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Heavenly Punishment, one of the 7 kings of the 7 kings of the Matriarch.

As the witch emperor of the supreme Commander of the witch, among the 7 most powerful kings in the seat, 3 witch kings were sent to Divine Kingdom World, the leader of the Human Race.

This is enough to show that the Emperor, including the Matriarchs, attached importance to Divine Kingdom, the leader of Human Race.

Moreover, in any case, the many Human Race Divine Kingdom World occupied by the Matriarchs cannot be mentioned on equal terms with Human Race leader Divine Kingdom World mention on equal terms.

After all, this is Divine Kingdom World, the inheritance generation of the leader of Human Race.

In other words, although the Malays now occupy almost 70% of Human Race Divine Kingdom and Real World, as long as the World of Human Race leader does not fall for a day, it means that Human Race is still there!

In the Divine Kingdom World, the ambush of the black liquid river into the sea not only moved King Heavenly Punishment, one of the three major witch kings, but also shocked the Outer World outside Divine Kingdom World.

tread! tread! tread!

The rapid footsteps suddenly broke the silence of Lingyun great hall.

Ling Shuangtian frowned lightly wrinkle lightly, slowly waking up from contemplation, eyes opened, looked towards an Elder who had stood in the great hall. When he saw his expression panic, he could not help being frowned again.

Being one of the Ten Great Elders of the 9 Supreme Sects, what can make your 3 Elder so lost self-control?

However, the first sentence of 3 Elder’s opening made Ling Shuangtian bounce directly from the Golden Dragon seat. The surprise on his face was no less than 3 Elder.

“You … what did you just say ?!” Ling Shuangtian was a little dazed and asked subconsciously.

“In the Pavilion Lord, Divine Kingdom World, the leader of the Human Race, all the Maori army suddenly changed!” 3 Elder’s tone was still uneasy, and he quickly announced again.

“After so many years, the Matriarchs, what is this time to do !?” Ling Shuangtian asked tightly knits.

“It’s not clear!” 3 Elder shook the head, and then said, “Our strength in Divine Kingdom World is getting weaker and weaker, and we don’t get much news. I just heard that these large groups of Malays like to move simultaneously are all aimed at one The same place name! “

“Should … There is a big thing happening in that place!”

“En !? What place !?” Ling Shuangtian’s eyes flashed and asked

“Black Water City!” 3 Elder replied “According to reports from several of our places, the Matriarch of the Matriarch 3 is all marching towards this place!”

“Black Water City !?” Ling Shuangtian hearing this, frowning again, Sea of ​​Consciousness constantly recalling all the information about Black Water City.

As the Commander of the 9 Supreme Sect, he is very familiar with everything about Divine Kingdom, the leader of Human Race.

Thehundred zhang map hanging in his palace is the Terrain Map of Divine Kingdom, the leader of the entire Human Race. He has naturally seen countless times for the Black Water City, which is watched by the heavy and heavy soldiers, and suddenly remembered this. The city has fallen for 100,000 years.

“Black Water City is stationed in a witch 10000-man team, within a radius of 100000000 miles, all within the mountain range. The only one is the Eastern Region. The black liquid river is connected to the Black Sea. There is an entrance to the sea, but it leads to the Maori Heavenly Punishment King. The only passage where most of the people are! “

“This place, ruled by witchcraft for hundreds of thousands of years, my Human Race bloodline, there is almost thin to annihilation! What major event can there be in that place?”

3 Elder hearing this , shook the head “At present, it is unclear, but …”

“Say!” Ling Shuang Heavenly Dao.

“However, will this matter be related to the opening of the Divine Kingdom World channel that has sealed millions of years ago?” 3 Elder opened the mouth and said.

“My 9 Supreme Sect and the Divine Kingdom leader World’s Transmission Passage opened, which means that the last city of Divine Kingdom World, which has sealed millions of years, has been opened! But ….”

Ling Shuangtian slowly walked down from the Golden Dragon seat, walked to the gate of Lingyun great hall, looked up to the north sky, and remained silent for a long time before opening the mouth and said again

“But, at this time, the city of dust is open, I am afraid it is bode ill rather than well!”

“Pavilion Lord, some time ago, it was rumored that Swallowing the Heavens Tower was born, has been recognising Master, will it be …” 3 Elder pondered for a long time, and finally drummed up his strength, cautiously just asked about it and was directly scolded by Ling Shuangtian interrupt

“To shut up!”

Ling Shuangtian turned suddenly, looked towards 3 Elder, lightning flashed in his eyes, his body was dignified, pouring out like a tide, fiercely staring at the 3 Elder in front of him

“I have already said that 9 Supreme Sects, no one can participate in the birth of Swallowing the Heavens Tower, and the news about Chu Yan is even more confidential. You, Ten Great Elders, cannot speak again! ! Hmph! ”

With a loud hum, 3 Elder shuddered all over and hurriedly bowed.

“Yes, the subordinate knows the wrong, the subordinate knows the wrong!”

“According to my Pavilion Lord order, according to the original plan, increase the number of my Lingyun Pavilion’s elite discipline into the Divine Kingdom Transmission Passage, from today, from the original ten people to 100 people!” Ling Shuangtian ordered.

“What !? So much improvement …” 3 Elder startled, subconsciously opened his mouth, but just halfway through, he was interrupted again by Ling Shuangtian.

“Um …?” Ling Shuangtian looked at 3 Elder with a tone of voice that could not be questioned.

“Also, let’s enter the Disciple of the Divine Kingdom and step up the investigation. What happened on the side of Black Water City! As soon as there is news, return immediately!”

“Yes! Pavilion Lord!” 3 Elder quietly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, quickly accepted the order, and turned away.

Connaught University’s Lingyun Temple, with the departure of 3 Elder, fell into silence again. Only Ling Shuangtian had his hands on his back and stood at the gate of Lingyun’s great hall, looking at the silhouette of the northern sky, but the loneliness shivered.

Soon, a path of Divine Consciousness fluctuated, spread out from Lingyun great hall 4, moved towards the entire 9 mountain range, and spread out.

Suddenly, a horrible aura awakened from the silence, and various Divine Consciousness sound transmissions quickly passed each other, covering the entire 9 mountain range.


At this moment, the black liquid river is at the mouth of the sea, and the battle is almost fiery.

The 4 sides and 9 imperial forces led by Chu Yan, together with the guards of the Matriarch Emperor Elder’s blood, stirred up the battle and almost destroyed the World within 10 li.

With the support of massive medicine pill and countless Spirit Marks, Chu Yan’s 400 9 imperial army exploded with outrageous terror battle strength.

During the first charge, less than ten breaths, the 100 witch elite guards close to their side of the river were completely swallowed by the flood of attacks from the hiding the sky and covering the earth.

However, what they didn’t expect was that the attacks of these Human Race fighters showed no signs of stopping at all. Instead, with the assault of several hundred silhouettes, those attacks became more intensive and violent.

Although the guards, strength and equipment of Elder’s Blood Elder are incomparably excellent, the most terrible thing is that these guards, who stay in the most popular Heavenly Punishment all year round, participate in very few battles.

Suddenly, this wave launched by Chu Yan was completely ashamed by the violent attack with his face covered!

When they saw clearly, a few hundred grisly faces, like Monster Beast, howling at the rushing Human Race fighters, there were fewer than 100 elite guards standing on the whole river bank!

In the face of 400 9 imperial army, a brutal attack torrent, Wuman guards, heavy casualties!

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