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Sun Yuan took a team of 9 Imperial soldiers and hurriedly returned to the military hall before looking at Chu Yan standing on the steps, nodded heavily.

“Lord, the Eastern District has checked, there is no omission!”

“Very good!” Chu Yan turned to look at everyone in front of him, opened the mouth and said “After this investigation, there should be no problem. All the good things, no one can be left to Wuman!”

“Lord, whether it is Black Water City or this military hall, all have been checked, there will be no omissions!” Leng Feng finished, browsing slightly wrinkle, looked towards the direction of the east city gate, and said

“Lord, do we withdraw now !?”

Chu Yan smiled softly and said, “Yes! But there is one last thing to do before leaving!”

“Is there anything else?” Leng Feng started.

“Fatty, are you ready !?” Chu Yan did not directly answer the cold front, slowly turning his head, looking towards Situ Yang, asking.

“It’s almost! It’s the last a Space Spirit Mark, a little trouble!” Situ Yang said.

“En !?” Chu Yan asked.

“Even if these 4 altars are used to leave the Transmission Passage, when the time comes, as long as they restore the Great Array of Black Water City’s fortifications, I am afraid that this Transmission Passage will still be discovered. After all, the strength of our Human Race Spirit Mark The Wu people are very different! “

Situ Yang’s face was dull and he glanced at the four altars behind him before he continued.

“So, when the time comes when the Witches repair the Great Array of the fortress, they will definitely invite the Matrix Spirit Array Master to come over, so the chance of being found is very high!”

“Such a thing …” Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle when he heard Situ Yang’s words, lowering his head and pondering.

“Then simply, blow it up!”

Soon, when Chu Yan raised his head again, he directly shouted.

“Even this military hall has been blown up!” Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes, thinking like flying, and said “when the time comes, the 10000 captain Sir, found that the military hall exploded, he would only want to rescue him underground Dark The treasure house in the Palace, in this way, can give us a retreat and win a lot of time! “

“This method is good! Very good!” Leng Feng hearing this, eyes shined suddenly.

“I think Chu Yan is not just thinking about winning time!” Lin Wanru looked at Chu Yan and smiled. “I see, he also wanted to use this explosion to throw the military hall and rush into it.” The 10000 captain of the military hall exploded together! “

“Hehe鈥?” Chu Yan turned his head, looking towards Lin Wanru, grinning.

When I saw Chu Yan’s expression, Leng Feng and the others, I still didn’t understand it. Especially when I saw Chu Yan’s strange smile, I suddenly felt a chill in my back.

“Lord, I found out that that Wumosa met you, it was … bad luck!”

“It’s nothing! I told you, this is just the beginning!” Chu Yan smiled, turned around, and then Stuart, walked back to the military hall, and began to set up the Spirit Mark that exploded 4 altars.

For this destructive Spirit Mark, Situ Yang is the best, and his eyes are bright, and he is obviously excited.

“Fatty, you have to arrange it. It’s better to wait a little more for the barbarians to enter the military hall. The four altars will explode at the same time. That’s the best effect!”

Chu Yan watched as Situ Yang was arranging Spirit Mark and reminded him.

“I’m doing business, you don’t worry!” Fatty didn’t look back, replied.

Seeing that Fatty was busy, Chu Yan no longer disturbed, returned to the entrance of the military hall, and with Leng Feng, they began to sort out the gains of this time.

Being busy, Sun Yuan walked in front of Chu Yan with a fat pig like a barbarian and asked

“Lord, this city owner, what to do!”

“City Lord !?” Chu Yan glanced up at the clansman, who was obviously not a warrior, suddenly flashed a cold light, and said directly, “It’s useless, kill it!”

“Ah! Don’t …. Raise your life ah! Useful, I am useful! I know a lot of things!”

The fat pig city owner, when he heard Chu Yan’s words, was suddenly frightened, and he knelt directly in front of Chu Yan, his nose and tears flowing together, howling.

“Oh! Then you talk about it!” Chu Yan sneered, hook the head, casually said.

Among clans, not all clansman are warriors. Relatively speaking, the clansman with weaker physique at birth will be drawn Life Source blood essence and supplied to the strong clansman.

And these witch clansman who have extracted Life Source blood essence will no longer be able to cultivate Martial Dao, and when they reach adulthood, they will become civil officials who manage the areas occupied by the witch.

Such witch clansman, relatively speaking, the number is not much, only accounted for less than 30% of the total number of witch clansman.

The pig-like guy in front of him is such a witch clansman.

“Sir, Black Water City will soon have a large number of Spirit Treasures coming! As long as you wait a few days, those Spirit Treasures are yours!”

The Pig City Lord looked towards Chu Yan and said anxiously.

“A large number of Spirit Treasure !?” Chu Yan startedled, his eyes swept toward the Pig City Lord. At a glance, he found that the depth of the Pig City Lord’s eyes, with a hint of cunning, suddenly smiled.

“You want to lie to us to stay and wait for the army of Wumosa to trap us in the city, when the time comes, we can’t run away, can we ?! hmph! Courting death!” Chu Yan coldly snorted .

“No! No … no! Sir, I mean it … ah!”

Not waiting for the pig city lord to finish his speech, 2 golden lights shot out of Chu Yan’s eyes, stabbing straight into the pig city lord’s pair of snake pupils, suddenly making his whole body tremble violently.

Soul Searching Technique !

In the beginning, Chu Yan also used this move for a witch fighter, understood Black Water City, to guard the emptiness.

But now, Chu Yan has a tight time and is too lazy to guess the fan of this pig city owner, and directly uses Soul Searching Technique.

Suddenly, in the mind of the pig city, a lot of information was explored by Chu Yan. There was almost no blur, and everything was clear.

After all, compared with the witch warrior, this pig city master does not have any cultivation base, Martial Dao’s will is basically zero, and it is much easier to explore!


In less than 5 breaths, as the light of Qilin with Chu Yan’s eyes recovered, the Pig City Lord rolled his eyes and fell heavily to the ground.

“Lord, how is it?”

Leng Feng first waved his hands and asked two 2 Imperial soldiers to drag down the pig master while looking at Chu Yan and asked anxiously.

Because he found that after this time the soul search was over, Chu Yan’s expression and state were obviously wrong, as if the whole person was completely there.

“The elder bloodline’s elder Elder !? On the way to Black Water City !?” Chu Yan muttered.

The words landed, and the cold front beside him, including all 9 Imperial soldiers, shuddered at the same time, and the complexion greatly changed.

Human Race and the Maori million years of war, the highest status of the Maori has not been as great as the Maori Elder, who has the imperial bloodline.

You should know that there is a clansman on the same bloodline as the witch emperor among the clansmans of the entire Ten Directions Star Domain, and no more than 10000 people.

And now, it is such a Maori giant that is on the way to Black Water City, so close to them!

At this time, Chu Yan faced the 4 heads of Leng Feng. At the same time, the two people discovered the bursting flame in the other’s eyes.

If you can get rid of this Elder blood, then for those Human Race Martial Artists who live in the darkness of Divine Kingdom World, it will be an apocalyptic thunderbolt!

All Human Race Martial Artists will cheer up, knowing that there are still powerful forces that are fighting against the Wu people!

Human Race鈥? There is definitely hope!

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