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Although the 9 Imperial soldiers led by Chu Yan, both equipment and morale, are several times stronger than before.

However, it is also impossible to achieve the same level of battle strength as the real Matriarch elite. Human Race is facing a gap in the battle strength of the witch, it is really too big to make up for.

However, this situation was expected before Chu Yan came, so Chu Yan and the 400 9 imperial army, True Qi surging, like a group of lurking wolves, staring at the prey, ready to break out at any time. .


A silhouette came over, just landed on the bank of the river, and began to lead a team of witchman behind him, ready to search all around.

It seems that these elite and savage leaders are obviously.

“It’s you!”

Chu Yan eyes slightly narrowed, the long sword in his hand had been unsheathed, and his eyes were fixed on the distance of the witch leader, moving towards his side step by step.

2000 steps … This distance is almost a bit!

Now, with Chu Yan’s cultivation base and strength, as long as the witch moved towards him in this direction, within a distance of 1000 steps, Chu Yan is absolutely sure that even Emperor Laozi can kill with a sword!

So, Chu Yan is waiting …

The head of the Wuman holding gold spear, a pair of eyes glanced at all around casually, as the gold spear Emperor Wei, almost integrated into the arrogance in the bones, so that until now, he looked disappointed.

In his view, no matter what kind of enemy, the face of the Golden Spear Emperor Wei, the strongest of the Wu people, is only dead.

Therefore, he did not think that anyone in this Divine Kingdom World could threaten himself, and naturally he could not threaten the clan elders on the golden building ship.

Moreover, if nothing unexpected, the remains of the Human Attack of the sneak attack, after laying this spirit array, it is estimated to have ran long ago, how could it be possible to wait here and let them kill!

For such a random search, which is a routine business, looking back to the clan elders, since they can find the trail of the enemy, it is simply impossible.

Under this judgment, Jin Spear Emperor Wei glanced at random all around, randomly selected a direction, and strode away.

Unfortunately, his choice will make him regret for life!


When he stepped into Chu Yan’s hiding place for 1000 steps, in the jungle, Chu Yan’s mouth evoked a cruel arc, and his long sword fiercely swung out.

In the dark night that has not completely retired, a has no light and no sparks, and there is no word light in the voice, with a weak to extreme wave fluctuation, traveling through the sky at an amazing speed.

At a distance of 1000 steps, at this amazing speed, even half a blink of an eye is not enough, the sword light is directly submerged into the eyebrow of Golden Spear Emperor Wei.

This sword, Chu Yan used all the Sword Intent, condensing the sword into a line, not only restrained Sword Qi to the extreme, but also centralized the vast sword power above one point.


King Spear only felt the danger approaching, but there was no time for reaction at all. A bit of blood light bloomed at the position of the eyebrows, the whole person’s body shuddered fiercely, and the body forward stiffened instantly.

If you get close, you can clearly see that the face of Jin Spear Emperor Wei is full of horror and unbelievable colors, and that pair of fierce snake pupils, the life is quickly cut off.


Following this, the nearly 5 feet of fleshy body collapsed and fell to the ground with a loud sound.

“Kill ah! Charge …”

“Destroy the gangs, kill …”

“No one can let go, kill all!”


Chu Yan this sword is like a military order, the moment when the sword light is cut out, with the fall of the corpse, the 400 9 imperial army roared out of the jungle, like a group of mad Monster Beast, rushed to the distance, a group was shocked The dumbfounded witch elites.

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Several hundred attacks, various sword glow, blade light, spear shadow, such as flash floods, hiding the sky and covering the earth swept out.

The whole sky seemed to be completely shrouded by a large net, and fiercely covered it, completely swallowing the 100 people who were almost in a circle on the bank of the river.

“Fuck! Give me fiercely, medicine pill and Spirit Mark don’t need to save, you can build it!”

Chu Yan shook his sword wildly while shouting loudly.

At this time, the ambush, Chu Yan has invested a lot of money, the resources dug in the Black Water City, fully invested 30%, the power that burst out at that moment, enough to destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth!

However, even so, Chu Yan knows very well that this battle must be faster, the sooner the better!

Elder, a Matriarch’s blood, is surrounded by his own ambush!

I believe soon, when they find danger, the news will soon spread out.

When the time comes, it is not only the witch barbarian of the 10000-person military hall, but the witch-barbarian palace within a radius of 100000000 miles will be mad.

This is by no means cracking a joke!

Throughout Divine Kingdom World, Wuman has nearly 10000000 million troops, stationed everywhere, and has ruled Divine Kingdom World for nearly 500,000 years.

Although Chu Yan had been dying with Wumosa before, it does not mean that there is no other Wuman 10000-person military hall nearby.

However, Wumosa is the closest.

However, this black liquid river estuary is surrounded by the sea on three sides and the mountain range on one side. Black Water City is the only way to reach this estuary.

Anyway, it must be fast!

Within ten breaths, these witches must be eliminated. After 5 ten breaths, the golden building ship must be attacked.


Black Water City West Gate, 50 li away …

Wumosa just heard the footsteps outside the military account just after the cultivation ended.

Breathing slowly, he pressed True Qi back to Qi Sea. Wu Mosa had just got up and saw Wu Deng’s face dark, and came in from outside the military account.

“10000 Sir Sir!”

Wuden brows tightly knit, said with a very ugly face, “Just received the” Blood Seal News “, the golden building ship of the clan Sir was at the mouth of the black liquid river, causing unidentified forces to attack, the golden ship was destroyed, and the death and injury were heavy Punishment King Sir, let us rescue quickly! “

“What !?” The wine glass in Wumosa’s hand, with a touch, fell to the ground and shattered.

“How … How is it possible !? The remnants of the Human Race, haven’t I been trapped in Black Water City !? How old Sir will still be attacked, this is impossible…! Absolutely impossible!”

Wu Mosa’s eyes were trembling violently, and even his body was shaking slightly. The whole mind was in chaos and completely stupid.

In his own territory, Wumosa is very clear that after so many years, there has not been any strong Human Race power, and the one who was trapped in Black Water City by him in front of him should be the strongest team of Human in more than ten thousand and ten thousand years. Race remnants.

What other unidentified power is there, ambush clan elders! ?

“Is it fooled again?”

a thought flashed, Wu Mosa’s face instantly turned from pale to red, the blood on his forehead burst quickly, the whole person was like a volcano about to erupt


Wumosa made a wild beast-like howl and shouted, “Wu Deng, immediately ordered the siege, and can’t wait any longer. All the assembled Hundred Men Squad immediately launched a general attack on Black Water City, regardless of death or injury, must breakthrough Black Water City, rush to the Black Water City estuary as fast as possible! Quick! Quick! Quick! “


Wudeng quickly rushed to nodded, and fleeing away. Soon, the sound of a trembling horn sounded outside the military account …

…………… ..

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