improved a lot. When the time comes, their own rewards are naturally indispensable.


A sound of a wooden door opening broke the silence of the building ship. In the ship cabin on the 3 Layer deck, the cabin door opened and a beautiful silhouette walked out of the door.

This is a Maori beauty, wearing a pink red dress, skin color condensed white as snow, beautiful face peerless, a pair of long legs attracts the waist to twist slightly, that soft water-like figure, almost 2 gold Emperor Wei’s soul was taken away.

Unlike Malay men, Malay women have a figure of about 2 feet, standing in front of a robust man with a height of about 5 feet. They appear to be a more charming little person, and unconsciously make people feel pity.

Especially the pair of long, flexible legs, round and slender, any man who sees it, I am afraid he can’t control it.

At this moment, the Malay beauty, holding a bottle of fine wine in her hand, holding a wine glass, shook her shadow slowly, and walked slowly to the old man, her flamboyant red lips lightly opened, the voice opened the mouth and said

“Old Clan … Don’t watch it, go back to the warehouse and drink!”

With a squeak of sound in the bone, Wu Shixiong withdrew his eyes towards the sea, turned slowly, and looked at the beauty in front of him, a flash of lust flashed in his eyes.

“Hehe, don’t worry! It’s going to be near the beach soon, as long as you enter the Black Liquid River, it’s not far from Black Water City!”

With his hand stretched, he pulled the lovable body of the Malay beauty into a bosom, almost vulgar, smiling, and smiling.

“As long as you reach Black Water City, there is time … pain you!”

“Old Clan, you are good or bad! Have pity for your servant …” The Maori beauty suddenly had eyes in the spring, and it became hazy. The lovable body was writhing in the arms of Wu Shixiong.

At this time, Wu Shixiong only felt Karmic Fire rising all over his body, his eyes suddenly crimson, looking at the stunner in front of him, where he could bear it. The warehouse door is closed directly.

This time Human Race Divine Kingdom World, Wu Shixiong is extremely satisfied …

Just like the Malay beauty in front of you, it was the previous gold blade Battle General, a gift to yourself.

This kind of Innate charming Wuxi beauty, even if it is within the Wuzu general family, is rare, absolute top grade!

The original Martial Artist of the cultivation Martial Dao is extremely weak towards people, but in the face of such Innate charms, it has no resistance.

Therefore, in the Ten Directions Star Domain, in addition to powerful warriors and brutal aggressions, the Maori beauty is also very famous.

“Big brother, are we going in !?”

Seeing the disappearance of the clan elder, two of the Emperor Wei holding gold spear asked the opening on the left.

“Are you stupid!” Another gold spear Emperor Wei’s eyes were red, panting, listening intently to the movement in the warehouse door, and suddenly hearing the problems of his companions, suddenly the eyes twitched two.

“But the Emperor Wu said, let us protect the elders closely, follow closely!”

“Fart! The clan elder is the clansman of the witch emperor, and he has a bloodline emperor bloodline on his body. A bloodline emperor like the clan elder has no more than 10000 people left in our witch clan! That’s why we want to protect the witch emperor. Golden Spear Emperor Wei, personal protection! “

“That means, we should go in. If the beauty is not good for the elders …”

“shut up!”

The golden spear Emperor Wei with crimson eyes is no longer able to bear, directly interrupting his companion, roaring

“Although the cultivation base is not high, the woman has no cultivation base at all. She is an ordinary person. What kind of dog is dangerous.”


“To shut up!”


The huge golden building ship, which is extremely fast, moved towards the horizon, and the continent that has shown its shadow, galloped away.


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