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At the bow of the golden building ship, just past the river where the Water Array is located, Chu Yan fiercely crushed the start of Jade Talisman.


A dull voice seemed to sound from the endless abyss, rapidly and continuously amplifying.

A thick water dragon suddenly rushed out of the bottom of the ship. The sound of the water waves violently erupted at the same time as the sound of the water dragon roaring.

Even the 10 Imperial soldiers hiding on the bank of the river 9 li away felt that a great force under their feet rushed through the ground like a shock wave.

naked eye Visible ground fluctuations, moved towards the river bank 2 side, and a large piece of jungle was all turned into powder, wood dust, and sky flying with the shock wave.

The erupting power of the Spirit Array completely covered a radius of 100 li, and the nearest small mountain bag collapsed.

This scene of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth made Chu Yan, including everyone else’s eyes, stare closely at the golden building ship on the river, which was at the center of the outbreak of the Lingzhen.

The water dragon rising from the sky exploded in an instant, as if the golden building ship swallowed by the water dragon was bitten out in the dragon’s mouth.

The head and tail of the golden building ship with a height of more than 30 feet and a length of 200 feet were directly bombarded into slag. The golden debris 4 scattered and flew, and oh la la landed on the black liquid river, dyeing the entire river surface. A piece of golden.

Among them, there was a burst of blood light that exploded and fell to the golden river, like a lot of red flowers, dotted between them, it looked very fascinating.

The water waves rising up to the sky were as high as nearly 1000 zhang high degrees before they were scattered, and the water splashing in the sky was like a downpour.

The outbreak of the Water Array, not only exploded the golden building ship, but even the section of the river suddenly expanded by a width of 1000 steps.

“I rely on! Such a formidable power !?” Chu Yan stared blankly at the golden building ship that was constantly rolling in the air, his face stunned.

“Of course, this Heavenly Master produced it, and it’s even worse!” Situ Yang looked at all around a group of 9 imperial soldiers with big open mouths, and suddenly his jaw was raised, his face smug.

“En!? Nothing in the middle of the hull !?” Chu Yan exclaimed.

In a word, Situ Yang’s face started, he quickly turned his head to look …

I saw that the golden building ship that had rolled dozens of circles in the air, although the bow and stern were all slammed, but the middle section of the hull, under the protection of the hull defense spirit array, landed on the river intact , And wobbled up again.

“Isn’t it !? Only 3 Layer defense was destroyed, and 2 Layer is good !?”

This time, it was Situ Yang’s turn to stare at the golden building ship on the river in the distance, his face full of disbelief.

Such a horrible spirit array exploded, and the golden building ship at the center of the explosion actually saved the most important section of the ship.

Obviously, the witch clansman in that hull will also be fine.


On the other side, on the golden building ship, Elder Wu Shixiong was so shocked that soul flies away and scatters, his whole face was green with shaking.

As the Elder of the Emperor’s Blood, he has been staying at the headquarters of the Wu people, and has lived a life of respect and superiority. Moreover, when he was just very comfortable with the beauty of the Wu people who had just been in the bones, he suddenly gave him no psychological preparation. He came here for a while and didn’t scare him to death. It was already 10000 lucky.

It’s just that I’m a little worried about whether there will be a psychological shadow when I do that in the future.

“Fuck … Fuck … Fucker! Why … what’s going on?”

Wu Shixiong glared at the bloodshot eyes, opened the door, and shouted loudly at the door.

He was shocked, his legs were trembling, and he didn’t even have the strength to step out of the door.

“Old Clan! Old Clan, are you okay !?”

The 2 Gold Spear Emperor Wei were more frightened than Wu Shixiong. Seeing Wu Shixiong’s face green, he shouted anxiously.

“I … I’m fine!” Wu Shixiong saw the guard at the moment, quickly pretended to be calm, and gently took the head and replied.

As the Elder of the Emperor’s Blood, the Blood Emperor’s direct bloodline clansman cannot be embarrassed in front of these lower guards.

“Check it out now, what happened just now !?”

“Yes! Clan old!” 2 gold spear guards immediately replied.

Immediately, one person stayed and continued to guard in front of the warehouse door, and another gold spear guard moved towards the deck gate.


Chu Yan holding a long sword, a pair of eyes with fine eyes, staring closely at the golden building ship on the river in the distance.

“Give me stability! Let’s look at the situation first!” Chu Yan Divine Consciousness sound transmission is for everyone, waiting patiently.

In their position, it can be clearly seen that a large number of silhouettes appeared on the broken golden building ship, and the panic four rushes rushed, which has obviously not responded.

At this time, Wu Man has not yet found Chu Yan. Therefore, Chu Yan still has a chance of a sneak attack, which naturally cannot be wasted.

Chu Yan is very clear that this Emperor Blood Elder must have an extremely powerful guarding force, and the number is not small.

And this time, they only took 400 9 imperial army. To get the most results, they must take advantage of the sneak attack. The first shot, they will kill as many witchcraft as possible.

Waiting patiently for a while, Chu Yan saw that a large group of Wubara stepped down the river from the golden building ship, led by a tall Wubaran holding a gold spear, and then stepped on the river and walked on the water. Moved towards the river bank 2 and rushed over.

These savages are all staying in the general clan of the Wu people all year round, and rarely participate in real battles. Therefore, they simply cannot respond to the sudden situation in front of them, and they are even a little ignorant.

Seeing these guards divided into two, while moving towards the river bank 2 and rushing away, Chu Yan’s mouth suddenly raised slightly.

Divide! ?

This is really a favorable situation that Chu Yan wants.

Obviously, these guys are not ordinary ignorant, even without knowing the enemy’s situation, they even divided their troops to search.

However, this is also because these witches are too arrogant and do not think that who can threaten their strength.

The Wuman who rushed towards Chu Yan hiding in the river bank is getting closer …

These witchcraft, all auras are strong, Spirit Armament in hand, even the all-level Spirit Armament of the emperor, and the heavy armor on their bodies are obviously not ordinary products.

How could the ordinary witch army be so generous. Obviously, this is the guard who protects the elder blood Elder.

At a glance, Chu Yan discovered that the Wuman guards rushing to him had 2 teams and a total of 100 Wuman guards.

In addition to the two savage guard squads rushing to the other side of the river bank, there are nearly 2 people, almost a Hundred Men Squad.

In this case, the number of guards remaining on the ship in the Golden Building, according to their habit of splitting half of the soldiers, should also be around 200.

The overall strength of this ship Wuman should be the same as the number brought by Chu Yan, 400 elite Wuman guards.

According to the battle strength ratio between Human Race warriors and savage warriors, a 400-person, nearly 2 Hundred Men Squad savage warriors can deal with 3 Thousand Man Squad Human Race, nearly 5000 Human Race fighters.

These witches are obviously the elite among the elite, and the battle strength is much stronger. It is estimated that they should be able to fight Human Race, a 10000-man fighter, without falling into the disadvantage.

But Chu Yan now has only 400 remnants in his hand. In this battle, the strength is very different!

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