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Heavenly Punishment King’s shock and anger have exceeded the limit he can bear!

The entire Heavenly Punishment great hall, in his anger, was almost raze to the ground. Those Maori generals who were so scared that their souls flew, if they were n’t running fast, they would almost be collapsed by Heavenly Punishment great hall. Buried directly.

“9 Imperial Army! 9 Imperial Army! You are waiting for this King …”

Heavenly Punishment Wang ’s anger was not only due to the damage of Emperor Blood Elder. Almost after he received the Canglong news, less than one hour, the Elder Hall of the Matriarch of the Wu people had already issued an order of accountability.

Emperor Blood Elder died at his site, and he must be accountable for this matter. Otherwise, the Wrath of the Witch Emperor will never be able to withstand it.

After a full hour, when the Heavenly Punishment King returned from the ruins of the Heavenly Punishment great hall to the residence hall, the Heavenly Punishment Three Great Elders who had heard the wind dare to send a representative to the Heavenly Punishment King’s residence hall.

“Root stone Elder, is the message confirmed !?”

Heavenly Punishment Wang is in a black robes, his entire face over 10,000 years endlessly haunting the gray mist, with only a pair of red eyes, emitting a faint dark red pupil light, looking towards the Three Great Elders who have just entered the hall One, Elder from Wugen Stone.

“My king, the army of the Black Liquid River that has been assisting all the way into the estuary, has not arrived. The nearest Wumosa has just heard that the Human Race remnants of the Black Water City have been wiped out. .. “

However, waiting for Elder Stone to finish, Heavenly Punishment king waved his hand and interrupted him directly.

“No need!”

“In addition to the 10000-person team of Ummosa, summon other 10000 captains and return to the station! Just received the news from Elder Hall of the General Race, Elder Blood Elder Life Source Jade Talisman of Wu Shixiong … Shattered!”

“What !? This …”

With a word, Elder, the root stone, looked up suddenly, looking at Heavenly Punishment, the whole body was softly trembled, and his face was all terrified look.

That news … turned out to be true! ?

Emperor Blood Elder Wu Shixiong, really damaged! ?

This time, things are really getting bigger …

“Yes! My king!”

After a moment of shock, Root Stone Elder hurried to accept the order and turned to withdraw from Heavenly Punishment Wang Ju Dian.

After Elder Gender left, the Heavenly Punishment King waved his hand, a huge brilliance appeared in front of him, and a large mountain and river map appeared.

A pair of crimson eyes through the grey airflow, staring closely at the map, cold and light.

“Damn 9 remnants of the Imperial Army, I want you body and soul destroyed!”


Compared to the Heavenly Punishment King, the Heavenly Punishment great hall was so angry that Chu Yan who stabbed Da Louzi was smiling, and was walking around on the golden building ship.

It has to be said that this golden building ship is really a top grade Spirit Treasure. If it wasn’t shaped by the water-driven spirit array, and the defensive spirit array was broken, Chu Yan really wanted to use it.

At this time, Chu Yan stared at Situ Yang, urging him to see if he could remove the defensive spirit array of the golden building ship.

This golden building ship’s spirit array is extremely powerful, blocking the 400 9 imperial army brought by Chu Yan for a full hour.

This is still the case with Situ Yang, the Spirit Mark division. If there is no fat crack, it will not work. For a few days, don’t want to break this defensive spirit array.

It’s just that looking at fatty’s complexion, I hope it’s not big.

Even so, Chu Yan’s mood at this time is still very good, always smiling.

Although this adventure is risky, the gain is also great!

Not only the Elder of a Matriarch’s blood was killed, but nearly 500 Maori elites were killed. At the same time, after cleaning by 9 Imperial soldiers, 500 pieces of Imperial Spirit Armament were harvested!

This is 500 pieces ….. Spirit Armament!

Even in the Black Water City, the Earth Palace, the treasure of Umosa, was robbed. However, more than a dozen Imperial Armaments were found, but this battle resulted in 500 pieces at once.

Although a small part was damaged during the battle, this number is still sufficient for 400 9 Imperial soldiers.

So, in less than breath breaths time, all 9 Imperial soldiers, suddenly bird spear changed guns, one hand of Emperor Order Spirit Armament, plus some intact Emperor Order Spirit Armor also replaced, the whole remnant soldier, occurred Changes in Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Sun Yuan fart to Chu Yan, smiled at Chu Yan with a smile on his face

“Lord, that … Golden Pill is running out, a bottle!”

Sun Yuan was a Captain. This battle was also followed by Chu Yan, crossed over the cracks of the Spirit Array. In the battle of assaulting the golden building ship later, he even killed nearly 5 elves.

Of course, I also gambled on Chu Yan, one man one sword, slaughter all sides, and killed those witchman who had no power to fight back.

Sun Yuan now admires Chu Yan in his heart. Whenever he has a chance, he goes to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan glanced at Sun Yuan, turned over and pulled out a bottle of Golden Pill, and threw it away.

“In Black Water City, don’t you all get a lot of Spirit Pill !?”

“Lord, hehe, those meticulously refined medicine pill, it’s really boring, compared with the Golden Pill on the Lord, it’s not even a fart!” Sun Yuan chuckled, took the Golden Pill of Chu Yan, but there was no Swallowed, his face laughed lowly, and he took it straight into his arms.

“Brothers, how are you doing now?”

Chu Yan gave Sun Yuan a blank look and asked.

“Haha, Lord, our 7th flag is really out now. There are almost half of the Emperor Spirit Armament and even the Emperor Spirit Armor. In the past, even those who were Wang Qi, not equal to me Our brother’s current equipment, hehe … “

“This is just the beginning …” Chu Yan chuckled, then looked up and swept all around and asked, “All resources have been cleaned up !?”

“It’s all over! I haven’t even let go of an ant hole. The partitions of 2 Layer 3 Layer have been removed a lot, really nothing! But …”

Sun Yuan replied halfway, but hesitated, and said, “Lord, the witch woman was really released !?”

Following Sun Yuan’s gaze, Chu Yan saw that the unmanned Malay woman was cautiously passing the deck of the golden building ship, moving towards the river.

“Yes! Let her go! Moreover, the brothers who ordered them later met all the Malay civilians who did not have any cultivation base. They were all released, but, if they are hostile, kill them!” Chu Yan nodded.

“Big brother, no way …”

While speaking, Situ Yang ran over and looked at Chu Yan with a bitter face. “The defensive spirit array on this ship has some bloodline bans. Only the witch is used. It is useless for a long time, it is useless!”

“Then don’t need it, ruin me!” Chu Yan said. “Can’t wait any longer, we must withdraw!”

“Everyone … gather!”

On the order, the silhouette on the ship of the entire golden building rushed out, quickly moved towards 3 Layer decks, and the formation was quickly completed.

“Brothers, Emperor Blood Elder has been wiped out. Those savage reinforcements should be very close to this place. It is no longer possible to stay here. We have to leave right away and rush to Black Water City!”

Chu Yan roared loudly.


“Back to Black Water City !?”

All the 9 Imperial soldiers were stunned for a while. Then, when they saw Chu Yan’s face full of extreme killing intent, they immediately reacted.

“Good! Hurry back …”

“Thousand-man Commander is still in Black Water City, we have to save him!”

“Kill the Black Water City back!”


Without the encouragement of Chu Yan at all, when I heard that I was going back to Black Water City, the eyes of all 9 Imperial soldiers were crimson immediately.

“Okay! Let’s go!”

Chu Yan was satisfied with the nodded, shouted loudly, and ordered directly.

Suddenly, 400 9 soldiers of the imperial army, like a thunderstorm, moved towards the direction of Black Water City and hurried away.

However, when they just crossed the river bank and moved less than 10 li, they saw the mountain range jungle, and a silhouette suddenly flashed out.

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