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Whenever I think of my future and destiny, I turn 180 degrees, and Wumosa’s heart is like a raging fire.

General Elder encountered an ambush in his own territory and was in danger. His original order was afraid that there was no hope.

Now, Wumo United only hopes that it can quickly capture the Black Water City and rush to the black liquid river to enter the sea, maybe it can still save its own life.

If good luck, coupled with the accumulation of millions of years hidden in the Earth Palace, it may still be able to maintain its current status.

But now, the West Gate of Black Water City is like a fortress.

Therefore, Wumosa no longer considers the loss of Maori warriors, even if it is piled with corpse, it has to pave the way.

Three Hundred Men Squads were thrown into the battlefield at one time. The crowds were so crowded that they couldn’t be displayed in front of the city gate that wasn’t wide.

Especially upstairs of the building gate, those Human Race remnants attack Spirit Mark, as if they do n’t want money, and smashed it crazy, almost covering a mile in front of the city gate.

Only a few pieces of Spirit Mark Jade Talisman could kill a 2 Maori warrior, but now, because of the dense charge line, the Spirit Mark Jade Talisman they smashed from the cold front has an amazing killing effect.

Almost every piece of Spirit Mark Jade Talisman can kill at least 3 Maori warriors.

In front of me, the tide-like Maori warrior exploded with the Spirit Mark above his head, rushing madly towards the city gate, and the cold front’s face instantly became dignified.

In his own hands, after all, there are only 200 9 imperial warriors, and now, the Wu people have invested nearly 1000 warriors before and after, which constantly impacts the West Gate of Black Water City.

Five times the strength gap, plus this time, Maori simply is a desperate tactic. The cold front vaguely feels that maybe this Black Water City will be unable to hold it.

“Don’t stop, everyone attacks! Don’t let them come close, take advantage of the long-range advantage, and kill me these savages!”

The sword in the cold front kept slashing, a path of blade glow dashed across the Spirit Mark bombing zone, close to the Wuman under the city, and shouted loudly.

However, this time Wu Wu’s determination to charge far exceeded his expectations!

In particular, Wuman is uncharacteristically placing elite Wuer warriors on the front line of the charge. The speed of these elite Wuer warriors is more than double that of ordinary witch warriors.

Moreover, when they are close to the city wall, relying on their own strength, they can even wave Spirit Armament to resist the attack from the city tower.

After half a day of fighting, under the cold front, there are now less than 9 soldiers of 70 Imperial soldiers alive.

Moreover, the high-intensity Spirit Mark attack makes them very expensive. Now, each 9 Imperial soldiers, Spirit Mark Jade Talisman in hand, the number is not much.

With the elite and savage rushing under the city wall, the number is increasing, and the entire battlefield is compressed to within the first 1000 steps of the city wall.

10 breaths later, the first batch of ten elite witches, with the support of their companions, climbed up the city wall.

Seeing this scene, the experienced cold front knew that Black Water City really couldn’t hold it.


Cold Front’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, flashing a consciousness.

Now Black Water City is still in his hands, and the East Gate behind him is still unobstructed. That is a road to life. Now, they have a complete chance to withdraw.

Out of the east gate, all around is an endless mountain range, and the chance of survival is very high.

However, this consciousness just flashed in the cold front’s mind, and he was shaken out of Sea of ​​Consciousness directly.

“Can’t withdraw!”

If retreating now, maybe these dozens of them can survive, but …

What about the Lord! ?

9 The last strength of the Imperial Army, 400 brothers, what to do! ?

When they were in the Human Sovereign palace, the moment they were awakened by the Lord’s unblocking, they walked along the way, and the Lord took them with them, fighting repeatedly, whether it was a cold front or 500 9 Imperial soldiers …

On the Lord, there is hope to recover Divine Kingdom!

“Dog, the witches of Japan are alive, Laozi fights with you!”

Leng Feng’s eyes were blood red, and he suddenly stood up from the city gate building. His left hand Spirit Mark, right hand sword, crazy moved towards the ten witches who climbed up the city tower rushed up.



“Kill ah!”

70 9 Imperial soldiers followed behind the cold front, roared like a group of wild beasts, and threw them together.

The soldier is the courage of the soldiers, the soul of the soldiers!

I do n’t know when it will start. 9 The Imperial soldiers are no longer weak people with no counterattack. Now they dare to raise their war swords and roar to charge even in the face of the elite witch who is more than several times stronger than them!

All this is because … Lord!

bang bang Bang!

2 Waves of people, fiercely bumped together, under the collision, all kinds of air waves, blood light, soaring into the sky!


black liquid river, estuary …

As with the Black Water City and the 70 9 Imperial soldiers led by the cold front, the witch-like guards on the golden building ushered in the most dangerous time.

Because Chu Yan took Sun Yuan and other fifteen strongest fighters at the cost of only three of them, and went through the fiercely stable spiritual array crack.

This golden building ship’s spirit array is extremely powerful, far exceeding Situ fatty’s expectations. It took nearly one hour, and the fated with sweat beaded with sweat is still being cracked.

Such changes may make Chu Yan’s plan directly into a dead end.

Situ Yang watched Chu Yan taking the risk of damage, and through that unstable spiritual array crack, the whole person was going crazy.

As a division of Antiquity Spirit Mark, an inheritor of Martial Emperor, and a self-styled World First Master, Situ Young broke out completely. Spirit Mark at the bottom of various pressure boxes was taken out by him to deal with the Golden Ship Spirit Array in front of him. The speed of cracking suddenly increased.

However, at this time Chu Yan, already not in mind these, because, he has taken eleven dead men, stepped into the spirit inside array.

Spirit array crack, only 100 steps away from the golden building ship …

But Chu Yan they had just appeared inside the Spirit Array, and when they moved towards the 3 Layer deck of the moved towards golden building ship, it was this 100-step distance, which was almost completely shrouded by the torrent of attacks by the Wubarian Guards.

Counting 100 powerful attacks, almost 100-step distance of the void, blasted 1000 through 100 holes, and instantly collapsed.

This small team of Human Race fighters must be stopped, close to the golden building ship!

All Wuman Guards understand this truth, so every elite witch attack does not keep their hands.

However, this is useless!

Faced with hundreds of attacks shrouded in torrents, Chu Yan’s charge, not at all, stopped.

Pushing the movement art speed to the extreme, the whole body of Sword Qi was lingering, and the long afterimage pulled by Chu Yan suddenly changed its direction, folded a 90-degree angle, and turned to the first floor of the golden building.

After only a few breaths, Chu Yan broke through the blockade of the attacking torrent, and his entire body penetrated into the space of the golden building ship.

In this way, the elite witch standing on the decks of 2 Layer and 3 Layer of the golden building ship can no longer attack Chu Yan.

“Quick! Go down to the first floor and kill him!”

Tito’s roar sounded, and the elite witch of the brigade rushed to the 2 Layer to the stairs leading to the first floor …

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