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“Hold me! Hold it!”

Wu Shixiong hid in the ship ’s barn, quietly through the hole in the window, saw the battle outside, and suddenly commanded loudly.

“Damn Human Race, I want to break my Golden Ship Spirit Treasure defense and dream!”

“Everyone listens, there is the Golden Ship Spirit Formation, they can’t attack, as long as they insist that the nearby reinforcements arrive, they will die!”

All the guards guarding the ship barn heard the words of Wu Shixiong and all responded in unison.

No matter what, I can only stick to it now!

Wu Shixiong took out a piece of one-piece armor and wore it on his own in a hurry, before it was slightly relaxed.

This piece of armor is the Spirit Treasure of the Emperor Order. In addition to showing his face, every part of the body is under protection, and there is no dead corner. This was when he stayed in the last 10000-person military hall. 10000 captain dedicated to himself.

Gently exhaled, Wu Shixiong does not believe that those Human Race fleshmen have the ability to break through the defense of this imperial Spirit Armor, which is fundamentally impossible. Therefore, there should be a few protections for your own safety. There should be no problem.

When Wu Shixiong had just stabilized his mind, the warehouse door opened and Jin Spear Emperor Wei strode forward.

Tito has a heavy face and a dark face. There are only two gold spear emperors. Now he is the only one, and the other gold spear emperor. He has died under the sword of Chu Yan.

Seeing the gold spear Emperor Tito, Wu Shixiong suddenly glowed with two eyes, and asked anxiously, “Tito, how is the situation outside?”

“Informed to the clan elders, now the situation outside … very bad!”

“It has been determined that the Human Race army of Divine Kingdom World has ambushed us. These originally garbage Human Race remnants, there is a person very powerful general, not only killed Havali with a sword, but also the battle array he arranged , And a sharp vision, far superior to the Ordinary Human Race generals, our guards …. The casualties are heavy, and now half of the strength has been damaged! “

“What !? Human … Human Race, when did you become so powerful !?” Wu Shixiong heard his eyes explode, glaring at Golden Spear Emperor Tito like a ghost.

Although Wu Shixiong has always stayed in the general tribe and rarely appeared on the battlefield of Divine Kingdom World, when the Maori invaded the leader of Human Race Divine Kingdom World, the Malay army went invincible all the way, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. , Defeat any Human Race army that dares to appear in front of the Malay army.

Therefore, Wu Shixiong has always believed that Human Race Martial Artist’s strength is weak, and it is generally used as clay chickens and pottery dogs. It is only used as a meat element to provide the spiritual source of cultivation for Wu clansman.

Therefore, when his golden building was built to attack, although he was a little nervous, he was not worried deep in his heart.

I brought 2 Hundred Men Squad on this time, and they are all with an enemy of 5 savage elite, plus 2 powerful gold spear Emperor Wei, in this piece of Divine Kingdom World that has fallen into 80% of the region, How could it be dangerous?

But now, when he heard that one of his gold spear Emperor Havali was actually killed by a Human Race Martial Artist, and his own guard force was actually lost by half!

How long has it been, even one hundred breaths time is not up, and his own guard has lost half of it! ?

How can this be!

“Clan … Clan old Sir, the defensive spirit array of the Golden Ship is still there. Those Human Race flesh elements do not have a powerful spirit Array Master, and they are simply impossible. However, if they wait a moment and choose to attack the spirit array together, then … . This Spirit Array and the Guards insist on up to one hour! “

“Wh … wh … what !? It’s only an hour!” Wu Shixiong only felt cold all over his body, his scalp was exploding, and he stared at Tito Road in horror.

“Quick! Send a bloodmark message again, and let that damn Wumosa arrive for me within one hour, otherwise, I … I … will not let him go!” Wu Shixiong’s slaughtered pig-like howling sounded, Completely the golden building ship.

At this moment, the Elder of Emperor’s Blood under one person, above ten thousand people, who was a witch, finally felt a cold aura of death.

“Yes! Sir!” Tito quickly responded, turned around and moved towards the door.

When he came in at this time, he originally wanted the clan elders to use bloodmarks to communicate again, urging support to come as soon as possible, because they may really … can’t stand it!


Black Water City, Ximen Battlefield …

“Asshole! Asshole! Damn asshole!”

Wu Mosa stood on the hill bag and saw his warrior, like a stray dog, who had lost one’s head out of fear and fled back in front of the city gate.

Wu Deng, who was standing beside Wu Mosa, had the same look of surprise, but when he saw the look of Sir 10000, he could only persuade

“Captain Sir 10000, these Human Race remnants, should not be the aftermath of the Human Race Martial Artist of ordinary, but 9 Imperial soldiers, their will is stronger, and it seems that the equipment is far more than the 9 we encountered before. The remnant soldiers of the Imperial Army, who occupy the advantage of the terrain, our Maori warriors, it is difficult for a short time … “

“Fuck, fart! I don’t want to listen to these bullshit!” Wu Mosa stared at the bloody eyes, fiercely turned to Wu Wudeng, his teeth clacked, and hated “If we can’t break Black Water City, how can we get to black The liquid river enters the estuary, if there is anything out there from Elder Zong, do we need to say anything about our end !? “

“Yes!” Wu Deng’s face changed suddenly, and quickly nodded and said, “10000 Sir Sir, I ordered this, and invested in this time …”

However, waiting for Wu Deng to finish his speech, all of a sudden, a witch warrior with big eyes red light suddenly rushed in front of Wumosa, his face was completely lost, staring at Wumosa with a blank face, and then cursed.

“Wu Mosa, you bastard, I must get there within one hour, otherwise … I won’t spare you!”

The wandering Malay warrior had just roared this paragraph, and his entire body burst into a blood mist, which dissipated directly into the air.

The bloodmark communication of the Wu people, cited by a bloodline elite warrior elite warrior, can send messages within 10,000 li.

But every message has to come at the cost of the life of an elite warrior, so there is no emergency and it is rarely used.

“Blood Seal News! Half a hour …?” Wu Deng’s face was shocked, loudly said “This is impossible!”

“Asshole! General Elder again used bloodmarks to communicate, which is enough to show that his situation is very dangerous!” Wu Mosa’s face, once again showing a hint of madness, suddenly turned suddenly, facing the few 100 husband behind Growled loudly

“I ordered, 7th, 3th 4rd, 1th 1th Hundred Men Squad, charge all! Charge! Charge …!”




Three 3 captains were heavily nodded, turned around and moved towards their own Hundred Men Squad.

At this time, Wumosa rushed to the three Hundred Men Squads next to them, all of which were thrown into the attack at once. Simply, it was intended to use the corpse of the Maori warrior to pile up the west gate of Black Water City.

At this time, Wumosa is completely crazy!

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